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Spoofing Guide - Discussion - Help
Discussion on Spoofing Guide - Discussion - Help within the Valorant forum part of the Popular Games category.
02/01/2023, 20:50
elite*gold: 50
Join Date: May 2020
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Literally all of this is speculations the delays can take up 21 days but usually the max delay i got is 21 days
I tried Everything on this list less Dreyna(and ill prob try on next week if still avaible) + **** like unknownspoofer because obvious dont work
and AridekVM is the unique thing that worked for me without delay bans i even got TOP 1 Radiant on first week of season and the account still not banned
02/01/2023, 23:50
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by Toxic.dll
Literally all of this is speculations the delays can take up 21 days but usually the max delay i got is 21 days
I tried Everything on this list less Dreyna(and ill prob try on next week if still avaible) + **** like unknownspoofer because obvious dont work
and AridekVM is the unique thing that worked for me without delay bans i even got TOP 1 Radiant on first week of season and the account still not banned
do you virtualize everytime all the time sir?
02/02/2023, 20:19
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Dec 2019
Posts: 46
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Originally Posted by taunix
First and foremost I'd like to say a lot of what I say could be incorrect, this guide and all the advice given is based on my own knowledge given from developers and cheat staff and well known people.
Your Hardware:
Due to vanguard being a kernel level anti-cheat, your hardware is flagged at your PC's Startup, before windows is even booted. Then when you login to an account and open the game, the hardware is attached to that account.
What does that mean?
It means any program that changes an identifier on the software level, or usermode level, simply won't work. You may look and see the identifiers have changed, but because they're not changed at kernel, they're not tricking Vanguard. This means that programs Disk ID changers and more, are completely useless in our case.
Trackers are another issue you'll need to deal with, the only reliable way to get rid of them all is to format your computer, no other way, don't let anyone tell you they can permanently spoof your computer without a format, you'll likely get delay banned.
Hardware Identifiers:
Due to some tricky automated and manual ban triggers caused by different identifiers, I think this is a relevant peice of information to include.
Some identifiers such as Disk Serials, or Motherboard Serials will cause instant flags, and you’ll be delay banned within either a game, or upto 7 days. Others, can only get you banned from a manual review such as ARP, and there is speculation that some identifiers only trigger a ban if certain requirements are met, such as same IP address being used with the flagged hardware.
I’m going to list the basic ones, but there are a lot, which is part of the reason I think overall spoofing is a tricky topic for most.
Anything with an Asterisk “*” in front of its name is speculated to only trigger a ban when 2 or more identifiers are flagged alongside it. (These identifiers are the ones that mainly cause false bans, due to having large amounts of computers sharing these identifers such as homes with many people playing the game, gaming cafes and gaming lounges.) These are not specific to Valorant, Valorant does not ban every single one of these, I am including a comphrensive list of everything I (and only me) recommend spoofing regardless of the game, title or situation you are in. I am not a developer, I don't make hardware spoofers, I go off what I've experienced with my own testing, and I go off what other developers have told me, thats it.
Basic Identifiers:
NIC/Mac Address: Spoofable, Triggers Delay Ban 0-7 Days when not spoofed.
Motherboard Serials: Spoofable, Triggers Delay Ban 0-7 Days when not spoofed.
Permanent Mac Address: Unspoofable (perm only), Triggers Delay Ban 0-7 Days when not removed from computer.
Disk Serials: Spoofable, Triggers Delay Ban 0-7 Days when not spoofed.
SMBIOS Table Identifiers: Spoofable, Triggers Delay Ban 0-7 Days when not spoofed.
CPU Identifiers: Hard to spoof, Triggers Delay Ban 0-7 Days when not spoofed.
GPU Identifiers: Spoofable, Triggers Delay Ban 0-7 Days when not spoofed.
Extended Identifiers:
*ARP Tables: Unspoofable (perm only), Triggered on Manual Review
Registries: Spoofable with format, Triggers Delay Ban 0-7 Days.
Trackers: Spoofable with format, Triggers Delay Ban 0-7 Days.
*Router Mac Address: Unspoofable (perm only), unknown.
Speculated Identifers:
*IP Address: Spoofable.
Windows Key: Spoofable.
Microsoft Account: Spoofable.
Discord Token: Spoofable.
Nvidia Geforce Account: Spoofable.
*Monitor Serials: Spoofable, Speculated to be reserved for only people banned for debugging valorant.
