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Spoofing Guide - Discussion - Help

Discussion on Spoofing Guide - Discussion - Help within the Valorant forum part of the Popular Games category.

Old 02/04/2023, 17:00   #31
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Aridek worked for me when sync didn't, plus it's funny how LukeManolia tries to trash talk Kedira. If sync is so good why waste time saying "x" product is bad?
I'm not even going to talk about the "gf" comment, cringe af.
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Old 02/04/2023, 21:15   #32

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Originally Posted by lordito View Post
Aridek worked for me when sync didn't, plus it's funny how LukeManolia tries to trash talk Kedira. If sync is so good why waste time saying "x" product is bad?
I'm not even going to talk about the "gf" comment, cringe af.
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Old 03/06/2023, 17:53   #33
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Originally Posted by taunix View Post
Woofer: Not going to say much since its pretty much a meme at this point, but they've been known with lots of screenshot evidence to refuse refunds and flatout ignore people asking for refunds after their product didn't work, and then abusing them on these forums for attempting to share their issue.
I will not address much on this, but it seems your review is biased and you seem to be getting your evidence from everything based on reviews from Epvp threads by the spoofer owners. I can tell you this, please read this announcement we had regarding us vs other spoofers and would like your point of view on it:

On the other hand, please DM me on discord the evidence you have regarding us denying refunds or even denying refunds and such because that is a big accusation that we would never cross as long as refund requests match our refund policy here:
And we take this policy very very very very seriously.

Also you mentioned: "then abusing them on these forums for attempting to share their issue. "
When did we ever remove any comment regarding issues customers have in our forums? Our thread is mixed bag of everything, other providers are literally a clean slate, dont you think that is quite odd? Well I explained it here
Skip all the way to Topic number 10 and read it carefully. If you want proof that those providers never did such thing I can provide this proof to you via DMs, and literal proof from people questioning Admins for the reason why they removed their comment on those specific threads.

Originally Posted by YaBoiSica View Post
is there always a risk of your pc getting bricked whilst spoofing and has your pc been bricked while doing so that is my only concern when cheating on games that have HWID Bans
There is always a risk in that regard, however, most providers do not care if this happens to you or even blames it on you. From the start of woofer, we knew this was an issue and were always determined that if this ever happens, we would compensate accordingly when enough evidence regarding this issue is presented.
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Old 03/06/2023, 19:53   #34
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Originally Posted by wooferpro View Post
I will not address much on this, but it seems your review is biased and you seem to be getting your evidence from everything based on reviews from Epvp threads by the spoofer owners. I can tell you this, please read this announcement we had regarding us vs other spoofers and would like your point of view on it:

On the other hand, please DM me on discord the evidence you have regarding us denying refunds or even denying refunds and such because that is a big accusation that we would never cross as long as refund requests match our refund policy here:
And we take this policy very very very very seriously.

Also you mentioned: "then abusing them on these forums for attempting to share their issue. "
When did we ever remove any comment regarding issues customers have in our forums? Our thread is mixed bag of everything, other providers are literally a clean slate, dont you think that is quite odd? Well I explained it here
Skip all the way to Topic number 10 and read it carefully. If you want proof that those providers never did such thing I can provide this proof to you via DMs, and literal proof from people questioning Admins for the reason why they removed their comment on those specific threads.

There is always a risk in that regard, however, most providers do not care if this happens to you or even blames it on you. From the start of woofer, we knew this was an issue and were always determined that if this ever happens, we would compensate accordingly when enough evidence regarding this issue is presented.
I guess what he mean is the very long response time. Imagine you need a few weeks to refund someone 25$, it's kinda sad. Your supporter aren't able to refund them aswell, all they can sell is 'we contacted woofer' - when someone send his bitcoin address you ask a few days later for his bitcoin address which needs extra time.

Also it feels like 90% of the valorant players encounter the issue that woofer isn't working, which is a meme.
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Old 03/06/2023, 20:13   #35
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Originally Posted by Muellmann1111 View Post
I guess what he mean is the very long response time. Imagine you need a few weeks to refund someone 25$, it's kinda sad. Your supporter aren't able to refund them aswell, all they can sell is 'we contacted woofer' - when someone send his bitcoin address you ask a few days later for his bitcoin address which needs extra time.

Also it feels like 90% of the valorant players encounter the issue that woofer isn't working, which is a meme.
Are you coming from 2022? Literally since the start of this year all refunds are being done by mods efficiently without my attendance. Any ticket that was open before and reopened again regarding refunds are done by mods only. I do not partake into refunds anymore unless its something mods do not know yet. Also, your story now does not add up, we never did refunds in BTC, only LTC for crypto. If you read my special announcement, I clearly explained why woofer does not work the first time already, but it seems you are being negligent on that.
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scam, spoofing, valorant, vouch, woofer

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