Originally Posted by Mai_1337
I see you are very and I mean very frustrated with the fact there is no bot just the in game macro. You can yell, fight all you want, present all your opinions and it will not change.
And to be fair this psro scene got to damn comfortable with the current private servers. All these years since the vsro files got released people lost their sense of the game.
Try to recall the old days when you had ECSRO/SJSRO/SWSRO ONLY.
People hit lv69 and took a day to hunt some uniques, yeah you can actually kill an unique without being cap level +12 wep and 100% stats achieved with 5 different delirus bot chars or phbots stacked in a town.
People used to stop and pvp at lower levels too.
This community is now only about the OMG soooo long to reach the cap level, it's a private server make it freee to play. Do you ever think about the fact the not just only MeGaMaX who by the way is alone in this case and has worked for 2 years on this server but others who work in teams to provide you with a game for which your sorry ass has contributed nothing to. Then you people bitch about free2play aspects and I don't care whatever else things.
Get over yourselves. People pay hosts and and bills then someone like you cries that he has to spend like 2-3 weeks on the leveling part.
And to the other guy crying about no bot policy and calling the target audience jobless hobos or kids without jobs. I invite you to try out the beta.
Then hit me back.
God this community is entitled and spoiled.
i just quoted you to answer on your respond, but after rethinking, as a matter of fact, you seem to young to even understand the things i've said, and you've just insulted me !
you are talking non-sense, i advise you to re-read my comments and man, you should apologies, you are just too rude !, you deserve no explanation kid !
Originally Posted by CapitanJack
Exactly. People forgot whats the real meaning of the game. I spend weeks and weeks on wow classic to get to max Lvl and I didn't mind it at all.
I had all the means as fun doing it.
Same is with silkroad there is plenty of things to do while lvling.
Oh man the ecsro/swsro and later esro with EU those were the days.
No bots just pure grind and it was hell of a fun
Please, don't encourage his attitude, and as i stated before, i agree on megamax's approach regarding the gameplay stat !
btw me, myself, created a dozen on vsro based pservers & i know the work required and how challenging it is!, i even opened a couple or servers based solely on me working alone, just like megamax!
as still, i do stated, i'll join the server even with its existing features, yo'll just not getting my point of view!
but i can explain it again, just so you all may get schooled.
Joymax, created D13,D14,D15 and increased its CAP, just for the sake of luring more money from the existing players, but still joymax made huge work by creating those files and those feature must not be limited, and megamax agrees on that and he made sailor D15 and Cap 130 ,
so he has the full features and potential of those files , this
approach was to use all the resources he got !, and upon this approach he didn't limit the cap, he didn't limit the gear, and based on the same approach he must not limit the bots !
am not whining about leveling up, if you though this is my point, you are waaay wrong!, we all just enjoy the journey, make the exp rate 1x and am too happy for that, but gemmi that tools that you make my journey delightful so i could adapt, bots have huge potential, and tons of features that upon megamax's approach must not be forbidden, make leveling too hard, but don't frustrate the majority of the players with re-walking to the same training area manually whenever they are dead, leveling up is a journey thats we all experienced before, have its enjoyment, but also have its hard aspects that bots would make those aspects permitable ..
i hope ya'll understood my point, i really hope ..
greetings everyone
Originally Posted by pharoh
it actually looks decent, I actually hope it's abit slower levelling. getting to befriend random people out in the open, do some activities, engage with the content.
I will try out the server and maybe even buy some silk to help the owner, because so far it is ticking all the boxes that I need to play this god-damned game again after 2 years inactivity
+1 !
totally agree