I'm going to tell you how to steal all the BoE item drops from instance runs--Stratholme, Blackrock Spire, etc.--including low level instances. You will have to make your own raid/party, and set yourself as master looter. Explain thoroughly all the members of the raid/party that you will use a "fair loot distribution system" (the system will be explain below). You MUST convince the raid/party. After that, you have several ways to get away with the items (the two ways will be explain after the system).
This loot distributing system in reality, does work, however, it's not 100% fair, and barely any server uses it (when I used to play in my old server, a year ago, this was a commonly used system in level 60 instances). You will not get banned, and the chances of your server reputation being spoiled are very low.
Objective: Convice the group and leave the instance with the items with the least amount of reputation damage as possible.
Be ready to do a lot of reading. I wrote it as clearly as I could. Sorry if it's too ambigiuous - English isn't my primary language!
How "Fair Deal" Loot Distribution works:
The raid leader is the master looter and is will be picking every BoE item (green and above) throughout the instance. The BoP items will be distributed at the time at it drops--those who need the item will /roll, and obviously, the highest roll will receive the item. If nobody needs the item, simply everyone will do /roll.
At the end of the run--after killing the last boss--the raid leader (or master looter) will distribute fairly all the loot to each player. Everyone will leave the instance happy with their BoE items equally distributed.
How will it be distributed? Tell the entire raid/party to gather in a corner, or any other place, to start distributing the loot. Every player must do the old fashion /roll. After getting every result, you will display all the green items in raid/party chat, and each player, will pick one item orderly from the highest roll to the lowest. After every player receives an item, proceed in re-rolling and re-distributing in the same fashion until all the green items are gone, and proceed again the same proccess, but with blues, and then purples, etc. The master looter (you) must also roll.
Possible questions the players might ask:
Q. are the questions, and A. are the answers. If they ask any of these Q., proceed replying with the correct A. Most of these answers are a lie and do not apply to the real system. Like I said, this isn't 100% fair in reality.
Q. What if I get green items only and another person gets greens plus a blue?
A. The person will get greens deducted equal to the blue he gets. For example, you will get 4 greens and he will get 1 blue and 2 greens.
Q. How can you know how many certain green items are worth a certain blue?
A. Using a special UI I made. I don't share it with nobody.
Q. You can't make an exact deduction, this isn't fair 100%.
A. My special UI has the list of every green, blue, and purple of this instance. If you do not believe me, leave now.
If they continue asking more unanswerable questions, proceed in removing them from the group and continue recruiting more remorselessly.
Ways to get away with several/all of the items:
1. Disconnect after being deep into the instance, preferably before the last/semi-last boss and having a decent amount of items. I suggest, maybe 10-30 minutes before proceeding to disconnect, constantly complain in the raid/party chat about lag, and also pretend to be lagging by standing without moving for maybe 10-20 seconds while in attack mode. (ex. "I'm lagging really bad.")
2. A very safe way that will ensure your reputation from being 100% safe, is to only show certain items, maybe 10-15, the weakest, and then pretend to no longer have any more items. If a member asks for an item that he evidently saw drop and you didn't mention, simply reply with "Sorry, didn't see it!" and proceed on distributing it (or deny the existance, however this could endanger your reputation).
This works completely and flawlessly. You will get a lot of green items, maybe 1 or 2 blues, and if you're lucky enough, a purple - all, per run. However, with BoP items this will not work since you will just be acting as a ninja looter, and your scamming ways will be apparent. Do this as many time as you want, and remember to avoid doing this with friends/guildmates/possible guildmates/PvP buddies. Recommended to do it with guidless players. What's important here is not to get a bad reputation in the server!
Remember: You can't get reported, warned, or banned for this. Your server reputation will suffer little damage, but in most cases, none. This works and is the safest scam method you could possibly know.