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Discussion on ELECTUS 100 CAP | ONLINE & ACTIVE SINCE 26.10.2018 within the SRO PServer Advertising forum part of the SRO Private Server category.

Closed Thread
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This is Electus 100 Cap Server Thread!

If you want to access our 110 Cap Server thread, click
and choose Electus 110 Cap Server Thread!


Alternative Download Link for 100 Cap


Discord (7K+)

Facebook (40K+)

Beta Phase 1 [COMPLETED]

Start Level 100, Free Silk/Gold/SoX Items, Godsend Skills Enabled

Beta Phase 2 [COMPLETED]

Start Level 1, Free Silk/Gold/SP/SoX Items, Very High XP Rate

(First 8 Players to hit 100 lv will be rewarded in Beginner Pack. It should take about 2-3 hours with high xp rate in beta phase II)

The Winners of the competition;

1. eGeLee
2. I_SawGod_Cry
3. LessQQ
4. Ninja
5. The_shy
6. WhiteShadow
7. Zippo
8. Static

Beta Phase 3 [COMPLETED]

Start Level 100, Free Silk/Gold/SoX Items, Godsend Skills Enabled

Detailed Beta & Release Information

It is essential to understand the meaning of a beta server.

During the BETA phase, the server is entirely accessible to every player in order to maximize the number of potential tests on the server.
- Players are not required to participate in open beta period and all the characters created during open beta phase will be VANISHED before grand opening.
- The server is updated very often, sometimes several times a day during the BETA phase. Maintenances might not be announced, they are made as soon as the team needs to test one or several major modifications.
- The server itself can be suspended at any moment and for any amount of time.
- Players will be informed about the beta updates and downtimes on Discord, if possible.
- Registration is not required for beta period. Any ID and Password combination can be used to login the server.
- Players are kindly requested to report back the bugs and the features that are not functioning properly on Discord bug reports section.
- Certain features will still be under development and might not function perfectly during beta period.

The time for the official release will be around 8-9 PM. Exact time will be posted on Electus Facebook page and Discord once the Beta Phase III is complete.


4 years and 4 Chinese servers. And now, it's the time to introduce the European race back. They come along with fancy Godsend Skills and more. Let's get started!



The vision and the mission

Electus Online is known as one of the most realiable and stable private SRO server in the scene. Its huge international fan-base grew the name Electus to the top brand within the past few years.

Electus Discord Server has over 7K members, Facebook page over 40K followers and still growing.

The success through the past projects and the average server uptime of more than 7 month are more than promising words, it's a fact.

To deliver highest standards, Electus comes along with a zero tolerance policy when it comes to cheating, abusing or disturbing the fair-play in any manner.

Dedication to perfectionize every single detail is the core of Electus impeccable balance system.

See below for older Electus only Chinese server releases and their lifespans;

It's safe to say that there is not a single Electus server that was ''closed'' before 7 months in the past 4 years. The criteria for shutting down a server is not the income-donations but the server population and the activity. We always continue with the weekly and the monthly server updates in order to bring new content and raise the point limits - regardless it's the first or the 10th month. However, if the server population will go below 50 online after (6 to 10 months usually), there is no reason to keep it online any longer.

Electus servers always hit 5-6K online in the past as soon as the servers were officially released. The activity in the server is insane in the first 2-3 months, then players are ''tend to leave'' due to reasons such as ''Alchemy Rates, Real life issues, simply because their friends quitted'' and so on. In order to avoid this, we are making sure that we deliver new content within our weekly and monthly server updates.

It's an honor for Electus team to deliver brand new content every year and hit 6K online with no issues going on. A grand opening with zero lag, crash, downtime or any kind of problems back in the latest only Chinese server release was experienced by thousands of players and it's the reason why Electus team is beloved and trusted by the community.

Hardware / Capacity

Stability is the point where most of the people have been struggling with, ever since vsro files came out. Thanks to this extremely powerful host and stable Electus filter, problematic grand opening and frequent downtimes are over as we experienced no problems, lags, downtimes or any kind of crashes in the previous server release.

