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WTS Vindictus Account Lv67 Lann 54k AP - Lv66 Evie 56k AP + 50m Gold & 131k NX

Discussion on WTS Vindictus Account Lv67 Lann 54k AP - Lv66 Evie 56k AP + 50m Gold & 131k NX within the Trading forum part of the The Black Market category.

Old   #1
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WTS Vindictus Account Lv67 Lann 54k AP - Lv66 Evie 56k AP + 50m Gold & 131k NX

I am selling the following East Server Vindictus account:

General Account Information
-100% legit account - never hacked and never associated with hackers; account has never been suspended/warned
-50 million gold total is included (I have more but I am selling it separately; I would be willing to work out a deal) - 25m on Lann and 25m on Evie
-131k NX (yes, you read that right, there is 131,000 NX available to spend - retail value is $130) - Roughly half is Prepaid, which you can sell/trade (people use to pay 1.5-2m per 10k NX) and the rest is Credit.
-I’m a packrat and crafter so my storage is filled with random materials, mainly from boat 6 as that’s when I quit.

Lvl 67 Lann
-54k AP (Every skill maxed except following: Cloth/Light Armor rA; Lightning Fury r9; Secondary Weapon Prof. rD; and Gust Sting/Moon Splitter unranked)
-Dark Knight lvl 13 (All 13 points available to spend)
-315 Titles
-200/299 Platesmithing Expertise
-2 Permanent Storages; 4 Rune of Enchantment; Headcrab; Twin Crowbars; Lann Football Uniform No. 00
-+8 Vanquishers, +8 Oblivion Ivory Twin Swords, Jagursh’s Bloodletters
-+5 Black Hammer/Swift combo w/ Rounded, Enduring, Zeal, Restoration enchants (gloves fused w/ Blood Fist for red glow effect); Warrior’s Courage Ring/Emblem; Rocheste Magician Guild Seal; Sargamiu Nose Ring; Tough Irukul Leather Belt
-180 Enhancement Elixirs; 75 Empowered Enhancement Stones; 300 Superior Leather; 100 Superior Cloth; 35 Exquisite Leather; hundreds of crystals/remnants/gems
-Millions worth in various materials from Boat 6 such as 35 Gray Officer Uniforms; 30 Shiny Leather; 12 Kanjel Hair; 18 Willy’s Clawfoot

Lvl 66 Evie
-56k AP + 1k AP stored (Every skill maxed except following: Magic Arrow/Eagle Talon r9; Light/Heavy/Plate Armor/Golem Mastery rA; Blind Arrow rC; Secondary Weapon rD; Firebolt/Ice Blast rE; Alchemy Erg/SP Regen rF; Flying Sparrow/SP Clipped Wings unranked)
-Paladin lvl 10 (All 10 points available to spend)
-276 Titles
-1 Permanent Storage; Festive Christmas Inner Armor (only available Christmas 2010, skin tone color); Bunny Ear Headband (black)
-+8 Ivory Scythe
-Temptress Set minus head w/ Energy, Fine, Quality enchants; Sage’s Ghost Witch Spell Book; Ghost Witch Ring/Emblem; Rocheste Guild Seal; Earrings of Temptation; Tough Irukul Leather Belt
-70 Enhancement Elixirs; 100+ Empowered Enhancement Stones; 450+ Superior Cloth; 150+ Superior Leather; hundreds of crystals/remnants
-Millions worth in boat 6 materials such as 40 Shiny Leather

Lvl 51 Fiona
-31k AP + 1k AP Stored (Sword build mainly w/ some Hammer skills)
-175 Titles
-+1 Laghodessa Set, Stigma, Kite Shield
-20 Enhancement elixirs, hundreds of various crystals/remnants, and random materials from boat 5
-3 Unbind potions, 10 Party Goddess Graces, 60 Merc Potions, 50 Fishing Rods

I first started playing soon after beta ended and I played non-stop until around May 2011 when I would just play periodically. On my lann and evie I've completed everything in Episode 6 including completing Titan and labyrinth several times. I planned to keep playing but can’t due to school and soccer.

I will sell the account via Pay Pal if/when I receive a reasonable offer. The winning bidder will receive the account information (login ID and password) and also the Last Name and Birthday information so you can change the e-mail address and password.

I accept Pay Pal only (no trades) and you must be Verified. My account is Verified with 136 Buyer Reputation and 80 Seller Reputation. I've listed this elsewhere such as egamingsupply where I've sold accounts before (thread found here

I can provide screenshots to serious buyers if you want. Also, I can supply my Pay Pal address and/or my eBay account (which has 100% positive rating w/ 215 feedbacks) to serious buyers if you wish to verify. If you have any other questions, please post here or PM or e-mail me at and I will respond as soon as possible.

P.S. I also have millions of gold available to sell, PM/post/e-mail me for details.
Kallaan is offline  
Old 07/27/2011, 16:25   #2
elite*gold: 0
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Still taking offers. I am willing to negotiate on a fair price.

Also, still have some gold for sale. Post, PM, or e-mail for details thanks.
Kallaan is offline  
Old 07/31/2011, 04:00   #3
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Still taking offers.
Kallaan is offline  
Old 08/10/2011, 10:40   #4 Trade Status: Unverified(?)
elite*gold: 0
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I am interested in buying the account. I would like to negotiate the terms
Ecko4complex21 is offline  
Old 09/03/2011, 17:56   #5
elite*gold: 0
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Posts: 27
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Sorry, I posted this account on several auction sites and sold it already. This thread was buried at the time so I didn't want to bump it. Anyways, the account sold a while ago, sorry to the couple people who inquired about it recently.
Kallaan is offline  

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