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Discussion on ELECTUS REVISION|110 EU/CH | $15.000 PRIZE POOL |PLAY2WIN ORIENTED| 2022 INNOVATION within the SRO PServer Advertising forum part of the SRO Private Server category.

Old 02/23/2022, 21:56   #241
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when i click the start the game button i just get an empty error window and thats it. what could be wrong?
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Old 02/24/2022, 17:10   #242

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Date: 24-02-2022
Time: 18:00
Downtime: 30 to 60 minutes

  • Reset Honor Ranking and Buffs (Weekly Reset).
  • Enabled Server Dungeon CLICK HERE To read more about it.
    Shadow Spirit: 2x Talismans. 3x Diamond Box. 2x Elite Box. 2x Trail. 4x Platinum Box.
    General Monsters: 1% Platinum Box
    Champion Monsters: 1% Diamond Box, 1% Talisman
    Elite Monsters: Talisman 1%, Trail 2%, Elite Box 1%.
    Light Spirit: 1x Platinum Box. 1x Talisman. 1x Diamond Box. 1x Elite Box.
    Electus Defender: 2x Talisman. 4x Diamond Box. 2x Elite Box. 2x Trail. 4x Platinum Box
    Electus Guardian[STR]: 4x Talisman. 4x Diamond Box. 2x Elite Box. 2x Trail. 4x Platinum Box.
    Killer of Electus Defender and Electus Guardian will receive 40 Honor Points.
    PC Limit is 1 for Server Dungeon
    Event starts daily at 8 PM. Event duration 40-45 minutes.
    You must have a party to enter the event. When party master teleports in, the party will be locked and stranger players cannot enter the party anymore.
  • Reduced Forgotten World Cooldown to 12 Hours.
    Removed FGW cooldown from all users.
    Removed ip/pc limit from Forgotten World (Server limits still apply)
  • Job Cave Uniques Diamond Box Drop Changes
    Selket : 2
    Neith : 2
    Haroeris: 3
    Anubis : 3
    Isis: 3
  • Elite Box Adjustment; (Anti Inflation).
    Changed Success Rate from 20% to 17%
    Reduced Elite Box from Simulation to 1.
    Removed Elite Box from Karkadann.
    Removed Elite Box from Khulood.
    Elite Boxes are still locked.
  • Activated Solo and Team Equalized Survival. [22:00 - Team Equalized | 02:30 Solo - Equalized]
  • Removed Elite Box drop From All uniques in Godsend, added it to Shadow Spirit only for 20%
  • Removed Diamond Box from Godsend.
  • Shadow Spirit from Solo Godsend have 50% Chance to drop Platinum Box
  • Adjusted #4 Quest to the following;
    Requirement: Eliminate Shadow Spirit 3x Times.
    Reward: 3x EP Scroll + 1x Diamond Box
    This way pick order won't fuck anyone up.
  • Reduced Mini Uniques HP in Godsend by 30%.
    Speeds up the process because we have 1 more event now.
  • Added Kill Counter Window to Donwhang Job War Event.
  • Added Premium Requirement to Join Thief Union.
    Selling thief slot is illegal. Joining bot chars to thief union to sell it later will not be possible anymore.
  • Enabled PVP Challenge Area.
    Use Electus Menu > PvP Challenge > Enter enemy charname and amount of bet in Electus Cash >Challenge. If your enemy accepts the bet, you will be recalled to PvP area. Winner gets all the Electus Cash in bet.
    Use new Electus Menu (F6) > Unique Queue > Get in the queue > A random user who also registered will challenge you and you'll receive EP for win. You can play 1 time per day.
  • Increased Rare Talisman drop rate in Forgotten World
    Drop rate for talismans in FGW is still the same, now it's higher chance to get rare talisman.
  • Magic Pop Card cost at Electus Shop 125M.
  • Increased Poison Weapon, Vein Weapon and Death Weapon Godsend Cooldown to 12 Seconds.
  • Added Premium Remover Scroll to Electus Shop.
  • Blocked the usage of Source Therapy, Whole Therapy, Adaption Therapy, Harmony Therapy in Survival Arena.
  • PhBot is banned from Squid Game. (Anti-Abuse)
  • First Fortress War
    27-02-2022 | 20:00 to 21:30 (1h30mins)
    Pets allowed
    Zerk Not Allowed