Facing the beast: Processors: 2x Intel Xeon Gold 6140 (>5000$), 256GB RAM, dual power supply units (in case of breaks) and NVMe SSD's allows Electus to provide with 8,000 player slots running on a total of 8 Gameservers with no problems.

With this host & Electus Filter combination, you should have 40 to 80 ms (EU), 70 to 110 ms (TR), 70 to 130 ms (EGY) delay and no more. (As proven back in June-July with 6000 online players). So, in general, you should have a low ping compared to any isro-psro servers regardless how many online players there are in the server.

CAP 100
MASTERY 330 (CH), 200 (EU)
XP Solo 30x
XP PT 25x
START SP 2.000.000
FREE SILK 1 Million Free Silks Monthly


No more bot commands, no more alt-tabbing.

Now, you have instant access to in-game statistics, real time event schedule, unique timers and last kill times along with the killer names, event registrations, your Electus Points / Honor Points and more with one click. Click on Electus logo under the minimap to access the menu.

As high volume of players expected, monsters re-spawn time has been reduced and the number of spawn points for the monsters have been increased (applies for the regions listed below).

Jangan, Donwhang, Hotan and Roc Mountain regions still have original monsters and spawn points.






- Region is available only for CH characters
- Monsters have higher HP and XP rate (to allow Chinese chars to catch up with leveling)

Read this one carefully because it matters quite a lot.

Every hour we are online 1275 silks are generated and added in players accounts; 30600 free silks per day, about 1 MILLION FREE SILKS per month which is equal to $10.000 USD. How is that even possible? Electus pays thousands of dollars for it's hosts, ads and expenses and also give away ten thousand dollars worthy free silks to players every month? Yes, please welcome to Electus.

Taking advantage of the overpopulated server (very high demand for the items), Electus economy runs smooth and works like a charm. Surely, it doesn't come in all-in-one package. We're keeping an eye on the server market and if necessary - adjust the rarity of the items in the background to avoid inflation and/or slowdowns in economical activities.

The gold and the silks are always valuable thanks to the variety of the items in the server market. 100 Silk price starts from just a few millions of gold in the beginning sticks around 400-500m after some time. Considering the fact that you can farm around 200m gold per hour via jobbing, you can basically farm $1 worthy silk within 2 hours - and of course, you can also participate auto-events or hunt job-cave uniques or farm Electus Boxes and sell them to claim your silks. Yet some people will still call it pay2win

Job Cave Uniques 16800 (DAILY)
Auto Events 13800 (DAILY)
TOTAL 30600 Free Silk (DAILY)

It's all about Electus Points.

Farm Electus Points to obtain the end game content; Seal of Moon. (You can not ''buy'' Seal of Moon, it's non tradeable - so you have to farm Electus Points)


There are 8 different methods you can use. You can choose any method you wish to farm Electus Points. Activate Electus Menu easily by clicking the ''E'' icon underneath minimap. Then select 'Electus Points. You will see your Electus Points status live.

Weekly Electus Points Limit (800)

Jobbing 250
Godsend Dungeon/Uniques 200
Survival Arena Kills 150
Job Kills 150
Battle Arena 100
CTF 50
FW Kills 50
Alchemy 50

1. Jobbing:

- You can collect 250 Electus points through jobbing / week.
- Every point you collected through jobbing also counts as honor point.
- You can not collect more than 100 Electus Points from jobbing in 24 hours. (Electus Standard Time 00:00 - 23:59)
- You will get limited gold reward from jobbing after you hit the daily and weekly limits and it differs for each job alliance.
- You will receive your Electus Points upon relog. (Applies to jobbing only)
- You will receive your gold reward in your storage upon relog.

2. Job Kills:

- Every kill you get in job status will grant 2 Electus Points on your account.
- You can collect 150 points through killing opponents in job status in a week.
- You can not gain Electus Points by killing the same enemy in less than 8 hours.
- You can not gain Electus Points from the same enemy unless you kill 5 different opponent.

3. Survival Arena Kills:

- Every kill in Survival Arena (during the event) will grant 2 Electus Point.
- You can collect 150 points through killing opponents in Survival Arena.
- You can collect maximum of 2 Electus Points from a single opponent at an event.