Please note, that the speculated identifiers are not absolutely neccessary, and are just that, speculations. However due to Riot Games being partly owned by a chinese company Tencent, notorious for spying on users and being invasive as fuck, I would highly recommend changing all of those if you plan on being the most cautious with your spoof.
When new serials are added in, they’ll be added here accordingly.
Types of Bans:
Van 152 is probably the easiest to get rid of, a bios flash and a format will get rid of this and have you playing for atleast 1-2 rounds. *getting this does not increase the 120 hwid ban time you recieve*
Val 5 is a nightmare, this is the ban you recieve when the game knows you're trying to spoof, this can come instantly within a game or 2, or can be upto 2 weeks later depending on how fucking unlucky you get. *this resets or increases your ban time by/to 120 days*
Manual Bans are a whole other pain for spoofers to deal with, due to some mechanics around some serials not being an instant ban, rather a flag on your account. Once you've racked up enough reports, or pulled off more than 44 kills in one game, you're account is due for a manual review, where a riot games employee will check your Engine Screenshots and Hardware, if anything looks off or they see giant glowing red boxes in the Engine SS's your gone.
There are other bans you can recieve, but chances are they're likely just synonyms for the previously mentioned ban reasons.
Solutions *and the problems you'll encounter*:
Everything in this section is subject to change, updates will be made regularly.
Now, I'd like to swear it down and up on my entire family tree I am not being paid to make this post, I am taking my time out of my day to help all of you, this will be as unbiased as possible, based on MANY OTHERS AND MY OWN personal experiences with these providers.
Tested Working - Good Report - Amazing Providers
Manually Spoofing: Good luck not either bricking your motherboard with a fucked up rom, doing it correctly enough to the point where it doesnt cause Val 5, and investing enough money in a new router to prevent arp tables from being on your Hardware Record in Riots database.
Edgey Spoof (Permanent Spoof): Never used, cannot personally vouch for anything here, but many people in private discord channels have been vouching this thing up and down, therefore I’m willing to put it here, please let me know if this spoofer isn’t as good as people are saying, but AFAIK this spoofer is currently working and working well.
Sync (Perm and Temp Spoof): While the developer has called me a rat, and most likely blacklisted me from his service, I am going to remain unbias. The developer is respectful, accepts and is openly willing to help troubleshoot if the problem is solveable, hands out refunds instantly or within the day if the product is incompatible or fails, and works great if you follow the steps correctly. I am on an Asus x570p AMD motherboard, and the last time I needed to spoof was way back in September, it took a couple tries, but they're always willing to give free respoofs if you were delay banned within a week. While I'm probably not welcome back there, it is a great provider and I would highly recommend if your not planning on cheating after being unbanned.
Dreynaspoof (Perm and Temp Spoof): Never used, but can guarantee you'll have a working experience and good chance of staying unbanned for the duration of your ban time. The developers are amazing, willing to troubleshoot, and from what I can tell from being in their discord, is that it is highly vouched and works great. I have used their pixelbot for months, and it was amazing, and I can guarantee despite never using it that the spoofer is too.
Mixed Reviews - Medium/Good Providers:
Xor Spoofer (temp only): Heard some good, some bad. Never used so I cannot personally vouch. Worth a shot if nothing else has worked.
Some may get lucky with spoofing, most won't. It's by all means still going to be possible, but the risk, hassle money and time invested is probably just going to be outweighed by the fact you can wait 120 days. Go ahead and try the green providers, enjoy it all while it lasts.
Bad Providers - Detected Product or Scammers
Woofer: Not going to say much since its pretty much a meme at this point, but they've been known with lots of screenshot evidence to refuse refunds and flatout ignore people asking for refunds after their product didn't work, and then abusing them on these forums for attempting to share their issue.
AridekVM (Perm Spoofer): Doesn't spoof NIC, wouldnt risk it unless you know how to perm spoof NIC alongside AridekVM. From what I've heard they've scammed users in the past, Galileo from OnlyUD has them on Scam report and I agree, fucks up windows and doesnt unban you.
Phantomcheats: Detected
UnknownSpoofer: Detected
@ s#0001 Spoofer: Scam, no product after payment.
Exspira: Detected and muiltiple reports of scamming users.
To summarise I'd just like to say, being banned constantly is not viable, due to the fact you need to most likely reformat. A lot of providers don't need it anymore, but chances are you wont stay unbanned for long, making it only practical for rage cheating.
If your looking to play legit after being unbanned, or hyper closet cheat, I'd recommend just waiting out the 120 days, and in the meantime maybe use a temp spoof here and there so you dont lose your edge.
