Creature- Display-IDS 06/11/2010 - WoW Private Server - 4 Replies Hi!
ich bräuchte n paar display-ids von n paar mobs (am besten dämonen).
könnte jmd die posten? wäre echt nett^^
Creature Hacks 08/15/2006 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies If people are using hacks to use creatures such a soul cannons, is there a hack that can make me use golems without power using so it's not so obvious? Soul Cannon is obvious since you can't even buy them, they have been taken out and only used in stages.
Co2 Official Creature Screendump Log 01/13/2006 - Conquer Online 2 - 4 Replies Please post images of creatures in Conquer Online (only ones you kill). All screendumps MUST be in an un-edited BMP format.
This is so that people planning on making bot's can easily get access to screendumps of every creature on Co2.
Please, thats making screendumps in BMP format of as many creatures as you can and pos them in this thread!