[Selling] Selling iPoints on insanity flyff/ Verkaufe iPoints auf Insanity flyff 02/20/2016 - Flyff Trading - 7 Replies Hi I am selling a account withe 2520 iPoints which are worth about 150€. You are buying here a account with no characters only a 2520 iPoints balance. The insanity flyff server got wiped 1-2 years ago and this were my refund for my the ipoints I've purchased. Wirte me a pm or just answer in this section. You can also write me on Skype.
Hi ich verkaufe hier einen Account auf dem 2520 iPoints sind, die auf der Homepage 150€ Wert sind. Geboten wird für einen Account der keine Charaktere hat...
epvp osu/osu!mania league 02/07/2015 - General Gaming Discussion - 1 Replies I think a osu!mania/osu! epvpers league could be a good idea. Because the game is popular worldwide, and very skill based. Before we decide toghether the rules, i would like to see how many participants could be :D
Eventually, if the thing will start, i will update this post every week before the match..
osu! is a music game which consists, basically, to click on the circles at the right time. Is not so easy as this suggests, though...
More info incoming.