If something I've got listed here didn't work for you, feel free to rant in the comments, chances are you didn't do something right, or are just flat out a woofer rat lying to try get your sales up. Please don't come in here and say that a certain provider isn't working for you because thats how spoofing is, its not going to work for everyone and thats why I don't recommend cheating in valorant in the first place.
If you're interested in something like this for the cheating side of valorant, let me know and I'll be happy to make one, there was a lot more detail regarding every indentifier I could've included in here, and I'm willing to add it in a separate post, let me know in the comments.
Feel free to leave your discords in my dms and I'll give you hand with some more personal queries if need be.
is there always a risk of your pc getting bricked whilst spoofing and has your pc been bricked while doing so that is my only concern when cheating on games that have HWID Bans
02/03/2023, 01:41
elite*gold: 169
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 544
Received Thanks: 170
Originally Posted by taunix
AridekVM (Perm Spoofer): Doesn't spoof NIC, wouldnt risk it unless you know how to perm spoof NIC alongside AridekVM. From what I've heard they've scammed users in the past, Galileo from OnlyUD has them on Scam report and I agree, fucks up windows and doesnt unban you.
Phantomcheats: Detected
UnknownSpoofer: Detected
@slackes#0001 Spoofer: Scam, no product after payment.
Exspira: Detected and muiltiple reports of scamming users.
As always, I have to deal with people without legitimate information, or acting in bad faith to undermine my work and efforts.
After reading this article about me, I managed to find the time to not only respond, but to show how ignorance mixed with hatred can be such a liar.
According to the owner of this thread, my product is unable to spoof the NIC address, so I made this very short video to show in practice that he is completely wrong about me.
About OnlyUD's Galileo, I will leave some screenshots here below for you to see, he made the purchase of my product, spent my time with support, to in the end say that updating the bios can damage his computer and that he didn't want to do this process, because according to him his computer is new. Now you ask yourself, a guy that says he is an expert in cheats, has a discord that passes information about the legitimacy of software, is afraid to update his bios because he doesn't want to damage his beautiful computer, please, what is happening with this stupid scenario, anyone is giving information as if they understand something but don't know how to program a simple hello word.
I really hope that some moderator sees this and takes the right measures, or if not leave it here for everyone to see how certain people behave just to damage the work of another to promote their products.
That's it thank you.
Ah, about the money from Galileo OnlyUD, he was refunded, even being totally wrong and outside my terms of use I refunded. If you search in his Discord for the word AridekVM you will see how childish he is and how people defend my product and my person.
AridekVM spoofs NIC:
And yes, doing 0 and 2 it NIC will be forever setted as new.
Or if you just want to spoof the NIC permamnently, just contact me on discord and I'll send it for free, any idiot does that, it's not exclusive, just don't make me record another video to show it, but if you want I will
Edit: I did a video for show
After PC restart
A bonus for you, instead of judging me by NIC, why didn't you say ARP tables, it is much more interesting... although there are free methods to do that nowadays.
Anyway, none of this is a big deal.
Galileo from OnlyUD and his fear of flashing the bios:
02/03/2023, 02:04
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 6
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is there any truth to perma bans or 120 days only no matter what
02/03/2023, 16:35
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 119
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Originally Posted by isaiahhead22
is there any truth to perma bans or 120 days only no matter what
I suppose so; youll get permad if you get banned after those 120 days, although I am not sure about this.
02/03/2023, 19:02
elite*gold: 68
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 1,050
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Originally Posted by Kedira
As always, I have to deal with people without legitimate information, or acting in bad faith to undermine my work and efforts.
After reading this article about me, I managed to find the time to not only respond, but to show how ignorance mixed with hatred can be such a liar.
According to the owner of this thread, my product is unable to spoof the NIC address, so I made this very short video to show in practice that he is completely wrong about me.
About OnlyUD's Galileo, I will leave some screenshots here below for you to see, he made the purchase of my product, spent my time with support, to in the end say that updating the bios can damage his computer and that he didn't want to do this process, because according to him his computer is new. Now you ask yourself, a guy that says he is an expert in cheats, has a discord that passes information about the legitimacy of software, is afraid to update his bios because he doesn't want to damage his beautiful computer, please, what is happening with this stupid scenario, anyone is giving information as if they understand something but don't know how to program a simple hello word.
I really hope that some moderator sees this and takes the right measures, or if not leave it here for everyone to see how certain people behave just to damage the work of another to promote their products.
