2. Go with yourself and a friend in a party up to the area where you can use the Shredder from the quest.
3. Have your friend start the kills by knocking the health of monsters your fighting down to just around 75% or so.
4. Then use #2 Key "Sawblade" ability on your Shredder.
5. Finish with the #1 Key ability.
6. Get Almost 1000 a kill each kill.
(Picture below of quest credit, Exp + damage from #2 key ability)
7. I suggest grouping the mobs for maximum efficiency.
FYI: This picture was at the beginning of my exploit use... So the exp at the top of the Titan Panel bar isn't correct for what I was making in the end after grouping.
And now... here is a picture of proving it works!!!
I was level 72.79% at the time this morning when I was using it. I am level 74.57% now after about 2.5 hours using this exploit this morning. (Had to go to work... ) My friend is level 75 and she did a half a level or so.

Credits to : Nonominator
PS : Wäre einer so nett das hier in Deutsche zu übersetzen, sind bestimmt auch andere daran interessiert !