I wanna sell/trade my 2 acc for psc or paypal.
1. Diamond1 NA TOP TEN ZED ON NA for 50euros(negotiable)
2.Diamond 2 EUNE 60 SKINS 100 CHAMPS 70euros(negotiable)
leave offers here or pm me
[Selling] EUNE Diamond 2 - 89 Champs - 7 Rune pages - S3 Diamond border - 2k RP! 02/16/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 2 Replies Hello there. Im selling my main account on EUNE. I played on this account since Season 2, and im the original owner. Account is well know in EUNE competetive scene, I was a memeber of numerous highly ranked teams. Im can show account to potencial buyer via skype screen-share.
Account information:
-No ban or any suspension history.
-Diamond 2 with reasonable mmr.
-Diamond border for S3.
-Gold S2 icons and rewards.
-3 Refunds available.
[Selling] [EUNE] Selling Diamond Account | Season 4 | Diamond Rewards | Great MMR | Check | 01/26/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 5 Replies I would like to sell my acc in EUNE which ended season 4 Diamond Division.
Account Infos
Division: Unranked was diamond season 4
RP: 40
IP: 2200+
Champions: 64
[Selling] EUNE DIAMOND V S3 GOLD ,SEASON 4 DIAMOND PAX SIVIR+VICTORIOUS SKINS 01/12/2015 - League of Legends Trading - 0 Replies Hello i selling my diamond 5 account EUNE , with 81 champs ,5 runes, 12 skins, rare skin PAX SIVIR ,both victorious from season 3 ELISE and from season 4 Morgana ! + 3 free here is a some pictures ! looking for offer add me at skype : djoletristana
epvpImg: play less, UPLOAD MOAR!
epvpImg: Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!
epvpImg: *nomnomnom*, we eat your images.
epvpImg: Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya!
epvpImg: *burp*, images are delicious.
epvpImg: *nomnomnom*, we eat your images.
epvpImg: play less,...
[Selling] EUNE Diamond 3 Account , 100 champs, 28 skins, 7 rune pages, diamond border 11/08/2014 - League of Legends Trading - 1 Replies Hello , i decided it is time to sell my lol account. All the info you need you will find here :
EUNE Diamond 3 LoL account - Imgur
I am the original owner, the account has never been banned.
Skype : cosraducostache
I accept paypal and paysafe .