Originally Posted by babybooluvin
I was very hope- and faithful this server would turn out good. But there is just too many problems with this server and I feel like the GMs dont really know what theyre doing.
There is daily downtimes because of rate changes, and I think GMs dont know how to adjust them properly. Then the rates were so jacked up that ppl got heavy amounts of elixirs and stones within minutes. Server was taken down to "rollback" this thing. But all they did is delete elixirs and stones of some ppl, and others didnt have it deleted. made no sense. Then theres alchemy bug. Ok it happens. but "somehow" their files get "corrupted" so they cant make a rollback. Alot of ppl lost items because they were plain deleted and running around in only half a set. other ppl kept their +12 shit. I made alchemy after the bug fix and on 2nd rollback which was still a fail, had them removed to +2 from +7 and silks i spent on immo was not given back to me. Also one of the items got durability reduced with 3 steady on it.
i dont know if anyone is corrupt, at least i havent noticed such a thing, but what i can say for sure is, that the gms are not aware or dont know what they are doing/supposed to do. They call it unlucky and I call it unskilled. Im also majorly upset with how Supporters on discord can just abuse the crap out of their powers, randomly muting ppl and shit for no reason.
If you think im just crying, ok thats fine. i wasnt one of the ppl who made +12 etc during alchemy bug. literally dont care. you can go and give this server a chance and just see for urself.
The beta phase was for nothing i guess. all the problems they had after grand opening are things that should be taken care of in beta phase.
EDIT: also one guy in my union made +10 spear about 6 hours before alchemy bug, which was before inspection. guess what? after "rollback" spear was +7. Thats hella unjustified.
Alright, let's address these claims...
1.) "Daily downtimes for rate changes" --- false. Those downtimes were to fix bugs that appeared from former updates, that weren't present in beta. Because the majority of players requested increases, we added them to the to-do list in every maintenance.
2.) "Don't know how to adjust rates properly" --- also false. We adjusted the rates successfully every single time. The "Alchemy bug" had no probable cause, as we did not touch alchemy rates whatsoever on that maintenance. It was a random issue with no explanation (if you've worked with vsro188 you'll understand that happens alot).
3.) "other people kept +12 while others lost set" --- As you're aware of, our backup files were corrupted. We tried several manual fixes, but a complete and functional manual rollback for that number of the accounts in the server would take WEEKS! We are still evaluating the damage and fixing the issues.
4.) "supporters abusing their power" --- I myself am a supporter, and I am baffled on where this accusation is coming from? We do not ban any users under any circumstance. We mute only from violations of our rules, which are listed under #rules in our discord server. We locked the entire server's chat yesterday because there was a consistent spam, and the community apparently didn't understand that we were actively working on the issue.
5.) "the beta phase was for nothing...." --- These issues were random and occured during our weekly updates, aka they couldn't have been detected in beta phase... as they weren't present!
6.) About your friend, tell him to DM Hype or Switch on discord, as we are the staff in charge of managing the item issues, or create a ticket in our discord server.
Just to add, I am not making excuses on behalf of the server. We can all agree that what happened was unexpected and screwed a lot of stuff up. But, you must understand that you cannot COMPLETELY blame our team for the events that incurred. We didn't purposely corrupt our backup, nor did we cause it ourselves. We didn't purposely create a game-breaking alchemy bug. We do, however, take responsibility for the miscommunication throughout the team and the information provided to you, the users. We have worked on those issues as a team, and are prepared to more effectively communicate and deliver information more efficiently. We also provided compensation to all users affected, and we are still working on item recovery. I hope this helped to enlighten the situation. Thanks, and have a good night!
Originally Posted by Yolli
The only Thing they can do is a Reopening Right now.
Or the Server is dead soon. 
Originally Posted by BloodyDragonAG
here u can vote
Originally Posted by iCroN00b
So what gonna happend,i donated and server got closed in few days,this is pure scam,also discord is fully blocked -.-

We will not be having a reopening. We are currently still compensating players and working on item recovery. The bug was unfortunate and hard to recover from, but we are all working our hardest in this time of distress.

This poll is player-made, not released by any staff member - aka - it will not be reviewed or followed. The only REAL and OFFICIAL way to see a change in the server is to add your requests in #suggestions. We review them daily and discuss what to and what not to add as a team, daily.

1.) The server is not closed, it is online. We incurred a massive bug and a series of unfortunate events that generally fucked everything up. We are still in the process of recovering. 2.) Discord was locked due to spam. It is completely reopened as of now.
Originally Posted by michymodrica
You guys using word rollback in wrong way, there was no proper rollback here.
It was alchemy abuse bug, like 50x ppl made +9/10/11 in 10 minutes
"Rollback" was anounced regarding this alchemy bug
After that anounce server is still runing for like 1h or less, in that time ofc ppl will spend sliks, fail their items for fun/alchemy bug that was going on/etc
They "rollbacked" only things regarding alchemy bug, rest what hapend in that 1h time was not "rollbacked"
They CANT properly rollback because there is no backup files/or files are corupted like they say xD...nevertheless, its a wrap i think. gg
Unfortunately, we had several misfortunes which lead us to this point. To start off, we were planning a complete rollback. Our backup drive corrupted, therefore we lost the information and the overall ability to rollback the server easily. We did have the option to manually rollback - but with the amount of accounts affected, it would take weeks, which is both undesirable and not worth the downtime as all players would leave regardless. We did attempt a PARTIAL MANUAL ROLLBACK, but this did not succeed as we had hoped. As of now, we completed two more recoveries, but we are still nowhere near complete with the recovery efforts. We are still working 24/7 in order to fix this major issue, and provide a stable server environment. If a similar event occurs in the future, we will be more readily prepared. Sadly, this was just a very unlucky event. Have a good evening! -Hype.