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Overwatch - The rumors have been proven wrong

Discussion on Overwatch - The rumors have been proven wrong within the User Submitted News forum part of the News & More category.

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Overwatch - The rumors have been proven wrong

The hype train around Overwatch has been going on for a while since there have been scraps of news about the new hero. Everyone has thought the new hero was going to be called Doomfist. Even the at Numbani Airport seemed to prove that, since the gauntlet of Doomfist has disappeared from the payload.

But Blizzard has decided not to complicate things more. They have announced the new hero of Overwatch, Orisa.
Orisa's story is not complicated at all. She was one of the guard robots at Numbani airport when Doomfist came for his gauntlet. Pointless to say, those robots didn't stand a chance against him.
That's how , Efi Oladele found her remains. There have been hints by Blizzard, for example (see above) the interview with Efi, a picture of her including parts to something.

She has decided to reshape Orisa, because Numbani was in need of guardian who is able to protect the city. Orisa can be tested on Overwatch's PTR server. She is going to be a tank hero, if you ask me, an awesome one. A great and worthy competition for the current tank heroes.
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