MW3 PS3 Account! [High Rank] 07/24/2012 - Consoles Trading - 0 Replies hey guys i have a ps3 mw3 account im selling becuase i moved to pc ( name is MrDequ and its ranked 50,000 in the world for kills and 30,000 for score and its 14th prestige and level 54 with 3 gold guns and also has 6 hours of 2xp and the account will be getting free elite premium in 2 weeks from infinityward!
the highest offer so far is by Aloxaria and it is 80$ but since i havent heard from him/her in over 24 hours i will keep it up here unless he/she replys back soon this will go to the...
selling ps3 mw3 account [HIGH RANK] 07/24/2012 - Call of Duty - 5 Replies hey guys i have a ps3 mw3 account im selling becuase i moved to pc and its ranked 50,000 in the world for kills and 30,000 for score and its 14th prestige and level 54 with 3 gold guns and also has 6 hours of 2xp and the account will be getting free elite premium in 2 weeks from infinityward!
thanks for reading and offer up!
[S] High Rank Account 01/08/2012 - CrossFire Trading - 0 Replies Guten Tag Epvp Nutzer
ie oben schon beschrieben suche ich einen High Rank Account minimum ist dabei Major. Also wenn du einen High Rank Account besitzt den du verkaufen willst melde dich !!! Schreibt am besten euren Account link in diesen Thread den preis und mit was ich zahlen soll.
Freue mich auf eure Angebote
[S]High Rank Account [B] Max 50 Psc! 07/26/2011 - CrossFire Trading - 3 Replies Hey,
überschrift sagt alles (:
Wir handeln nur über mm oder ihr gibt frist !
Min. Rank Silber Pommes !
Ps: An alle Sceammer ! Ich bin der Alte WickeT™ wenn ihr denkt das ihr mich wegen meinen wenigen Beiträgen scemmen könnt irrt ihr euch ! Jeder versuch wird zur Anzeige gebracht (: