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Zygor Classic | Retail & Other Addons
Discussion on Zygor Classic | Retail & Other Addons within the WoW Guides & Templates forum part of the World of Warcraft category.
06/29/2022, 00:40
elite*gold: 0
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Okay, I fixed it, it didn't matter which download link I clicked (whether I selected a single file or not), it still tried to force me to upgrade to pro. I got around that by selecting the file I wanted, pressing the copy link option, putting that into a new tab and downloading the file from that tab.
So, problem solved I guess. Thank you though.
06/29/2022, 03:12
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Chad
Best thread ever <3
Is there something wrong with the rxp guide ? It used to have all the guides now it just seems to be a demo. Maybe it's just me though.
I'm having the same problem. Downloaded the rxp guide from the mainpage here and all the guides after lvl 30 are missing (even in the ZIP File they are just not there for me). Its just the demo version of it.
06/29/2022, 07:17
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 19
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How does a person use these?
I did add Sheyrah's Custom Sources too but the formatting of these does not make sense to me.
Is there some better explanation?
The brackets the ] make it the most confusing I don't know where to stop per custom source.
Would very much appreciate any advice!
Retail full custom sources:
biliscraftingminprofit"] = "1c"
sheymax"] = "max(500% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, 500% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
biliscraftingminprofitpct"] = "10"
sheymin"] = "max(first (105% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, 70% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical)), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
bilisminshoppingsoldperday"] = "0"
singlenorm"] = "max(150% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, ifgt(dbregionmarketavg, 50000g, 150% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg) dbregionhistorical), 150% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical) * (27/(20+numexpires))), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
biliscraftingminpct"] = "110"
bilisitemvalue"] = "max(first(check(dbmarket, min(dbmarket, 133% dbhistorical, 200% min(dbregionmarketavg, dbregionhistorical), 2000% dbregionsaleavg)), check(dbhistorical, min(dbhistorical, 200% min(dbregionmarketavg, dbregionhistorical), 2000% dbregionsaleavg)) min(dbregionmarketavg, dbregionhistorical, 2000% dbregionsaleavg)), vendorsell)"
singlemax"] = "max(200% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, ifgt(dbregionmarketavg, 50000g, 200% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg) dbregionhistorical), 200% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical) * (27/(20+numexpires))), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
bilisdumpthresholdpct"] = "170"
singlemin"] = "max(105% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, ifgt(dbregionmarketavg, 50000g, 70% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg) dbregionhistorical), 70% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical) * (27/(20+numexpires))), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
bilisflippingminpct"] = "110"
bilisexpecteddeposits"] = "(1 / first(dbregionsalerate(baseitem), 0.01) - 1) * first(30% vendorsell, 1s)"
sheynorm"] = "max(200% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, 150% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
bilisvendorthreshold"] = "0c"
bilisprioritizecrafting"] = "0c"
bilisrestockqty"] = "300% dbregionsoldperday(baseitem)"
06/29/2022, 09:11
elite*gold: 210
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 7,661
Received Thanks: 14,107
Originally Posted by Kynmarcher5000
Okay, I fixed it, it didn't matter which download link I clicked (whether I selected a single file or not), it still tried to force me to upgrade to pro. I got around that by selecting the file I wanted, pressing the copy link option, putting that into a new tab and downloading the file from that tab.
So, problem solved I guess. Thank you though.
For example
Click link, click file
Then you get this
So instead of selecting the file you want, by clicking it.
You copied the link that you would have clicked on to a new tab.
06/29/2022, 09:16
elite*gold: 210
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 7,661
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Originally Posted by ozotora
I'm having the same problem. Downloaded the rxp guide from the mainpage here and all the guides after lvl 30 are missing (even in the ZIP File they are just not there for me). Its just the demo version of it.
Now seeing you choose not to say Classic or TBC. I now have to check both, as I do not know what one you are referring to
06/29/2022, 11:20
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 10
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Originally Posted by 911sky
Now seeing you choose not to say Classic or TBC. I now have to check both, as I do not know what one you are referring to
That is because I checked both files (classic and TBCC) and both are missing the guides past 30. They should be inside the "Guides" folder but they are missing in both versions.
06/29/2022, 11:45
elite*gold: 210
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 7,661
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Originally Posted by ozotora
That is because I checked both files (classic and TBCC) and both are missing the guides past 30. They should be inside the "Guides" folder but they are missing in both versions.
There is no demo version.
It is either free or paid.
I post the paid version
06/29/2022, 12:21
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 10
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Originally Posted by 911sky
There is no demo version.
It is either free or paid.
I post the paid version
Fixed now, tyvm
06/29/2022, 14:32
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2021
Posts: 91
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Originally Posted by 911sky
There is no demo version.
It is either free or paid.
I post the paid version
Do you know if RXP is a monthly sub for the guides or it’s a one time payment. If so I’ll pre-order the wotlk guides and share once released
06/29/2022, 14:35
elite*gold: 210
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 7,661
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Originally Posted by StarzGaming
Do you know if RXP is a monthly sub for the guides or it’s a one time payment. If so I’ll pre-order the wotlk guides and share once released
One off payment
06/29/2022, 14:40
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2021
Posts: 91
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Originally Posted by 911sky
One off payment
Then once I have the money I will pre-order the wotlk guides do we need 1-80 or just the 70-80?
06/29/2022, 14:42
elite*gold: 210
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 7,661
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Originally Posted by StarzGaming
Then once I have the money I will pre-order the wotlk guides do we need 1-80 or just the 70-80?
Good point, will have to check
06/29/2022, 14:50
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2021
Posts: 91
Received Thanks: 47
Originally Posted by 911sky
Good point, will have to check
Okay so talked to support, they said TBC guides won’t work on woltk. So going to need 1-80 guides. But they also said if you paid for 1-70 (which I didn’t) you get a discount on 1-80 guides.
06/29/2022, 15:35
elite*gold: 210
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 7,661
Received Thanks: 14,107
Originally Posted by jaladhjin
How does a person use these?
I did add Sheyrah's Custom Sources too but the formatting of these does not make sense to me.
Is there some better explanation?
The brackets the ] make it the most confusing I don't know where to stop per custom source.
Would very much appreciate any advice!
Retail full custom sources:
biliscraftingminprofit"] = "1c"
sheymax"] = "max(500% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, 500% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
biliscraftingminprofitpct"] = "10"
sheymin"] = "max(first (105% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, 70% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical)), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
bilisminshoppingsoldperday"] = "0"
singlenorm"] = "max(150% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, ifgt(dbregionmarketavg, 50000g, 150% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg) dbregionhistorical), 150% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical) * (27/(20+numexpires))), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
biliscraftingminpct"] = "110"
bilisitemvalue"] = "max(first(check(dbmarket, min(dbmarket, 133% dbhistorical, 200% min(dbregionmarketavg, dbregionhistorical), 2000% dbregionsaleavg)), check(dbhistorical, min(dbhistorical, 200% min(dbregionmarketavg, dbregionhistorical), 2000% dbregionsaleavg)) min(dbregionmarketavg, dbregionhistorical, 2000% dbregionsaleavg)), vendorsell)"
singlemax"] = "max(200% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, ifgt(dbregionmarketavg, 50000g, 200% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg) dbregionhistorical), 200% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical) * (27/(20+numexpires))), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
bilisdumpthresholdpct"] = "170"
singlemin"] = "max(105% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, ifgt(dbregionmarketavg, 50000g, 70% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg) dbregionhistorical), 70% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical) * (27/(20+numexpires))), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
bilisflippingminpct"] = "110"
bilisexpecteddeposits"] = "(1 / first(dbregionsalerate(baseitem), 0.01) - 1) * first(30% vendorsell, 1s)"
sheynorm"] = "max(200% max(crafting, avgbuy)/0.95, 150% first(min(dbmarket, 150% dbregionmarketavg), dbregionhistorical), 110% vendorsell/0.95)"
bilisvendorthreshold"] = "0c"
bilisprioritizecrafting"] = "0c"
bilisrestockqty"] = "300% dbregionsoldperday(baseitem)"
Go to custom sources. Then add one line, save. Add the other, save & repeat
06/29/2022, 18:13
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 4
Received Thanks: 2
Originally Posted by 911sky
Good point, will have to check
Is it possible to find the "WotLK Tactics Preparation Guide 70-71" of Rested XP? It would be amazing if you could find it.
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