4. Fortress War Kills:

- You can obtain 50 Electus Points from kills in Fortress War. 1 kill = 1 EP.
- You can not collect more than 1 Electus Point from a single opponent at a war.

5. Godsend Dungeon Quest (or) Uniques

Godsend Dungeon;
- You can complete (2x) Godsend Dungeon Quests and claim (2x) Godsend Scroll reward on daily basis
- Each Godsend EP Scroll will grant 10 Electus Points on your account. (20 EP Daily)

- You can also collect Electus Points by hunting uniques, each unique will grant a certain number of Electus Points on your account.
- You can collect maximum of 200 Electus Points per week. Killing uniques or using Godsend EP Scroll will not grand any Electus Points on your account if you hit weekly limit of 200.

6. Alchemy:

-You can obtain up to 50 Electus Points per week.
-You can collect Electus Points by fusing ''10 degree SOX items'' to plus 7 and/or above. Electus Points you earn for fusing SOX items will also count for Achievements. (Alchemy Points)

Each +7 success grants you 2 points.
Each +8 success grants you 10 points.
Each +9 success grants you 20 points.
Each +10 success grants you 30 points.
Each +11 success grants you 40 points.

We hear you saying; ''how the fu*k am i supposed to fuse to +10/11'' well probably none will... We're just noting it down.

7.Battle Arena

Win Battle Arena event to obtain Electus Points.

- You can collect maximum if 100 Electus Points from Battle Arena, per week.
- Every Battle Arena victory will grant 10 Electus Points & 10 Honor Points on your account.

8. CTF:

Win CTF event to obtain Electus Points.

- You can collect maximum if 50 Electus Points from CTF, per week.
- Every CTF victory will grant 10 Electus Points on your account.

Available Jangan Trader Shop
Available Donwhang Trader Shop
Available Hotan Trader Shop

Hotan <> Donwhang <> Jangan

Trader 5 Electus Points
Hunter 6-7 Electus Points
Thief 3 Electus Points

Hotan <> Jangan

Trader 10 Electus Points
Hunter 13-14 Electus Points

Gold Rewards

5* Loot Price : 33M

Trader 57m profit
Hunter 13m profit x trader
Thief 15m profit x per 5*

Hunters gets the most gold and EP.
Thieves gets lowest gold and EP as it's the most fun to play. Else, neither the economy nor the ingame activities can run smoothly. Increasing EP reward for thieves from 3 to 4 will be considered after the release.

Gold Limit

Once you hit your daily or weekly jobbing limit, you will still earn gold even though you will not earn any Electus Points, however the gold reward will drastically reduce for traders and thieves.

Trader 100% > 30%
Hunter 100% > 75%
Thief 100% > 30%

JOB RANKS [Job Levels x Buff]

Job levels matters in Electus. Level up to claim a better buff while jobbing. A fancy icon will appear on top of your character and will disappear as soon as you unequip your job suit. (There is no icon for job level 1)

It's important to note that if you leave your job union, your job rank, honor buffs and honor rank will be vanished.


Unlock WANTED buffs by killing 10 or more enemies without dying at all. Enjoy them as much as you can because you only have 8 hours until the buff expires. As soon as you die in job mode (whilst you have a wanted buff), it will be vanished.

10 kills = Wanted Lv. 1
20 kills = Wanted Lv. 2
30 kills = Wanted Lv. 3
40 kills = Wanted Lv. 4
50 kills = Wanted Lv. 5

Each job type will have it's own top 50 rank. The rankings are being updated on hour basis.


1. Jobbing

- You will obtain 1 honor point for every electus point obtained from jobbing.
- There is no honor point limit from jobbing.

2. Survival Arena

- Each kill in survival arena grants 1 honor point.
- Each death in survival arena will remove 1 honor point.
- There is no overall honor point limit in survival arena.
- 2 honor points can be obtained from a certain enemy per survival arena event

3. Survival Arena Winnings

- Position #1 will grant 12 extra honor points
- Position #2 will grant 10 extra honor points
- Position #3 will grant 5 extra honor points

4. Job Kills

- Each job kill grants 2 honor point.
- Each death in job mode will remove 2 honor point.
- Killing the same opponent in job mode will not grant another honor point in the next 8 hours.