That's it thank you.
Ah, about the money from Galileo OnlyUD, he was refunded, even being totally wrong and outside my terms of use I refunded. If you search in his Discord for the word AridekVM you will see how childish he is and how people defend my product and my person.
AridekVM spoofs NIC:
And yes, doing 0 and 2 it NIC will be forever setted as new.
Or if you just want to spoof the NIC permamnently, just contact me on discord and I'll send it for free, any idiot does that, it's not exclusive, just don't make me record another video to show it, but if you want I will
Edit: I did a video for show
After PC restart
A bonus for you, instead of judging me by NIC, why didn't you say ARP tables, it is much more interesting... although there are free methods to do that nowadays.
Anyway, none of this is a big deal.
Galileo from OnlyUD and his fear of flashing the bios:
I have observed a high amount of copy-pasting in the spoofer, which is disappointing. If anyone wants me to publicly release the files and dump, please give a thanks on this post.
I advise against purchasing this product, as VGK has implemented a set delay ban for users, even if they reach Radiant #1. Ultimately, you will still be banned and Kedira will blame it on your cheat or lack of flashing the BIOS.
Each PDB file is a code from a Github repository used in the spoofer, and each .exe is an executable file run by the spoofer (Amidewin, GDRV KDU mapper). The fact that he maps two drivers because he couldn't paste both into one .sys file suggests that he may not have the technical expertise to even compile a basic "hello world" driver.
I hope that Kedira will provide valuable information in response, rather than empty threats. Additionally, I would like to note that flashing the BIOS can potentially harm your motherboard, and Galileo's precautions are 100% correct. However, I have reason to believe that he may not have a deep understanding of what flashing the BIOS entails or what changes it can make, thus forcing every user to do it when it is completely unnecessary (its 1 line of code to spoof).
Github links:
02/03/2023, 21:54
elite*gold: 169
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 544
Received Thanks: 170
Originally Posted by LukeManolia
What a smart boy you are, I am impressed. I'm sure you didn't go to any trouble to get this data, right? How do you feel about this information? Look at that, GRDV mapper and KDU mapper in one software. Kedira must be very dumb indeed, isn't he?
I will still be able to ignore these things, but not today. I created a github for us and made available all the files you mentioned. They are worth gold, so only share them with close friends. Use KDU mapper on Valorant and see the result, then test GRDV mapper too, I'm sure this is the right way.
Joking aside, here is the github I made with all these beautiful files you mentioned above, maybe I'm missing one or another but I think it's ok.
I knew that one day someone would play smart and run a track to get the dump files. Look how many files you took and held on to, feeling super smart. You have a point here.
Here are the files mentioned above.
I will soon add a pack of signed and unsigned drivers as well, so keep an eye out.
Also some certificates.
02/03/2023, 22:35
elite*gold: 68
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 1,050
Received Thanks: 240
Originally Posted by Kedira
What a smart boy you are, I am impressed. I'm sure you didn't go to any trouble to get this data, right? How do you feel about this information? Look at that, GRDV mapper and KDU mapper in one software. Kedira must be very dumb indeed, isn't he?
I will still be able to ignore these things, but not today. I created a github for us and made available all the files you mentioned. They are worth gold, so only share them with close friends. Use KDU mapper on Valorant and see the result, then test GRDV mapper too, I'm sure this is the right way.
Joking aside, here is the github I made with all these beautiful files you mentioned above, maybe I'm missing one or another but I think it's ok.
I knew that one day someone would play smart and run a track to get the dump files. Look how many files you took and held on to, feeling super smart. You have a point here.
Here are the files mentioned above.
I will soon add a pack of signed and unsigned drivers as well, so keep an eye out.
Also some certificates.
welp my job here is done, for those wanting to use kedira spoofer just use the arguments i provided and play!
heres his instructions:
0 - Do a Windows clean install -
1 - Downgrade or update your bios version for avoid VAN 152 and AFTER DISABLE TPM (Some bios have more than 1 TPM option, Make sure everything is disabled.) in BIOS.
2 - Disable any antivirus.
3 - Login with your key, you will recieve at sellix email, click in GET PRODUCT.
4 - Do 0, 1 and 2 at first usage then you restart computer and do only 2.
5 - EVERY PC RESTART you need do option 2.
6 - Enjoy
VAN 152 = VAN 152 is a ban that can be bypassed simply by upgrading or downgrading the bios version (Even without spoofer). Its not a real ban.
