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WoW WoTLK Blizzard Downloader and OTHER PROBLEMS!!!

Discussion on WoW WoTLK Blizzard Downloader and OTHER PROBLEMS!!! within the World of Warcraft forum part of the Popular Games category.

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Exclamation WoW WoTLK Blizzard Downloader and OTHER PROBLEMS!!!

Hello all, I would like a serious help over here about some WoW things and problems.
It's about the Blizzard downloader, It can't download the WoW patch to, it says: This download is not authorized.

I don't know what is the problem but it seems that most of the WoW WoTLK players have the same problem. I was searching all over the internet about the patch WoW- but i only found the downloader and i download it and nothing, the same thing appeared: This download is not authorized.
I've tried everything, run as administrator, run the PC in safe mode and other things and again NOTHING!!!
Can you tell me what is wrong with this?!


I've tried to use the Repair Utility but it was outdated (version 2.0.1) so i downloaded the latest version from the FTP site of the Repair Utility v3.0.1, but when I've tried to fix my WoW, NOTHING happened, i just received the same message from the old version of the Repair Utility.
Which was:
Blizzard Repair v3.0.1
This version of Blizzard Repair does not support your World of Warcraft version English (United States).
But i don't understand, the Repair Utility is v3.0.1 and my WoW game is version 3.0.1 and it says that it doesn't support my version of WoW.

The third action I've done was downloading WoW WoTLK patch 3.x.x to 3.2.0 because I couldn't find any way how to upgrade my WoW game to further version. So i when clicked to install the patch 3.2.0 after just 2% i received this error:
The update could not be applied.
The file "\pc-hdfiles\" could not be opened. If this problem persists, you may be able to solve it by uninstalling and then reinstalling the game. If you are unable to correct this problem, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. (InstallerFile::Open)
To check this installation for problems, click the "Repair" button. The Repair tool can automatically fix many update errors.


P.S. Write in ENGLISH only, because I don't understand GERMAN!!!
Fi40 is offline  

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