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MR26 + 300 Plat + Lot of Warframes/Weapons

Discussion on MR26 + 300 Plat + Lot of Warframes/Weapons within the Warframe Trading forum part of the MMORPG Trading category.

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Old   #1
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MR26 + 270 Plat + Lot of Warframes/Weapons

Heyho! Got bored of Warframe like 2 months ago and i decided to sell my account. The account comes with the original email ofc.

Price: 30€

Discord: HonkHonkler#4379

Keep in mind i do not give first if you don't have atleast 10 positive trades and i don't want to waste time on fishy newly made, 0 ratings EPvP users... sorry.
I only accept PayPal.


Rank: MR26 - 42000 XP needed to 27
Platinum: 270
Credits: 510000
Endo: 23000
Maxed out the previous Wolf of Saturn Six (Umbra Forma not used!!)
Syndicates: Perrin Sequence Maxed, Red Veil Maxed, New Loka 4/5, Ostron Maxed, Quills Maxed, Solaris United Maxed, Ventkids 2/5, Vox Solaris 4/5
Way Bounded Passives: Inner Gaze, Eternal Gaze, Enduring Tides, Rejuvenating Tides
Maxed Arcanes: Arcane Guardian, Arcane Grace, Arcane Nullifier
Warframes Maxed: 64/64
Primary Weapons Maxed: 113/116
Secondary Weapons Maxed: 99/101
Melee Weapons Maxed: 146/156
Robotics Maxed: 32/32
Companions Maxed: 8/8
Vehicles Maxed: 5/9
Archgun Maxed: 10/10
Archmelee Maxed:
Amps Maxed: 5/8

Available Warframes (forma):

Ash Prime, Banshee Prime, Chroma Prime (4), Ember Prime, Equinox Prime (2), Excalibur Umbra (1 + Exalted 4), Frost Prime, Hydroid Prime, Limbo Prime, Loki Prime, Mag Prime, Mesa Prime, Mirage Prime, Nekros Prime (2), Nova Prime, Nyx Prime, Oberon Prime (3), Rhino Prime (7 + Deluxe Skin), Saryn Prime (3), Trinity Prime, Valkyr Prime (4 + Talons 3), Vauban Prime, Volt Prime (3), Zephyr Prime, Atlas, Baruuk, Chroma (3), Equinox, Gara, Garuda, Harrow, Hildryn, Inaros (3 + Deluxe Skin), Ivara, Khora, Limbo, Loki, Mesa (2), Nezha (1 + Deluxe Skin), Nidus, Octavia (3), Revenant (1), Titania, Vauban, Wisp

Available Primary Weapons (forma):

Boar Prime, Boltor Prime, Braton Prime, Burston Prime (4 + Riven), Cernos Prime, Latron Prime, Paris Prime, Rubico Prime (4), Soma Prime, Sybaris Prime, Tiberon Prime, Tigris Prime (1), Vectis Prime, Amprex, Arca Plasmor, Battacor, Braton Vandal, Daikyu, Dera Vandal, Dex Sybaris, Dread, Exergis, Gorgon Wraith, Hek, Hema, Ignis Wraith, Javlok, Karak Wraith, Kohm, Lanka (5), Latron Wraith, Lenz, Mutalist Cernos, Mutalist Quanta, Nagantaka, Opticor, Opticor Vandal, Phage, Phantasma, Prisma Gorgon, Prisma Grakata, Prisma Grinlok, Prisma Tetra, Quanta Vandal, Quartakk, Rakta Cernos, Sancti Tigris, Secura Penta, Simulor, Snipetron, Snipetron Vandal, Strun Wraith, Supra Vandal, Synapse, Synoid Simulor, Telos Boltor, Torid, Vulkar Wraith, Glaxion Vandal, Fulmin

Available Secondary Weapons (forma):

Akbolto Prime, Akbronco Prime, Aklex Prime, Akstiletto Prime, AkVasto Prime, Ballistica Prime, Euphona Prime, Hikou Prime, Pyrana Prime, Sicarus Prime, Spira Prime, Azima, Brakk, Despair, Detron, Dex Furis, Embolist, Hystrix, Tombfinger, Kulstar, Lato Vandal, Mara Detron (4 + riven), Marelok, Rattleguts (3), Ocucor, Pox, Prisma Angstrum, Prisma Twin Gremlins, Rakta Ballistica, Secura Dual Cestra, Staticor (5), Stubba, Synoic Gammacor (3), Talons, Telos Akbolto, Twin Vipers Wraith, Viper Wraith, Zylok, Spectra Vandal

Available Melee Weapons (forma):

Ankyros Prime, Bo Prime, Dakra Prime, Destreza Prime, Dual Kamas Prime, Fang Prime, Fragor Prime, Galatine Prime, Glaive Prime, Gram Prime, Kogake Prime, Kronen Prime, Nami Skyla Prime, Nikana Prime, Orthos Prime (3), Reaper Prime, Redeemer Prime, Scindo Prime, Silva & Aegis Prime, Venka Prime, Atterax (2), Broken Scepter, Cassowar, Caustacyst, Cerata, Cobra & Crane, Dark Split Sword, Dex Dakra, Dual Ichor, Falcor, Furax Wraith, Galvacord, Dokrahm, Guandao, Heliocor, Korrudo, Kreska, Lesion (1), Machete Wraith, Ohma, Orvius, Paracesis, Prisma Dual Cleavers, Prisma Obex, Prisma Skana, Prova Vandal, Pupacyst, Rakta Dark Dagger, Redeemer, Sarpa, Scoliac, Shaku, Sheev, Skiajati, Synoic Heliocor, Tatsu, Telos Boltace, Twin Krohkur, War

Available Pets (forma):

Carrier Prime, Helios Prime, Wyrm Prime, Diriga, Djinn, Adarza Kavat (6), Oxylus, Prisma Shade, Taxon

Primed Mods:

Primed Animal Instinct, Primed Continuity, Primed Cryo Rounds, Primed Fever Strike, Primed Flow, Primed Morphic Transformer, Primed Pistol Gambit, Primed Point Blank, Primed Pressure Point, Primed Ravage, Primed Reach, Primed Regen, Primed Target Cracker, Primed Vigor

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Old 05/17/2019, 08:45   #2 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
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I added you to the discord
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Old 06/21/2019, 16:07   #3 Trade Status: Verified(?)
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Still up for sale?
I would take it.
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Old 06/22/2019, 17:57   #4
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 80
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Originally Posted by Mc Salamander View Post
Still up for sale?
I would take it.
Yeah still up for sale. Added you on Skype.
NOTSTARZ is offline  
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warframe, warframe account, warframe buy, warframe platinum

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