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Excalibur WoW Fury/Prot Warrior!

Discussion on Excalibur WoW Fury/Prot Warrior! within the World of Warcraft Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

Old   #1
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Excalibur WoW Fury/Prot Warrior!

Greetings! I'm selling my Prot/Fury troll warrior. Below is his gear.

Tank Set-
Helm- Faceplate of the Impenetrable (Can aslo craft the Hard Khorium goggles but needs the mats for it)

Neck- Hard Khorium Choker

Shoulder-Warbringer Shoulderguards

Cape-Slikk's cloak of placation

Chest-Warbringer Chestguard

Bracer- Eternium Shell Bracer

Hands-Onslaught Handguards

Belt-Girdle of the invulnerable

Legs-Praetorian's Legguards

Feet-Myrmidon's Treads

Ring #1- Band of determination

Ring #2-Crystal band of valor

Trinket #1-Empyrean Tortoise

Trinket #2-Commendation of Kael'Thas

Weapon-King's Defender

Shield-Kaz'Rogal Hardened Heart

Ranged Weapon-Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer

DPS Set-

Helm- Mayhem Projection Goggles

Neck- Hard Khorium Choker

Shoulder- Pauldrons of Gruesome Fate

Cape- Cloak of Darkness

Chest- Bloodstained Elven Battlevest

Bracer- Swiftsteel Bracer

Hands- (using AH blue ones currently, replacement needed)

Belt- Red Belt of Battle

Legs- Legguards of the Shattered Sun (Enchanted with +50 ap and +12 crit)

Feet- Skullshatter Warboots

Ring #1- Shapeshifter's Signet

Ring #2- Band of Determination

Trinket #1- Figurine - Nightseye Panther

Trinket #2- Figurine - Shadowsong Panther (Make a macro and you can use both trinkets at the same time for 640 AP)

Weapon- Heartless + Mounting Vengeance

Ranged Weapon- Tuskbreaker

He has Max JC/Engineering, and 43 BoJ in bag currently.

Payment Info:
I'm asking $75 for the character or taking an offer. MSG me here or add me to skype for more details -> MeepzSK
_Easy_ is offline  
Old 10/01/2014, 10:12   #2
elite*gold: 0
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Bump, still up for sale!
_Easy_ is offline  
Old 07/29/2015, 11:09   #3 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
elite*gold: 0
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Question sale

is he still up for sale
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