Supported version of the game: Steam (only for dx9 )
Supported game mode : Fullscreen or windowed
Supported anti-cheats : In-game anti-cheat
On the menu is controlled by the arrows
- Players Box / Display 2D squares around the players
- Players Box Color Invisible / The ability to change the color of 2D squares that players can not see
- Players Box Color Visible / The ability to change the color of the visible players 2D squares
- Players Line / Draw lines to players
- Players Line Color / Possibility to change the color of the lines to the players
- Players Name / Display the player's nickname
- Players Name Color / The ability to change the color of the players nicknames
- Players Distance / Display the distance to the players
- Players Distance Color / The ability to change the color of the displayed distance
- Players Skelet / Display skeletons on players
- Players Skelet Color Invisible / The ability to change the color of the skeletons on the players who are not visible
- Players Skelet Color Visible / The ability to change the color of the skeletons on the players which show
- Item Name / Item Name Display
- Item Color / The ability to change the color of the displayed objects
- Vehicles Name / Display name Transportation
- Vehicles Name Color / The ability to change the color of transport names
- Vehicles Distance / Display the distance to the vehicle
- Vehicles Distance Color / The ability to change the color of the displayed distance to transport
- Airdrop Name / Display airdrop
- Airdrop Color / The ability to change the color of the displayed airdropa
- Airdrop Distance / Display the distance to airdropa
- Airdrop Distance Color / The ability to change the color of the distance to airdropa
- No Recoil / Disable return from weapons
- No Spread / Disable variation in weapons
- Aim Visible / Enable check on which players can see and vice versa
- Aim Type / Change type of aimbot
- Draw Aim FOV / Display workspace aimbot
- Aim FOV / Change workspace aimbot
- Aim Bone / bone changes for aimbot
- Amendment Z / Ability to change the Zaxis correction
- Aim Key / Keys Change aimbot
- Aim Smooth / smooth pickup Changes
- Menu the "Home" key
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