VAN 5 = Real ban by HWID or cheats usage / traces files.
Remember that you are dealing with an extremely powerful anticheat.
If after all process you keep getting banned, redo all process again and use a paid VPN or change your IP.
It's very rare that games like Valorant or Fortnite ban your ip, but it can happen, every 10 bans 2 are with IP.
if even after that you continue to be banned, please open a ticket on discord.
02/03/2023, 22:41
elite*gold: 24
Join Date: Jul 2022
Posts: 194
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I've been using AridekVM since October with no problems. Haven't been banned in months. So, your mileage may vary. Just tell everyone to do their own research before buying anything related to cheats and spoofing. Lol.
Originally Posted by taunix
Yep, u
Making a new geforce account is pretty much a must AFAIK, and is not speculated and is confirmed to be true, the discord one is a bit iffy, but a simple password reset should have the token reset.
Who confirmed this? I've never heard of needing to use a different GeForce account. Lol.
Originally Posted by Kedira
As always, I have to deal with people without legitimate information, or acting in bad faith to undermine my work and efforts.
After reading this article about me, I managed to find the time to not only respond, but to show how ignorance mixed with hatred can be such a liar.
According to the owner of this thread, my product is unable to spoof the NIC address, so I made this very short video to show in practice that he is completely wrong about me.
About OnlyUD's Galileo, I will leave some screenshots here below for you to see, he made the purchase of my product, spent my time with support, to in the end say that updating the bios can damage his computer and that he didn't want to do this process, because according to him his computer is new. Now you ask yourself, a guy that says he is an expert in cheats, has a discord that passes information about the legitimacy of software, is afraid to update his bios because he doesn't want to damage his beautiful computer, please, what is happening with this stupid scenario, anyone is giving information as if they understand something but don't know how to program a simple hello word.
I really hope that some moderator sees this and takes the right measures, or if not leave it here for everyone to see how certain people behave just to damage the work of another to promote their products.
That's it thank you.
Ah, about the money from Galileo OnlyUD, he was refunded, even being totally wrong and outside my terms of use I refunded. If you search in his Discord for the word AridekVM you will see how childish he is and how people defend my product and my person.
AridekVM spoofs NIC:
And yes, doing 0 and 2 it NIC will be forever setted as new.
Or if you just want to spoof the NIC permamnently, just contact me on discord and I'll send it for free, any idiot does that, it's not exclusive, just don't make me record another video to show it, but if you want I will
Edit: I did a video for show
After PC restart
A bonus for you, instead of judging me by NIC, why didn't you say ARP tables, it is much more interesting... although there are free methods to do that nowadays.
Anyway, none of this is a big deal.
Galileo from OnlyUD and his fear of flashing the bios:
+++vouch. Definitely spoofs NIC and ARP. Idk where these kids are getting the information that it doesn't lol. Thanks for the video.
02/04/2023, 00:21
elite*gold: 50
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 2,116
Received Thanks: 469
Originally Posted by LukeManolia
I have observed a high amount of copy-pasting in the spoofer, which is disappointing. If anyone wants me to publicly release the files and dump, please give a thanks on this post.
I advise against purchasing this product, as VGK has implemented a set delay ban for users, even if they reach Radiant #1. Ultimately, you will still be banned and Kedira will blame it on your cheat or lack of flashing the BIOS.
Each PDB file is a code from a Github repository used in the spoofer, and each .exe is an executable file run by the spoofer (Amidewin, GDRV KDU mapper). The fact that he maps two drivers because he couldn't paste both into one .sys file suggests that he may not have the technical expertise to even compile a basic "hello world" driver.
I hope that Kedira will provide valuable information in response, rather than empty threats. Additionally, I would like to note that flashing the BIOS can potentially harm your motherboard, and Galileo's precautions are 100% correct. However, I have reason to believe that he may not have a deep understanding of what flashing the BIOS entails or what changes it can make, thus forcing every user to do it when it is completely unnecessary (its 1 line of code to spoof).
Github links:

Not sure how days need for delay ban with AridekVM but i def can stay playing more than with Sync, idk how is sync these days with raid 0 patched
02/04/2023, 00:29
elite*gold: 68
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 1,050
Received Thanks: 240
Originally Posted by Toxic.dll
Not sure how days need for delay ban with AridekVM but i def can stay playing more than with Sync, idk how is sync these days with raid 0 patched
your gf used aridekvm and got banned
02/04/2023, 01:05
elite*gold: 50
Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 2,116
Received Thanks: 469
Originally Posted by LukeManolia
your gf used aridekvm and got banned 
02/04/2023, 04:54
elite*gold: 122
Join Date: Aug 2021
Posts: 887
Received Thanks: 385
Originally Posted by Kedira
As always, I have to deal with people without legitimate information, or acting in bad faith to undermine my work and efforts.