  • Fixed Diamond Box Claim From Winning 1x Survival Arena. 1x Last Team Standing and 1x Underground Events.
  • Fixed 10DG Euro Shield Stats.
  • Fixed Stall Network.
  • Fixed Global Linking Item.

  • 15% Discount on all Character Visuals.
  • 20% Discount on all Character Icons.

Giving Back to the Community

As mentioned before grand opening, we are rewarding our community for their progress in Electus Online.

Weekly Rewards

Job Kill Rank 1: Armz has won Steelseries Apex 3 Gaming Keyboard
Unique Kill Rank 1: l_KinG_l has won Steelseries Apex 3 Gaming Keyboard

Monthly Rewards

Battle Royale: Player with most BR wins on March 11 will receive a 144 Hz Gaming Monitor.

Grand Prize

The winner guild of Fortress War Event Series will receive $10,000 cash. More info here:

Essential Information

Achievement #4 (Weekly jobbing challenge - 600 EP) gets reset every week at weekly maintenance, in order not to lose progress on it, complete the achievement and redeem the gift before Thursday 6 PM. (Reminder: You can complete this challenge and redeem Diamond Box more than once per week.)
First Fortress war will take place @ 27.02.2022
FREE EPIN from Electus Mobile App will be ready in the following days. Download Electus Mobile App for iOS/Android now. (Search for Electus Online in store).
When the 3rd tier SOX (Seal of SUN aka EGY B) weapons are unlocked in the future, you will need Electus Points, Iron/Copper/Silver/Arena Coins to purchase it. In order to keep the environment play2win based, SUN items will be UNTRADEABLE. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to pay attention to farming EP+Coins already. The number of required EP+Coins to purchase SUN will be announced in the following server updates.
FGW Quest (2nd tier SOX Weapon) is disabled until March 3. You can collect talismans from Jupiter/Magic Pop but you cannot get a SOM weapon until that date.

Donation Event

You will receive 20% additional bonus for your donations starting from Tomorrow 20:00
Bonus Electus Cash you normally obtain from the packages are also included.
Your bonus Electus Cash reward is added on your account instantly when you donate (PayOp+EPins+Paywant)

Period start: 25/2/2022 | Friday | 20:00 Electus Time.
Period end: 27/2/2022 | Sunday | 23:59 Electus Time.

Event Portal Today

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Old 02/25/2022, 19:03   #243
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PROS: +Great edits
+ Huge population
+ almost 0 down time
+ transparent GM

CONS: - Class balance actually destroyed the balance.
- Unless you spend $100 a week you stand no chance at any type of event.

Example: You can not PVP donators because they are extremely OP with devil +5 and full sos +9 (purchased with silk ofc)
You can not KS uniques because they are geared like crazy.
You can not do trades because the TOP donator guilds are going to destroy you.

- Most pay2win server in existence (despite what the GM said that its play2win)

Example: When SOS was introduced the donators got full SOS set and weapons in literally 1 day because they purchased everything with silk from other players.
Lucky stones / Steady stones / Challenge stones are only obtainable from the other players if you pay them silks. (Because the rate is extremely low).

- The gold is extremely hard to obtain unless you sell silks.

Conclusion: If you do not want to spent a fortune in silkroad don't even think to play on this server because you will get really frustrated vs all the guilds with CAPPED gear.

This is coming from a player with full +7 set and +9 weapons (who dies 1 shot from anything that touches him form donators XD (I only spent $50 in the game for premium, avatar and devil).

