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Anti-AFK, Auto Queue BG's

Discussion on Anti-AFK, Auto Queue BG's within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

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-------------------Never Go AFK-------------------
(works great in AV and also if you just don't wanna go afk)

Here are Step-by-step fool proof instructions on how to do this.

First - Goto and download V3.1.1.
Second - Create a note pad file and add this code to it.

HotKeySet("^!z","Movment");^!z is Ctrl+Alt+'z' to run the Movment 
HotKeySet("^!x","End");^!x is Ctrl+Alt+'x' to close the Movment 
While 1 
Func Movment() 
  While 1 

Func End() 
Third - Save the file as anythingyouwish.au3

Fourth - Open the autoit program and browse for this file. Select the file and at the bottom there will be a button that say "Convert". convert the file.

Fith - Run the new converted file. It will appear in the bottom right corner of your screen next to your time.

Sixth - Open WoW and Windows out of the game. (alt + tab or your Windows key beside your Alt key)

Seventh - Press Ctrl + Alt + Z and this will start the process of moving your character with the letters A and D every 20 seconds for A and 4 seconds for D.

Open the game up and never go AFK again. When you want it to stop windows out of WoW and right click on the icon in the bottom right corner and click exit.

-------------------Log Into BG's Automatically.-------------------
(enters instance and selects first avaliable for you)

To get this program to start working Just Load the Anti-AFK and hit "F8" while in the game.

For this to work you have to have joined the AB que already in Arathi Basin. Or another BG in it's location.

What this program does:
When you leave an AB, or BG's it makes you walk backwards for 7 seconds. When you leave an AV your facing away from the portal so this walks you back into the portal. It then moves your mouse to 205,531 which is the "Join first avaliable" button. It then clicks the button. It does this every 60 seconds. once you have backed into the portal and clicked the join button another cue window will not come up.

Can this get you banned? Definetly. I have been using it since WoW came out and have only gotten reported once. Just make sure you use it in moderation. Don't do 20 AV's in a row and expect somone not to send a tell when your in the cave every game.

; Press Esc to terminate script, Pause/Break to "pause" 

Global $Paused, $t 
HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause") 
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") 
HotKeySet("{F8}", "Showme") 

;;;; Body of program would go here;;;; 
While 1 
  If $t = 1 Then 
    Send("{s down}");presses the s button and holds it 
    Sleep(5800);waits for 5800 milliseconds/5.8 sec 
    Send("{s up}");releases s button 
    MouseClick("left",205,531);leftclicks at the coordinates x=205,y=531 
    Sleep(60 * 1000) 

Func TogglePause() 
  $Paused = NOT $Paused 
  While $Paused 
    ToolTip('Script is "Paused"',0,0) 

Func Terminate() 
  Exit 0 

Func Showme() 
  If $t = 0 Then 
    $t = 1 
  If $t = 1 Then 
    $t = 0 
dernacktekaiser is offline  

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