After reading this article about me, I managed to find the time to not only respond, but to show how ignorance mixed with hatred can be such a liar.
According to the owner of this thread, my product is unable to spoof the NIC address, so I made this very short video to show in practice that he is completely wrong about me.
About OnlyUD's Galileo, I will leave some screenshots here below for you to see, he made the purchase of my product, spent my time with support, to in the end say that updating the bios can damage his computer and that he didn't want to do this process, because according to him his computer is new. Now you ask yourself, a guy that says he is an expert in cheats, has a discord that passes information about the legitimacy of software, is afraid to update his bios because he doesn't want to damage his beautiful computer, please, what is happening with this stupid scenario, anyone is giving information as if they understand something but don't know how to program a simple hello word.
I really hope that some moderator sees this and takes the right measures, or if not leave it here for everyone to see how certain people behave just to damage the work of another to promote their products.
That's it thank you.
Ah, about the money from Galileo OnlyUD, he was refunded, even being totally wrong and outside my terms of use I refunded. If you search in his Discord for the word AridekVM you will see how childish he is and how people defend my product and my person.
AridekVM spoofs NIC:
And yes, doing 0 and 2 it NIC will be forever setted as new.
Or if you just want to spoof the NIC permamnently, just contact me on discord and I'll send it for free, any idiot does that, it's not exclusive, just don't make me record another video to show it, but if you want I will
Edit: I did a video for show
After PC restart
A bonus for you, instead of judging me by NIC, why didn't you say ARP tables, it is much more interesting... although there are free methods to do that nowadays.
Anyway, none of this is a big deal.
Galileo from OnlyUD and his fear of flashing the bios:
You don't have to explain yourself when it's about Galileo, he is proven scammer and is banned from here as well. He was already caught posting fake accusations so no one takes him really seriously anymore.
02/04/2023, 07:11
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Nov 2021
Posts: 54
Received Thanks: 16
Originally Posted by Kedira
As always, I have to deal with people without legitimate information, or acting in bad faith to undermine my work and efforts.
After reading this article about me, I managed to find the time to not only respond, but to show how ignorance mixed with hatred can be such a liar.
According to the owner of this thread, my product is unable to spoof the NIC address, so I made this very short video to show in practice that he is completely wrong about me.
About OnlyUD's Galileo, I will leave some screenshots here below for you to see, he made the purchase of my product, spent my time with support, to in the end say that updating the bios can damage his computer and that he didn't want to do this process, because according to him his computer is new. Now you ask yourself, a guy that says he is an expert in cheats, has a discord that passes information about the legitimacy of software, is afraid to update his bios because he doesn't want to damage his beautiful computer, please, what is happening with this stupid scenario, anyone is giving information as if they understand something but don't know how to program a simple hello word.
I really hope that some moderator sees this and takes the right measures, or if not leave it here for everyone to see how certain people behave just to damage the work of another to promote their products.
That's it thank you.
Ah, about the money from Galileo OnlyUD, he was refunded, even being totally wrong and outside my terms of use I refunded. If you search in his Discord for the word AridekVM you will see how childish he is and how people defend my product and my person.
AridekVM spoofs NIC:
And yes, doing 0 and 2 it NIC will be forever setted as new.
Or if you just want to spoof the NIC permamnently, just contact me on discord and I'll send it for free, any idiot does that, it's not exclusive, just don't make me record another video to show it, but if you want I will
Edit: I did a video for show
After PC restart
A bonus for you, instead of judging me by NIC, why didn't you say ARP tables, it is much more interesting... although there are free methods to do that nowadays.
Anyway, none of this is a big deal.
Galileo from OnlyUD and his fear of flashing the bios:
Alright, I appreciate your professional response. After also receiving DM's on discord about how your product is not a scam.
I apologise.
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Today lets explain a very simple way to run server files behind router without C9 or using any patches .
I always say use ur brain before search nor read and share what u study So just my hope to share more guides out here So i could help more and more .
Here's a Simple guide for how to setup your server in your home pc for public (behind router), Just move with me step by step in Pics :
(If you are going to copy this guide so just gives credits to me (Dr.Abdelfattah))
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