So, before you start let me say this, I warned you, it is possible to get permi banned for this. Also, the post I used for reference was this one:
First of all, you must have recently transfered a character.
This is what you will do:
1. Open a ticket
2. In the ticket QQ, here is an example how to QQ:
I recently transfered my character to this server. I had my gladiator title AND a netherdrake. Soon after there was a temp maintenance and when I returned to the game my drake AND my gladiator title were both gone.
3. GM whispers, stick to the story, ticket is escalated.
4. This is where I ****ed it went like this, lets say "A" is my alt character which I recently transfered to this server and "M" is my main character which opened the ticket and was "stripped of my ****"
Ok, so you tell the GM you transfered character M to this server and were stripped of your stuff even though you really transfered character A. He will say A was transfered and you will lie like you never lied before.
Now he will ask you what team you are on and who your partner is, this is the part I ****ed up see MY OLD SERVER DID NOT HAVE ONE GLADIATOR TEAM IN THE BRACKET I SAID I GOT GLAD IN! So I would guess you are going to want to get a team beforehand, the team name and someone from the team you "played" with.
Hopefully you can get one step farther then me...because then you get a gladiator title and a netherdrake. Risky but worth it if it works, if you think this is wrong, think of it like I do, its still a pvp title, you vs the gm If you get this you earned the title just as much as the other gladiators...hell they didn't even risk their accounts for it!
One last thing, don't do something stupid like tell them you were a merc gladiator.