5. Unique Kills

- Each unique kill will grant honor point as it's given below.

6. Battle Arena winnings
- Each BA winning will grant 10 honor points

7. CTF winnings

- Each CTF winning will grant 10 honor points.

8. Fortress War kills

- Each kill in fortress war grants 1 honor point.
- 1 honor point can be obtained from a certain enemy at a fortress war.
- There is no overall honor point limit in fortress war(s).


The players are given ability to SKIP some of the content listed above. What does it mean? It simply means that; if you hate hunting uniques, you can totally ignore this content and you are still able to complete the weekly Electus Points limit. It's the same if you skip any other content such as FW kills / BA / CTF or anything you see in the list.

Weekly Electus Point Limit Upgrade

Players can not earn more than 800 Electus Points per week. If you hit that limit, you will not earn any Electus Points from the events until the global limit is lifted within the weekly server maintenance on Thursday. Every Thursday, the limit will be lifted by ''800''. In the first week, it's gonna be 800 EP Limit. The second week 1600, the third week 2400 and so on.

And the good thing is, if you were busy in a certain week and you manage to collect only 650 EP, you can obtain more than 800 EP the next week and catch up as the total amount of EP you can earn from the events are more than 800. XX

The release of E-Battle Royale was announced back in May 2018, however it wasn't there. But now, it's finally the time to announce Electus Battle Royale.

Battle Royale stands for ''last man standing'' as everyone knows. The event will be held in Taklamakan Area and the last man standing will be the champion of the day. The rewards, schedule and more information will be provided during beta. Simulation is currently (like, right now) completing a part where it's about absorbing HP if the character is in storm and creating the variety of the storm-shrinks.

The event will be premiered and improved during Electus Beta phase. Making Battle Royale work excellently, just as we want (to hit level 100 before the event ends, giving players ability to farm enough equipments and all the optimizations) might take longer.

Claim one of the exclusive rewards by unlocking them. (The visuals obtainable through achievements are exclusive - can not be obtained from anywhere else)

(The rewards are not final and due change during beta)

Join Electus' iconic event; Survival Arena to collect Electus Points, Honor Points and try to get in TOP-5 killers list to claim special rewards such as Electus Boxes and Arena Coins.

Survival Arena 03:00
Survival Arena 11:00
Survival Arena 15:00
Survival Arena 19:00
Survival Arena 23:00

Rewards :

Place #1 : Platinum Box, Diamond Box & 15 Arena Coins)
Place #2 : Diamond Box & 10 Arena Coins
Place #3 : Platinum Box & 10 Arena Coins
Place #4 : 10 Arena Coins
Place #5 : 10 Arena Coins

Madness Event came out in our previous server and became one of the most beloved events in Electus.

It is a Survival Arena alike event except your focus is supposed to be the unique, not the other players... or the other way; kill other players in Madness Event so they don't win the event.

Event Time 20:00
Reward 500 Silk

- Event duration has been lowered to 15 minutes.
- Each member of the winner team will receive 14 Arena Coins
- Each member of the winner team will receive 4 Arena Coins
- You will get automatically disconnected if you stand still (AFK) in Battle Arena

BA Party 01:00
BA Random 02:00
BA Party 05:00
BA Random 06:00
BA Random 07:00
BA Random 09:00
BA Party 10:00
BA Party 13:00
BA Job 14:00
BA Random 17:00
BA Party 18:00
BA Random 21:00
BA Job 22:00

Capture the Flag takes place 6 times a day, every 4 hours starting from 00:00.

- Winning CTF grants 10 Electus Points on your account
- Winning CTF grants 10 Honor Points on your account (No Limit).

CTF 00:00
CTF 04:00
CTF 08:00
CTF 12:00
CTF 16:00
CTF 20:00


Instant access. Real time information.

In Electus, you don't get SOX drops from monsters or uniques. You obtain Electus Boxes from the Dungeons (Godsend Dungeon + Forgotten World) and the uniques and crack them to claim your reward (SOX or special item). When you crack the box, the item will be granted in your STORAGE upon success.

