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Experienced WOW Botter Wanted: Join Me in Profitable Ventures!

Discussion on Experienced WOW Botter Wanted: Join Me in Profitable Ventures! within the World of Warcraft forum part of the Popular Games category.

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Experienced WOW Botter Wanted: Join Me in Profitable Ventures!

My name is Mia, and I'm interested in exploring the world of botting in World of Warcraft (WOW) as a means of making money. I currently bot FIFA and have three high-spec PCs with ample RAM. However, since I'm new to WOW and its botting scene, I'm seeking assistance to get started.

My primary objective is to utilize a bot effectively and generate income. I'm open to two possible arrangements: we can collaborate as a team, and in return for your guidance, I'll offer you a percentage of the profits. Alternatively, I can compensate you directly for your assistance. To begin with, I'd like to take it slow to assess the viability of this approach. If it proves successful, I'm willing to scale up and manage as many accounts as possible on each PC.

If you have experience with botting in WOW, I encourage you to message me. However, please refrain from contacting me if you lack relevant experience, as I value both your time and mine. I would appreciate some form of proof to establish your knowledge and expertise in this field.

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Old 07/12/2023, 23:59   #2
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"My primary objective is to utilize a bot effectively and generate income"

You already lost right there. Don't waste your time. Unless you make your own software and have dozens of accounts running at any given time, you're just wasting time. I've been around this scene for a long time; I can tell you it's a waste of time unless you got your own private software, and/or you can get one of these unlocker owners to simp for you.
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Old 09/02/2023, 00:09   #3

'~BuFu_-©'s Avatar
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Last time I used a Bot just to walk afk to Orgrimmar, 1h later banned. Good Luck.
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Old 09/16/2023, 01:42   #4
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i have played around with a few bots recently and no luck. you would need a min 15 going at once with custom routes and profiles, now if HonorBuddy was still going id say go for it.
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