Best of luck!
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Old 02/25/2022, 22:10   #244

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Electus Revision

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Old 02/25/2022, 23:24   #245
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Originally Posted by Electus Online View Post
Electus Revision

1st week was totally different than what it is now. Right now all the donators changed to thieves and trading is close to impossible. Post some caravans from now if you can find any
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Old 02/26/2022, 03:39   #246

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Originally Posted by mihaibolog View Post

PROS: +Great edits
+ Huge population
+ almost 0 down time
+ transparent GM

CONS: - Class balance actually destroyed the balance.
- Unless you spend $100 a week you stand no chance at any type of event.

Example: You can not PVP donators because they are extremely OP with devil +5 and full sos +9 (purchased with silk ofc)
You can not KS uniques because they are geared like crazy.
You can not do trades because the TOP donator guilds are going to destroy you.

- Most pay2win server in existence (despite what the GM said that its play2win)

Example: When SOS was introduced the donators got full SOS set and weapons in literally 1 day because they purchased everything with silk from other players.
Lucky stones / Steady stones / Challenge stones are only obtainable from the other players if you pay them silks. (Because the rate is extremely low).

- The gold is extremely hard to obtain unless you sell silks.

Conclusion: If you do not want to spent a fortune in silkroad don't even think to play on this server because you will get really frustrated vs all the guilds with CAPPED gear.

This is coming from a player with full +7 set and +9 weapons (who dies 1 shot from anything that touches him form donators XD (I only spent $50 in the game for premium, avatar and devil).

Best of luck!
Thank you for your feedback.

Obtaining silks heavily depend on your play-style. If you complete dungeons daily (also around 1 hour) and do jobbing for an hour, you get at lest 100 silk and 1 diamond box (that worth 300 silk). Of course you can also join many other events and obtain free silk.

Especially, equalized events where every player have exactly same items and item plus.

There is also #helpful-chat on Discord available for all users, you can talk to other players for some tips and tricks.

Example: When SOS was introduced the donators got full SOS set and weapons in literally 1 day because they purchased everything with silk from other players.

About your above example, it's a fact. If there was no access to those low-tier SOX items with money, there would be no necessity to donate, therefore no funds to run the project.

For a server to be ONLY play2win, it must be a complete PvP server or where exchanging items are banned. There is no such PVE server.

When we promote the server as ''Play2Win'', we solely mean that there are a lot of in-game methods to access silk without having to pay money. In Electus Revision, there are a lot of events where you get silk reward no matter what items you have. Of course, having better items will give you an advantage and as we mentioned above, it's how the project is being funded.

Essential to know, the best items (SUN) are not tradeable and entirely play2win because we believe the best items should only be obtainable by playing the game and not in any way with payment.

Originally Posted by mihaibolog View Post
1st week was totally different than what it is now. Right now all the donators changed to thieves and trading is close to impossible. Post some caravans from now if you can find any
We are monitoring the server 24/7 and can tell caravan success rate is higher than 95%.

If it succeeded every single time, there'd be no competition, no fun and the gold inflation would ruin the economy.

Balance. It matters
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Old 02/28/2022, 00:47   #247

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Electus Revision - First Fortress War

$10.000 Prize Pool for winning Fortress War Series for more information

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Old 02/28/2022, 12:12   #248
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Dear Electus Team,
What's you politics regarding to the situation on the free land Ukraine?
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Old 03/01/2022, 16:49   #249
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Originally Posted by hubz0n View Post
Dear Electus Team,
What's you politics regarding to the situation on the free land Ukraine?
This is game topic ... no one care for it ... go to forum where talk for war in Ukraine ... you think turks/arab/ or other no-lifers ppl who play 24/7 cares for Urkaine lol man They care for SOM after 2 days

You at wrong topic
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Old 03/03/2022, 19:26   #250

