Agreed on boosting an account for me from Silver 1 to Plat 5 boost on NA for 45€
he refused to play any games before payment was done. so i paid 15€ up front & said i would pay rest later.
i was promised the boost would be finished in 2days. But i was nice & said it would be okay as long as it was finished before sunday 15:00 (since the account needed to be plat before 18:00 sunday for a LAN tournament that required plat 5 to enter)
He kept giving different excuses to why he couldnt start & was 3hours late to agreed time. kept being late. it was going super slow. after 3 days he has only gained 1 division (silver 1 to gold 5) and still needs 5 more divisions. and he refuses to play anymore & says he wont finish the boost and that i should find someone else. But now he wont refund the money.
So now i have to boost it up myself & spent all day doing it. (and still might have to refund my customer due to the accepted time i gave HIM. is long over.)
Contact me for skype proof of all the convos. he even admitted he was wrong to keep it. but he needed money for his brother or some shit
- Update: I got a negative rating from him NOW LOL:...
my response:
You NEVER finished the boost. Can you provide me any information proving you finished the agreed boost?
The trade was: Silver 1 to Plat 5 on NA. 45€ (15€ already paid). You told me you would finish it in 2 days.) it has been 4 days now. And the account is not plat 5 yet. you ONLY played Silver 1 to Gold 5. and then stopped.
The screenshot you provided there is a gold 5 screenshot. you have NOT boosted the last 5 divisions. and if you think you have. provide legit proof of it.
I will be happy to provide any proof to help people not get scammed more by you. untill you refund me for the job you NEVER completed.
Updated 2: I still have full proof that the account is STILL not plat 5 btw. i can provide full proof that the screenshot that he has atm matches an acc that isnt plat 5 yet. like agreed upon