The accounts are US
Account 1:
Account 1:
Levels: 80/80/62/58/55/RandomNoobs
1st Level 80: Troll Priest
Realm: Illidan
Gold: 235 gold
Pets: 4 pets (including 1 christmas thingy)
Mounts: 3 mounts
Gear: Fully geared, all with armor/weapons
2nd Level 80: Tauren Shaman
Realm: Kil'jaeden
Gold: 18 gold
Pets: 6 pets
Mounts: 2 mounts
Gear: Fully geared, all with armor/weapons
Level 62: Undead Deathknight
Realm: Spiritstone
Gold: 278 gold
Pets: 1
Mounts: 1
Gear: Fully geared, all with armor/weapons
Price: $80 is current bid, looking for best offer!
Will also do item trades (NO RUNESCAPES ACCOUNTS)
Account 2:
Levels: 61/60/55/RandomNoobsLevel 61: Draenei Deathknight
Realm: Sisters of Elune
Gold: 67 gold
Pets: 1 Pet
Mounts: 1 Mount
Level 60: Tauren Deathknight
Realm: Mannoroth
Gold: 15 gold
Pets: 1 Pet
Mounts: 1 Mount
Level 55: Human Warrior
Realm: Sisters of Elune
Gold: 162
Pets: 1 Pet
Mounts: 1 Mount
Price: $50 is current bid, looking for best offer!
I'm known and trusted on many different sites, if you don't trust me don't trade with me. And I am always willing to use a TRUSTED middleman