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Reset Honor Ranking and Buffs (Weekly Reset).
New Players;
New Characters get 33M Skill Points at start.
Elite Boxes are now available to crack and trade.
Enabled Seal of Moon Weapon Quest.
Seal of Sun prices are Pre-Adjusted in Seal of Sun NPC (Prices are not final and may change before the released date: -+10%)
- Coin requirements are set for Seal of Sun weapons and Seal of Sun EP requirements will be revealed next week at Update #4. Coin requirements might change -+10% before release.
- EP and Coin requirements are set for Seal of Sun equipments/accessories except for gold coin (It will be 2 gold coin req. most likely. They are set to be 9999 so none can buy it).

Reworked prime time Events Schedule;
18.00 party BA
18.30 solo survival arena
19.00 last team standing
19.30 medusa equalized (You can teleport in with scrolls).
20.00 electus underground
20:30 neith/selket
21:00 job ba
21:15 donwhang south job war event
22:00 isis/anubis
22.30 survival team equalized
23.00 guild ba
00.00 search n destroy
00.30 haroeris
01.00 random BA
01.30 squid game
02.00 random ba
02.30 solo survival arena
Increased EP reward from Jobbing to the following;
Trader: 5 EP -> 10 EP
Hunter: 10 EP -> 14 EP
Thief: 5 EP -> 7 EP (Note that this can change automatically depends on thieves activities)

Players will still receive same similar amount of gold reward in storage for same work. Daily gold limit will be triggered at 100 EP instead of 50 EP (Hunters are still getting no penaly).

Changed Medusa Event to Equalized Event.
Disabled Parties in Medusa Event
Changed Medusa Event HWID to 1
Nerfed Medusa Damage (You wont die from its damage even if you have no buffs at all)
You can adjust your equalized inventory with any wizard char and all chars will have same items in side the event area.
You can teleport in with scrolls, use scrolls inside.
Drops are solo based: 100x4 Electus Cash, 1x Elite Box, 1x Diamond Box (Live Chest)

Removed Elite Box drops From Godsend Completely
Adjusted Godsend Quest #4 Reward from 1x Diamond Box to 1x Elite Box
Increased Elite Box Drops at Following Uniques
Selket 2x, Neith 2x, Isis 2x, Anubis 2x, Haroeris 3x
Added Elite Box Drop to Jupiter 2* : 50%
Increased Rogue Imbue Cooldown to 20 Seconds.
Nerfed Phy and Magic Absorption from 15% to 10% on Premium.
Nerfed Vigor Grain % from 20 to 18
Added Seal of Moon Weapon Changer to Item Mall. (You can change any MOON weapon to any other MOON weapon, all stats/blues/skins/adv/glow will stay same).
Adjustment to Potions Price;
Reduced Purification Pill Price From 1M to 600K
Reduced HP and MP Price From 5000 to 4000
Reduced Vigor Recovery Grain (Small) price from 300k to 250k
Reduce Vigor Recovery Grain (Small) percentage from 20% to 18%
Nerfed Underground Unique HP by 35%
Increased Max EP per Survival from 20 EP to 30 EP
Changed Survival Challenge Gift Reward to the Following (you get one of those only)
Seal of Star [50%]
Seal of Moon [2%]
2x EP Scroll + 2x SP Scroll [30%]
2% Alchemy Boost Scroll [4%]
3% Alchemy Boost Scroll [2%]
115% Speed Potion 3 Days [6%]
Emoji Chat Pack [6%]
Changed Survival Arena Reward to The Following;
TOP 1: 2 Platinum Box + 1x Elite Box + Magic Pop Card
TOP 2: 2 Platinum Box + 1 Diamond Box + Magic Pop Card
TOP 3: 1 Platinum Box + 1 Diamond Box
TOP 4: 1 Platinum Box + Magic Pop Card
TOP 5: 1 Platinum Box + Magic Pop Card
Enabled PVP/Unique Queue.
Reduced FGW Cooldown from 12 Hours to 9 Hours.
Changed Ukranie Character Icon Flag price to 1 Electus Cash.
All users who bought Ukraine icon is refunded.
Disabled Zerk in Fortress War
20% Discount on All Colorful Titles
Fixed Job Level Stuck @ Level 7.
Fixed Quest #10 (Solo Godsend SP Quest) require to kill 3x Shadow Spirit Instead of 1x.
Fixed Flying Dragon - godsend lvl 3 second attack power from 2021 to 2121

