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Warriors Way Online - Invictus | Non Bot | Cap 100 | Eu & Ch | Quest Based| Long Term
Discussion on Warriors Way Online - Invictus | Non Bot | Cap 100 | Eu & Ch | Quest Based| Long Term within the SRO PServer Advertising forum part of the SRO Private Server category.
12/31/2021, 00:21
elite*gold: 223
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 61
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Already hyped for the 100 Cap update.
Is it possible to add Advanced elixir remover to the JP shop?
12/31/2021, 00:45
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 2
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Joined this server like 3 weeks ago and played since then almost daily.
Best Old School server with lots of quest to keep you pumped like old times. The majority of quests got as reward SP so you dont need to farm.
The community here is great.
12/31/2021, 09:07
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2016
Posts: 14
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playing here! come join us
12/31/2021, 09:31
elite*gold: 0
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Originally Posted by harbiinger
Hello since paypal is not working at Turkey if possible can you add a payment metot through  ?
Hello harbiinger, at the moment we using only PayPal as legit payment method because of the Bulgarian authority. All payments are tracked and we pay VAT %20 for every transaction.We try to add payment true UPT for Turkey,but still its too expensive (because of min tax of 6 euro).If you are interested contact me in Discord.
Originally Posted by Salvero
Already hyped for the 100 Cap update.
Is it possible to add Advanced elixir remover to the JP shop?
Hello Salvero, we just updated to 90 Cap this month, 10D cap will be added in the feature. About ADV elixir remover, there is no native support in the game server of such scroll in short must be developer. I will ask our developer about adding of this feature.
Originally Posted by andreifunshine
Joined this server like 3 weeks ago and played since then almost daily.
Best Old School server with lots of quest to keep you pumped like old times. The majority of quests got as reward SP so you dont need to farm.
The community here is great.
Thanks for the positive feedback andreifunshine!
Originally Posted by alencet1
playing here! come join us 
Thank you for joining our community!
01/18/2022, 10:02
elite*gold: 223
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 61
Received Thanks: 49
Always worth to start playing here, you still have enough time to prepare for the Cap100 update! If people thinking about starting here, pm me in Discord. (WWO discord server)
Oldschool server with a lot of bonus quests for better lvling experience. Also free Stuff like Grab pet, Angel spirit & Seal of Star weapon until D7.
Winter event still running until end january, so start now and get your advantage for faster lvling!
01/25/2022, 09:54
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 1,144
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Game Updates - 25.01.2022
- Added new inventory expansion quest for 88 level - 'Auisan's revenge'.Quest can be started on 83 level from NPC Storage-Keeper Auisan in Hotan and can be repeated 10 times. Quest required to be completed 'Inventory Expansion 3 (Common)' quest. Quest reward: 8900000 Experience Points / 4900 Clean Skill Points / Inventory Expansion scroll(+1 slot) x 1
- Added new item in item mall - 'Advanced Elixir Remove Scroll'. After the scroll activation, the Advanced Elixir property of the item will be removed.The item must be located in slot 1 in character inventory.
- Increased Magic Option count from 9 -> 10 of all weapons that can be bought with job points from job NPC shops (in test)
- The events 'Winter Unique Monsters Hunt 2021' and 'Snow flakes event' are over.
- Updated game client version to 1.005.01
*** To use the latest changes is required to update your client with the latest version 1.005.01 Currently the update is available on the website and via 'WWO Quick Updater'.
Greetings from Warrior's Way Online Team!
#warriorswayofficial #warriorswayonline #playwwo
01/31/2022, 19:36
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 534
Received Thanks: 116
After resisting long time i think ima gonna join dis awesome server
downloading atm ^^
01/31/2022, 19:46
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 1,144
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Originally Posted by ahmetcamli
After resisting long time i think ima gonna join dis awesome server
downloading atm ^^
Welcome to WWO ahmetcamli. I suggest you to join our Discord channel.