1. Platinum Box

Rarity: Common, Success Rate 55%
Source: All Uniques and Dungeons

Success GDF (Male)
Success GDF (Female)
Success 1 DG Powder (Doubles Devil/Angel Spirit Alchemy Rate)
Success 10 DG Lucky Magic Powder (2% Probability Increase)
Success 10 DG Blessed Magic Powder (4% Probability Increase)
Success 2% Alchemy Rate Increase Scroll
Success 3% Alchemy Rate Increase Scroll (Rare)
Success 5% Alchemy Rate Increase Scroll (Limited)
Success Astral Stone Pack (3x)
Success Lottery Scroll (Doubles the Lottery Event Winning Chance)
Success Silverback Lizard (Unique transpet with 40% HP Increase)
Success Draco (Unique transpet with 20% Speed Increase)
Success Guild Penalty Remover
Success Job Penalty Remover
Success Circus Bear Pick Pet (Rare Item)
Success Pikachu Pick Pet (Rare Item)
Success Charmander Pick Pet (Rare Item)
Success Charizard Attack Pet (Rare Item)
Success Ghost Pick Pet (Rare Item)
Success Golden Pig Pick Pet (Rare Item)
Success Ghostman Pick Pet (Rare Item)
Success Fox (Rare Attack Pet)
Success Unicorn (Rare Vehicle Pet, 20% Speed Increased)
Success Battle Scroll (50% Attack Rate & 50% Parry Rate Increase, 1hour)
Success Critical Scroll (10 Crit Increase , 1hour)
Success Global Pack (3x)
Success Reverse Pack (3x)
Success Random Electus Trail (Explained in Electus Trails Section)

2. Diamond Box

Rarity: Rare, Success Rate 20%
Source: FGW, Godsend Dungeon and most of the uniques

Success Seal of Star Weapons
Success Seal of Star Shield
Success Seal of Star Equipments
Success Seal of Star Accessories
Success Seal of Alphard Weapons
Success Seal of Alphard Shield
Success Seal of Alphard Equipments
Success Seal of Alphard Accessories

3. Elite Box

SOE items (shield included, weapons excluded) will come out of that box with 10% success rate. (SOE Weapons can ONLY be obtained through Forgotten World [HALL OF WORSHIP] quest)

Rarity: Very Limited, Success Rate 10%
Source: Simulation (Unique)

Success Seal of Eden Shield
Success Seal of Eden Equipments
Success Seal of Eden Accessories

4. Peculiar Box

Rarity: Common, Success Rate 0.1%
Source: All Uniques (Drop Chance)
Unavailable in the first 1,5 months

This is the box you will obtain time to time and wish to get Grand Electus items out of it. The success rate is very low since Grand Electus items are very powerful. Grand Electus items are basically a copy of SoM items, the only difference is they are REALLY rare and tradeable.

Success Grand Electus Weapons
Success Grand Electus Shield
Success Grand Electus Equipments
Success Grand Electus Accessories

Weapons, equipments, shields and accessories have their own customized stat values, therefore we will explain them seperately.

Higher tier SoX types will have higher Attack rate, Critical and Reinforce boosts.

Seal of Star 98 +1 (Critical, Atk Rate, Reinforce Boost v2)
Seal of Alphard 98 +2 (Critical, Atk Rate, Reinforce Boost v2)
Seal of Eden 98 +3 (Critical, Atk Rate, Reinforce Boost v3)
Seal of Moon 98 +4.5(Critical, Atk Rate, Reinforce Boost v4)
Grand Electus 98 +4.5 (Critical, Atk Rate, Reinforce Boost v4)

Seal of Star 98 +1 (Parry, Reinforce Boost v1)
Seal of Alphard 98 +2 (Parry,, Reinforce Boost v2)
Seal of Eden 98 +3 (Parry, Reinforce Boost v3)
Seal of Moon 98 +5 (Parry, Reinforce Boost v4)
Grand Electus 98 +5 (Parry, Reinforce Boost v4)

Seal of Star 98 +1
Seal of Alphard 98 +2
Seal of Eden 98 +3
Seal of Moon 98 +5
Grand Electus 98 +5

The shields have special conditions. First of all 9 and 10 degree non-sox shields are nerfed. There are significant differences between 10 degree non-sox and sox shields.

