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World of Warcraft
Discussion on World of Warcraft within the World of Warcraft forum part of the Popular Games category.
03/25/2017, 12:56
„Ich bin Igneel's Sohn!“
elite*gold: 370
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 12,956
Received Thanks: 2,477
[Rules] World of Warcraft
In addition to the , which apply across all sections, the following regulations apply within World of Warcraft. Violations can be reported using the
-button. Depending on the severity of the violation, a punishment in the form of a warning or a infraction may follow. Detailed information regarding this can be found in .
- If you create a thread, please ensure it is posted in the correct .
- Check the pinned threads (stickies) before creating a new thread.
Important Links:
General Rules:
Pinned threads are considered collection threads; therefore, threads with the same purpose will be closed. (Selling/Buying/Offering) is not allowed in this section. If you wish to sell/buy hacks/services, please create a thread in the section. Push posts are not allowed and will be penalized. Instead, use our
function, which you can find in the top left corner of your thread. - Accusations Without Any Evidence
Accusations without substantial evidence (e.g., screenshots or videos) are not allowed.
- Product Review Threads/Provider-Specific Questions
Threads created specifically to review products/providers are prohibited (regardless of whether they are positive or negative), as these should instead be posted in the Black Market thread of the respective product, according to . Similarly, creating threads with questions about a specific product (e.g., How do I start insert product here) is not allowed. WoW Guides & Templates
- This subforum is intended for guides, strategies, and tactics related to WoW. If you are looking for guides or would like to create your own, please do so in this subforum.
- This is a NO QUESTIONS area; for any questions, please use the World of Warcraft forum.
WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros + WoW Bots
- This subforum is for publishing WoW exploits, hacks, tools & macros + WoW bots. Paid tools, however, belong in the .
- The publication of game-breaking software, drop hacks, and cracked scripts is forbidden.
- This is a NO QUESTIONS area; do not post questions here. Any hack requests are also prohibited (except for the WoW Bot section).
- scans are required for all publications.
- Forum members spreading malware will be permanently banned immediately!
- Trial offers are no longer accepted in this area. Please use the Black Market for this purpose.
WoW PServer Advertising Rules
- Only one thread is allowed per server.
- Server presentations may only be posted in .
- The server must be completed.
- The server must run on a root or V-server. Hamachi servers are not allowed.
- For fairness, the homepage must include an easily findable backlink to elitepvpers, or the thread will be deleted. (The backlink must also be visible to visitors who are not registered!)
- Paid servers are strictly prohibited and may not be advertised. This also includes shops.
- You are allowed to push your server presentation thread every 7 days.
WoW Black Market
- This subforum does not directly belong to the World of Warcraft section but to the Black Market. Any trade involving World of Warcraft must therefore take place there.
- Please follow the applicable there and check the pinned collection threads.
Important Links:
Closing Words
Please respect the decisions of moderators and their duty to protect the community. If you need further information regarding a warning or infraction, please send a private message to a responsible moderator.
Report & Support
The moderation team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns!
If you discover a rule violation or need support, please do not attempt to resolve the issue yourself. Use the
-button to send a report to the responsible moderators, ensuring they can assist you. Please note that it may take some time to process your report.
12/17/2024, 18:06
„Ich bin Igneel's Sohn!“
elite*gold: 370
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 12,956
Received Thanks: 2,477
Update 17.12.2024
English Version:
Important Links:
General Rules:
Pinned threads are considered collection threads; therefore, threads with the same purpose will be closed. (Selling/Buying/Offering) is not allowed in this section. If you wish to sell/buy hacks/services, please create a thread in the section. Push posts are not allowed and will be penalized. Instead, use our
function, which you can find in the top left corner of your thread. - Accusations Without Any Evidence
Accusations without substantial evidence (e.g., screenshots or videos) are not allowed.
- Product Review Threads/Provider-Specific Questions
Threads created specifically to review products/providers are prohibited (regardless of whether they are positive or negative), as these should instead be posted in the Black Market thread of the respective product, according to . Similarly, creating threads with questions about a specific product (e.g., How do I start insert product here) is not allowed. WoW Guides & Templates
- This subforum is intended for guides, strategies, and tactics related to WoW. If you are looking for guides or would like to create your own, please do so in this subforum.
- This is a NO QUESTIONS area; for any questions, please use the World of Warcraft forum.
WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros + WoW Bots
- This subforum is for publishing WoW exploits, hacks, tools & macros + WoW bots. Paid tools, however, belong in the .
- The publication of game-breaking software, drop hacks, and cracked scripts is forbidden.
