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unl. ammo?

Discussion on unl. ammo? within the WarRock forum part of the Shooter category.

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Question unl. ammo?

Hey leutzz,
wenn man bei einem hack uul.ammo einstellt hat man ja unentlich munni....gibt es auch andere waffen außer nade´s und stinger (etc.) die bei unl ammo dmg machen????
thx :P
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Old 12/18/2009, 19:34   #2

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Ich weis nur das Winchester Granaten und glaube Scropion DMG machen.
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Old 12/18/2009, 19:35   #3

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Well sense itzburn just wont tell us much about this subject i wanna hear maby some theorys one how you would fine the address. unlimited ammo:I know that unlimited ammo right now you nop or add numbers more then the standerd number it wont do damage.Like take a 50 clip and put value 100. You will shoot 100 shots but only 50 will register and be a hit. I know that itzburn said that hit detection was client side. ammo speed: Apperently ammo speed is clientside.Wanted some theorys on that....

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