Seal of Star 98 +4
Seal of Alphard 98 +5
Seal of Eden 98 +7
Seal of Moon 98 +10
Grand Electus 98 +10

And before you think shields are OP, 98 level npc shields are now basically 9 degree so they're far from being overpowered.

In Electus, SOX equipments have additional blue options. They come along with HP Increase, DMG absorption, Attack - Parry Rate increase and more. Each set type is specifically designed for certain builds. Choose what suits the best for you.


Electus Set Types
You must register and activate your account to access image galleries.


Significant boost. STR 11 , INT 11


Crazy stuff. Go protector to win every battle. Attack rate 40 increase , Blocking rate 4 Increase , STR 4 , INT 4


Critical Resistance 15 Increase


Critial 3, HP 1000 Increase.


Hard to say it's a significant boost. Attack Rate 10, Parry Rate 10 Increase.


Damage Absorption 5.



Godsend Dungeon has been renovated, thanks to Simulation. For those, who did not play on Electus Season 3; Godsend Dungeon is Electus' signature dungeon where you complete daily quests and obtain Electus and Skill Point scrolls. Later, you will need those skill point scrolls to unlock your NEW/Godsend skills.

The dungeon consists of 1 main area/garden in where you'll find tens of mini uniques and 3 rooms connected to it with
glamorous bridges.

It's mandatory to hunt all the mini uniques in the garden to have access to the first room.
As soon as you hunt all the mobs and the iconic Electus Unique ''Light Spirit'', you will have access to the second room; after cleaning up the room, you will have access to the third room where ''Shadow Spirit'' unique will welcome you.
Those uniques designed and developed by Simulation. I'm sure you'll like them. Not very sure if they'll like you though. It's recommended to enter the dungeon with at least 5-6 party members, else, you will have hard time to complete the dungeon within 60 minutes. You'll be teleported back to town... which is not cool because you won't have access to Godsend Dungeon until the day after (23:59 servertime).


Godsend Dungeon Teleporter

A link for Godsend Dungeon Guide in details will be added here:


Someone had to stop it. How long will you fight in Shipwrecks for? Well, no more because we have designed Hall of Worship for you. It's the brand new Forgotten World Dungeon! Team up and eliminate monsters and uniques in the dungeon. Collect the boxes, FGW cards (to get SOE weapon) and special items. Dimension holes are available at Electus Shop, in Donwhang city next to the guild manager. Drop list from monsters and uniques will be given in ''UNIQUE DROPS'' section below.


Hall of Worship Teleporter


The quest can be taken from the Quest Manager NPC in Donwhang, next to the hunter shop.
The reward for completing Hall of Warship collection is a choice of Seal of Eden Weapon. The shield does not count, it is only obtainable from Elite Boxes.


The purpose of completing the quest is to obtain ''Godsend SP Scroll'' that grants 10.000.000 skill points on your character.
You will be asked to hunt 100 Soldier of God and Light Spirit in Godsend Dungeon and you'll be rewarded with 2x scrolls when you deliver the quest.


As it is already mentioned previously, you can complete quests to earn Electus Points on daily basis.
You will be asked to hunt Shadow Spirit and Zielkiaxe in order to obtain 2x Godsend EP scrolls. Each scroll will grant 10 Electus Points on your character.

It's important to know that in order to have the unique kills counted, you must have a EXP-SHARED party.


These are the daily quests you can complete once per day. You can complete all quests and claim 5x2M sp scroll = 10m SP in total (on daily basis).
If you complete Godsend Dungeon SP Quests + Job Cave SP Quests, you can farm 30M SP per day and unlock 1 skill every 2 days.

The first 4 quests mobs appear in Unique rooms (Selket, Neith, Isis, Anubis). The uniques appear and unlock the doors 4 times a day for 2 hours.

So basically, these 4 rooms are limited to 6 hours per day.
To find out when the rooms are unlocked, type '' !jobcave '' command on discord #bot-spam channel.