Comment Event #3, Telegram Event and Fortress War Event Winners are Announced to check the winners

Giving Back to the Community

As mentioned before grand opening, we are rewarding our community for their progress in Electus Online.

Weekly Rewards

Job Kill Rank 1: Jeopar has won Razer DeathAdder V2 Mouse
Unique Kill Rank 1: MadKing has won Razer DeathAdder V2 Mouse
Monthly Rewards

Battle Royale: Player with most BR wins on March 11 will receive a 144 Hz Gaming Monitor.

Grand Prize

The winner guild of Fortress War Event Series will receive $10,000 cash. More info here:

Essential Information

Achievement #4 (Weekly jobbing challenge - 600 EP) gets reset every week at weekly maintenance, in order not to lose progress on it, complete the achievement and redeem the gift before Thursday 6 PM. (Reminder: You can complete this challenge and redeem Diamond Box more than once per week.)
Second Fortress war will take place @ 06.03.2022
FREE EPIN from Electus Mobile App is working now, EPIN's will be granted on Saturday at 8 PM server time. Download Electus Mobile App for iOS/Android now. (Search for Electus Online in store).
When the 3rd tier SOX (Seal of SUN aka EGY B) weapons are unlocked in the future, you will need Electus Points, Iron/Copper/Silver/Arena Coins to purchase it. In order to keep the environment play2win based, SUN items will be UNTRADEABLE. Therefore, we strongly recommend you to pay attention to farming EP+Coins already. The number of required EP+Coins to purchase SUN will be announced in the following server updates.

Donation Event

You will receive 20% additional bonus for your donations starting from Tomorrow 20:00
Bonus Electus Cash you normally obtain from the packages are also included.
Your bonus Electus Cash reward is added on your account instantly when you donate (PayOp+EPins+Paywant)

Period start: 4/3/2022 | Friday | 20:00 Electus Time.
Period end: 6/3/2022 | Sunday | 23:59 Electus Time.

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Old 03/04/2022, 10:35   #251
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Just thinking about joining, anyone wanna help me out get some levels and equipment? Kinda too bored to start alone.
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Old 03/04/2022, 18:06   #252
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First 14 days were almost perfect and nobody was to strong but then it simply became a game who buys more silks, server is simply going to fast. Can anyone tell me how much money people spend on Electus servers because my 100€ felt like entry fee to be average at best. Other than that good season but to fast.
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Old 03/04/2022, 18:29   #253
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Originally Posted by CyberEagle View Post
First 14 days were almost perfect and nobody was to strong but then it simply became a game who buys more silks, server is simply going to fast. Can anyone tell me how much money people spend on Electus servers because my 100€ felt like entry fee to be average at best. Other than that good season but to fast.
i think best server players donating over 10k$+- ^^

Its just weird the people still coming to electus project and crying how that pay2win is it , theres already 10+- of the season at the electus , and theres already everyknow that its fully pay2win 2months season , But its nice server for sure to rich players whos dont care about donating much of money , big population of players , happy activities.

Rly that braindead ? no money ?than just forgot to do something nice/win in electus 50$ will be not enought to donate you will need 5k
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Old 03/06/2022, 11:14   #254
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is the server crowded?
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Old 03/06/2022, 11:36   #255
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Electus had like almost 7.000 Players for about 2 weeks.
Now its already 3.000+

SoM released and only one day later players already had full som +7 set.
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