[Selling] Accounts with AP (Aeria Points - 1000 AP / 4.5$) for any and every Aeria Games 10/26/2014 - Trading - 4 Replies http://oi60.tinypic.com/zmkspi.jpg
I am selling a few Aeria Games accounts with AP (Aeria Points) for a limited time only
I will not charge your account with AP, I do only sell accounts with AP
some games may need a specific level requirement to gift cash items to your main
after a successful transaction you must change the password as well as the email of the account, etc
the payment must be sent through paypal...
[Selling] Account with AP (Aeria Points) for S4 League or any Aeria Games 10/22/2014 - S4 League Trading - 20 Replies http://oi60.tinypic.com/zmkspi.jpg
I am selling a few Aeria Games accounts with AP (Aeria Points) for a limited time only
I will not charge your account with AP, I do only sell accounts with AP
some games may need a specific level requirement to gift cash items to your main
after a successful transaction you must change the password as well as the email of the account, etc
the payment must be sent through paypal...
[Selling] Account with AP (Aeria Points - 1000 AP / 4.5$) for Shaiya Phoenix or any Aeria Games 10/21/2014 - Shaiya Trading - 3 Replies http://oi60.tinypic.com/zmkspi.jpg
I am selling a few Aeria Games accounts with AP (Aeria Points) for a limited time only
I will not charge your account with AP, I do only sell accounts with AP
some games may need a specific level requirement to gift cash items to your main
after a successful transaction you must change the password as well as the email of the account, etc
the payment must be sent through paypal...
Wolfteam/ Aeria Games - Aeria Points Hack 04/13/2013 - Trading - 3 Replies Genug mit dem Geld ausgeben für Aeria Games!
Ein Letztes Mal 20Euro und ihr braucht nie wieder auch nur einen Euro ausgeben. Ein Freund hat diesen Hack vor kurzem erstellt und ich darf ihn an 5 Personen vergeben!
Ich bitte euch darum diesen Ap Hack dann nicht weiter zu verschicken zu eurem eigenen Interesse! Wenn jeder den Hack hat, ist jeder Fullcash und im schlimmsten Fall wird der Hack irgendwann geblockt weil zu viele ihn benutzen und es aufgefallen ist.
-10euro einmalig (bis...
[Release][Method]Aeria - 100% Autopill 08/01/2012 - 12Sky2 Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 32 Replies Assumed use of cheat engine.
I will not explain in detail as I am currently updating map fun with this :D
Learn cheat engine and some asm please :)
Find autopill autopillhp and autopill chi addresses.
AutoPill: 10AB374