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More people then 40 people in isle of conquest

Discussion on More people then 40 people in isle of conquest within the WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros forum part of the World of Warcraft category.

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More people then 40 people in isle of conquest


warlock 1 or more the more how faster
waterwalking elixer or an dk
people to summon

isle of conquest has water around it
instand high walz like ab wsg etc you can easy run out the battleground
and go to unknown area's


go with ur warlock and summoners go to an island ( there are alot around the place this will take fatique away also you will disepear from /1 and when u die you will end up dead in westfall btw

so summon the extra people that you had in raid when there inside the unknown area let them water walk elixer or dk and let them run to isle and tada you got more then 40man in isle

Schnappt euch nen WL+2 Leute die IoC joinen, geht zu einer Insel die als "unknown area" bekannt ist (sind genügend in der Gegend). Portet die Leute und supportet sie per Waterwalk -> mehr Leute als geplant
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Old 08/29/2009, 10:17   #2
globalleecher's Avatar
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is ja mal lustig
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