Originally Posted by Blizzhaxer
Think the 4.5.31 of RXP is broken anyone have the link for .30 sine i didn't back it up
Well guess the link is gone so don't upgrade if you still wanna use it
What is wrong with it, is it causing errors?
Originally Posted by redhotbrs
I don't understand this guy, whenever someone comes and tries to talk about an error, he looks like a child arguing like an idiot, if you don't want to do it anymore, don't do it, no one will force you, but argue and be sarcastic with someone who reports a broken link or something like that it's so useless, you seem like a very psychologically sick guy
If you are going to talk about someone behind their back, just do it say anything.
If people said could you check the file I would and respect them did it.
But when they do what you just did, well would anyone want to help when you speak like that? Would you like it if I spoke to you like that?
Also when someone reports a broken link, that is not broken and a few thousand people have used it. What can I do if they refuse to say why it is broken?
I check it and not broken.
They refuse to say why it did not work. So I literally ask you what am I to do?
I kindly ask them what is causing the issue. To you that is sarcasm. Thanks for showing your real self to someone that you leech from.
Originally Posted by Blizzhaxer
thanks i did find a fix you have to run guide configurator in the options and reset it then reload the game and shuold make it work again. still al ittl ebuggy says 4.5.3.
Oh it says that version number. That is because someone wanted to claim the version does not matter. As for Buggy, it was the latest alpha and so far only you have mentioned it was any problem. So hopefully they fix it in the next update.
Originally Posted by Raspotin76
Bitte Zygor Classic Updaten. Neuste ist 1.1.29943
Das von Ihnen angeforderte Update ist bereits veröffentlicht. Aber wenn ich sehe, dass die Leute ein Drama erzeugen und versuchen wollen, dass ich gesperrt werde. Für die kostenlose Veröffentlichung von Inhalten, die sie möchten. Laden Sie einfach die klassische Datei herunter und schon ist es das, wonach Sie suchen. Wie die Leute behaupten, spielt die Versionsnummer keine Rolle. Ich wünsche ihnen einen wunderbaren Tag