Bethesda had an interesting show during the E3, especially the DOOM 4 kick off that offered a single-player footage of the game. Unfortunately, we will not be getting any more information before the end of July.
Garrett Young – General Manager at id Software answered a fan’s question on Twitter and said that we have to wait for the QuakeCon 2015. The fan was asking if there will be any new enemies in the game and this was Young’s answer.
QuakeCon 2015 will be held in Dallas from the 23rd to the 26th of July. Hopefully, we won’t have to wait for long. They are probably setting something new to show during their annual event, maybe more teasers or even the date for the beta release.
Doom will be available in the first quarter of 2016 for PC, Xbox One, and PS4. Tell us about the things you want to know during this QuakeCon.
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Doom 1 und Doom 2: BPjM nimmt die id Software Shooter-Klassiker vom Index (Hotnews) 08/30/2011 - User Submitted News - 1 Replies Hallo liebe Gamer Sekte
Ich möchte euch mit einer Late News um 20:55 noch Überaschen
Wie ihr ja wohlmöglich wisst, sind ja manche Spiele Indiziert, wer nicht weiß was das bedeutet kann hier nachlesen
Ja ihr habt richtig gehört soeben kam die News rein das Doom und Doom 2 (nicht Doom 2 US!) vom Index gestrichen wurde, das teilte die BPjM mit.