- This is a NO QUESTIONS area; do not post questions here. Any hack requests are also prohibited (except for the WoW Bot section).
- scans are required for all publications.
- Forum members spreading malware will be permanently banned immediately!
- Trial offers are no longer accepted in this area. Please use the Black Market for this purpose.
WoW Black Market
- This subforum does not directly belong to the World of Warcraft section but to the Black Market. Any trade involving World of Warcraft must therefore take place there.
- Please follow the applicable there and check the pinned collection threads.
Closing Words
Please respect the decisions of moderators and their duty to protect the community. If you need further information regarding a warning or infraction, please send a private message to a responsible moderator.
Report & Support
The moderation team is always available to assist you with any questions or concerns!
If you discover a rule violation or need support, please do not attempt to resolve the issue yourself. Use the
-button to send a report to the responsible moderators, ensuring they can assist you. Please note that it may take some time to process your report.
Deutsche Version:
Wichtige Links:
Allgemeine Regeln:
Angepinnte Threads gelten als Sammelthreads, daher werden Threads mit demselben Zweck geschlossen - Verkaufen von Hacks/Services
(Verkaufen/Kauf/Anbieten) ist in diesem Abschnitt nicht erlaubt. Wenn Sie Hacks/Dienste verkaufen/kaufen möchten, erstellen Sie bitte einen Thread im abschnitt Push-Posts sind nicht erlaubt und strafbar. Nutzen Sie stattdessen unsere
Funktion, die Sie oben links in Ihrem Thread finden - Anschuldigungen ohne jegliche Beweise
Anschuldigungen ohne aussagekräftige Beweise (z. B. Screenshots oder Videos) sind nicht zulässig.
- Produktbewertungsthreads/anbieterspezifische Fragen
Threads, die speziell zur Bewertung von Produkten/Anbietern erstellt wurden, sind verboten (unabhängig davon, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind), da diese stattdessen im Schwarzmarkt-Thread des eigentlichen Produkts gepostet werden sollten, was dem entspricht . Ebenso ist es nicht erlaubt, Threads zu erstellen, in denen Fragen zu einem bestimmten Produkt gestellt werden (z. B.: Wie starte ich Produkt hier einfügen)
WoW Guides & Templates
- Dieses Unterforum ist für Guides, Strategien und Taktiken über WoW gedacht. Falls ihr auf der Suche nach Guides und Ähnlichem seid oder selbst welche erstellen möchtet, so tut dies bitte in diesem Unterforum.
- Es handelt sich hierbei um einen "NO QUESTIONS"-Bereich, für etwaige Fragen gibt es das World of Warcraft-Forum.
WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros + WoW Bots
- Dieses Unterforum ist für die Veröffentlichung von WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros + WoW Bots gedacht. Kostenpflichtige Tools gehören jedoch in den .
- Die Veröffentlichung von Gamebreaking-Software, Drophacks sowie gecrackten Scripts ist verboten.
- Es handelt sich hierbei um einen "NO QUESTIONS"-Bereich, stellt hier also keine Fragen. Jegliche Hack-Anfragen sind ebenfalls verboten. (abgesehen von der WoW Bot-Sektion)
- -Scans sind für alle Veröffentlichungen erforderlich.
- Forenmitglieder, welche Malware verbreiten, werden umgehend permanent gesperrt!
- Trials Angebote werden in diesem Bereich nicht mehr akzeptiert. Bitte nutzt hierfür den Black Market.
WoW Black Market
- Dieses Unterforum gehört nicht direkt zur World of Warcraft-Sektion, sondern zum Black Market. Jeglicher Handel mit World of Warcraft-Bezug findet demnach dort statt.
- Bitte beachtet das dort geltende und schaut euch die dort angepinnten Sammelthemen an.
Bitte respektiert Entscheidungen der Moderatoren und ihre Pflicht, die Community zu schützen. Wenn Ihr weitere Informationen zu einer Warnung oder Verwarnung erhalten möchtet, so sendet bitte eine Private Nachricht an einen zuständigen Moderator.
Report & Support
Das Moderationsteam steht Euch bei sämtlichen Fragen und Anliegen jederzeit zur Verfügung!
Wenn Ihr einen Regelverstoß entdeckt oder Unterstützung benötigt, versucht bitte nicht, das Problem selbst zu lösen. Über den
-Button könnt Ihr einen Report an die zuständige Moderation senden und somit das Moderationsteam jederzeit erreichen! Bitte bedenkt aber, dass die Bearbeitung Eurer Meldung eine Weile dauern kann.
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