02/02/2022, 13:08
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 7
Received Thanks: 5
...you can get daily 480 Rubins by voting - a 1day pet clock costs 390 Rubins only
...a 1 Month Grabpet scroll costs you 0,70€ (by donate)
...you dont need to farm SP or do any Gap - you get so many SP´s by Quests
...you can get free speed drugs by Beginner Quests, Alchemy Tablets, Jewel Boxes and Alchemy Boxes
...you can get a free Angel spirit by Quest
...a 1 Month Premium Ticket costs you 2,75€ (by donate)
...you can get a free Grabpet by Quest
...you can get free Avatar Dresses, Scrolls, Silk Pets and Potions by Events
...you can get up to 44.000 Rubins by that current Signature event
...when you are Lv60+ , you get free Rubins/Hour
Its amazing server !!!
02/05/2022, 22:16
elite*gold: 51
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 257
Received Thanks: 39
For me its the best Server but we need more players
02/08/2022, 10:37
elite*gold: 223
Join Date: Nov 2019
Posts: 61
Received Thanks: 49
Warriors Way is a very nice quality server, with a nice and small community.
In my opinion the beginning is a little too "oldschool", you start with 0 Gold and 0 potions.
Sometimes I see new players but they all leave so fast, most of the time after some hours or some days. Im wondering why thats happening, whats the reason?
- Is it the small amount of online players?
- Does it take too long to catch up with old players?
- Are you missing content?
I would very appreciate any answer.
PS: If you want to try Warriors Way Online, pm me I can give you beginner help like gold, pots etc. what wwo doesnt want to give you
02/08/2022, 11:35
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Jan 2022
Posts: 51
Received Thanks: 7
Originally Posted by Salvero
Warriors Way is a very nice quality server, with a nice and small community.
In my opinion the beginning is a little too "oldschool", you start with 0 Gold and 0 potions.
Sometimes I see new players but they all leave so fast, most of the time after some hours or some days. Im wondering why thats happening, whats the reason?
- Is it the small amount of online players?
- Does it take too long to catch up with old players?
- Are you missing content?
I would very appreciate any answer.
PS: If you want to try Warriors Way Online, pm me I can give you beginner help like gold, pots etc. what wwo doesnt want to give you 
Well from me side the problem for sure is activity small amount of online players , + its non bot server , when youre working handgrind on almost emty server its makes you depresing , emty city and you just starting didint see the reason to play.
Its just the answer , no hate to warriors way online server , they always said that its small comunity server of few guilds max.
02/09/2022, 03:10
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 21
Received Thanks: 2
Originally Posted by hermiona1991
...you can get daily 480 Rubins by voting - a 1day pet clock costs 390 Rubins only
...a 1 Month Grabpet scroll costs you 0,70€ (by donate)
...you dont need to farm SP or do any Gap - you get so many SP´s by Quests
...you can get free speed drugs by Beginner Quests, Alchemy Tablets, Jewel Boxes and Alchemy Boxes
...you can get a free Angel spirit by Quest
...a 1 Month Premium Ticket costs you 2,75€ (by donate)
...you can get a free Grabpet by Quest
...you can get free Avatar Dresses, Scrolls, Silk Pets and Potions by Events
...you can get up to 44.000 Rubins by that current Signature event
...when you are Lv60+ , you get free Rubins/Hour
Its amazing server !!!
What is this signature event that gives this much coins? I'm looking to start into this server just for fun and PVE
02/09/2022, 08:55
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 1,144
Received Thanks: 342
Originally Posted by sanderdsz
What is this signature event that gives this much coins? I'm looking to start into this server just for fun and PVE
Hello sanderdsz, welcome to WWO.The signature event is over in the beginning of January 2022.Stay tuned for more events.I suggest you to join to our Discord channel if you still not.
02/20/2022, 03:29
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 21
Received Thanks: 2
Sadly there's so few players, not a single party.
The quest system is a masterpiece in this server, they really should focus on this and keep improving to advertise this server much more.
Making SRO from a grind game based to a quest game based until level CAP.
There's players that want to feel that nostalgia again, and leaves a bot playing 24/7 isn't anywhere fun.
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