Originally Posted by madbuu
here man. And download is 1gb? when i was subbed it was like 300 mb max...
Can you explain one thing for me please?
What would be the point for me to keep on changing a folder, when people do not download a folder.
They download a file in the folder.
So I put file in the folder. You know, how to put a file in a folder? You do? Then what is the point to change the folder if you only need the file?
You say not updated
You want the file right? You check when the file was posted right?
So why are you checking a folder for, when you are not downloading the folder?
Or do you think every single time I post 1 file, I have to make a new folder for it every single time for what gain?
Instead of putting the file in the folder instead.
I am not really sure to take you serious or not. As seriously what is the point to keep on changing the folder? When you put a addon in your addons folder. Do you change the folder every single time? No? So why expect me to do the same?
Download is 1.1gb? How is it when it is 70.52mb
You want the UI only. Instead you are trying to take the "Whole" directory,m when you want the file.
Then you complain about the size, when you are the one that is trying to download the file, the ui, the list and every single version I posted.