[Selling] sell sell sell! trade trade trade! 07/05/2014 - Conquer Online 2 Trading - 10 Replies PayPal ONLY!!!!
1. Not going first in trade. So don't waste your time or mine.
2. One item trade at a time. (meaning transaction trade for each item if you're buying more than one item.)
3 Must be paid as gift with information saying: " ONLINE Gaming GOODS"
Ninja armor +12 -7 2sok p6 perm lvl 138 = $200
Nnija Hood +12 -5 2sok p6 perm lvl 138 = $200
2x Katana +12 -5 2sok p6 perm lvl 138 = $200 each
Ring +12 -7 2sok p6 perm lvl 136 = $360
Tower +8 2sok -1 = $100
Sell SELL SELL SELL!! 05/13/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Sell SELL SELL SELL!!
Hello guys
I sell my lol Account on the level 30 with 3787 Ep and 8 Rp!
with many champs!
Here the skins: Teemo 3x/ Amumu 2x/ Annie 1x/Ashe 1x/ Blitzcrank 1x/ Caitlien 2x/ Cho"gath 1x/ Corki 1x/ Darius 1x/ Draven 1x/Elise 1x/Ezreal 1x/Fiddlesticks 2x/Fiora 1x/ Gragas 1x/ Graves 2x/ Katarina 1x/ Kayle 1x/Kha"Zig 1x/ Kog"maw 1x/ Leona 1x/ Lulu 1x/ Lux 1x/ Malphite 1x/ Master Yi 2x/ Nautilus 1x/ Nidalee 2x/ Nocturne 1x/ Quinn 1x/ Renekton 1x/ Riven 1x/Rumble 1x/...
Sell SELL SELL SELL!! 05/13/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello guys
I sell my lol Account on the level 30 with 3787 Ep and 8 Rp!
with many champs!
Here the skins: Teemo 3x/ Amumu 2x/ Annie 1x/Ashe 1x/ Blitzcrank 1x/ Caitlien 2x/ Cho"gath 1x/ Corki 1x/ Darius 1x/ Draven 1x/Elise 1x/Ezreal 1x/Fiddlesticks 2x/Fiora 1x/ Gragas 1x/ Graves 2x/ Katarina 1x/ Kayle 1x/Kha"Zig 1x/ Kog"maw 1x/ Leona 1x/ Lulu 1x/ Lux 1x/ Malphite 1x/ Master Yi 2x/ Nautilus 1x/ Nidalee 2x/ Nocturne 1x/ Quinn 1x/ Renekton 1x/ Riven 1x/Rumble 1x/ Ryze 1x/ Seujani 1x/ Shaco...