Job Cave Quest #1
Room: Sanctum of Restriction (Selket Room)
Kill 100 Selchion
Reward; SP Scroll (2 Millions)

Job Cave Quest #2

Room: Sanctum of Blue Eye (Neith Room)
Kill 100 Harmeth
Reward: SP Scroll (2 Millions)

Job Cave Quest #3
Room: Sanctum of Atonement (Isis Room)
Kill 100 Priest of Defense
Reward: SP Scroll (2 Millions)

Job Cave Quest #4
Room: Sanctum of Punishment (Anubis Room)
Kill 100 Priest of Flames
Reward: SP Scroll (2 Millions)

Job Cave Quest #5
Room: Sanctum of Audience
Kill 100 Imhotep
Reward: SP Scroll (2 Millions)

There are 5 currency types (coins) you should know of. You will need a certain amount of these coin types to buy Seal of Moon items from SOX NPC once they are added/enabled.

Arena Coin Survival Arena, Battle Arena, CTF
Money All Uniques
Crystal FGW (Hall of Worship), Godsend Dungeon
Sapphire Job Cave Uniques+Godsend D.+95+mobs
Gold Coin Electus Shop+Roc+Simulation

Everything you need to know is in the image below. (There are STR versions of Isyutaru, Lord and Demon Shaitan as well, consider they'll also drop what the original versions will drop)



- Cold imbue cooldown: 16 seconds
- Last tier cold Imbue atk. pwr. is equal to last tier light imbue.
- Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds.
- Snow Shield INT requirement:
/ Snow Shield - Novice: 270 INT (Lv 1: 10%, Lv 2: 11%, Lv 3: 12%, Lv 4: 13%, lv 5: 14%, lv 6: 15%)
/ Snow Shield - Adebt: 300 INT
/ Snow Shield - Freeze: 400 INT
/ Snow Shield - Intense: 440 INT
/ Snow Shield - Swift : 450 INT


- Light imbue cooldown: 16 seconds
- Last tier cold meteor/nuke atk. pwr. is equal to last tier light nuke
- Force Piercing Force last tier 18% to 19%
- Last tier walk speed is 105%.


- Fire imbue cooldown: 16 seconds
- Phy DMG increase buff last tier 9% to 11%
- Firewalls/Icewalls are sharing the same cooldown of 10 seconds.


Force debuff success possibilities have been raised (compared to Electus Chinese skill balance edits)

- Force cure series skill tree: Shared cooldown, 10 seconds cooldown
- Impotent:80% to 35
- Weaken: 80% to 60
- Decay: 80% to 60
- Division 80% to 50


- Summit & Depth Bicheon Force: Bonus 10% magical damage increase.
- Demon Blade Force: Knock Down Probability 50% to 45%
- Ocean Blade Force: Knock Down Probability 50% to 45%
- Flying Stone Smash and Twin Energy Smash cooldowns linked.


Increased (Additional) Critical Increase by 5 (Compared to Electus Chinese server's skill balance)

- Celestial Beast Arrow: Fear Debuff Lv 10 (20%)
- Anti Devil Bow Strike: Extra Critical +10 (45)
- Anti Devil Bow Annihilate: Extra Critical +10 (50)
- Mind Concentration 33 Increase to 65 Increase.
- Blue Hawk Summon: Attack rate increased 35>73


It is very important to acknowledge that minor value changes doesn't mean a lot in SRO. You have to nerf the skills significantly to make a recognizable change. What we have done in EU skill changes are mainly small edits that doesn't ruin the characteristics of the masteries. This way you can still enjoy your favourite build.

Instead of detailing some of the minor changes or the ones we will name under ''other changes'', we welcome you to test out the skill balance in our Beta server first, as the final skill balance will be announced after Beta period is over anyway.

Also, some of the overpowered skills & buffs are removed from it's original skill tree and added as Godsend Skill. The logic behind that is because we think overpowered skills should not be instantly accessible but through effort and in time.

First TRY the skill balance out before you give feedback about it.


- Stun and bleed success probability has been slightly reduced for axe skill; Sudden Twist
- Pain Quota and Ultimate Screen skills have been removed from their original skill trees and added as Godsend Skill (You can unlock them through quests)
- Daredevil knockback chance has been slightly reduced
- Other changes (due change during beta)


- Increased HP consume from 10% to 15% for; Prick
- Other changes (due change during beta)


- Removed level 2,3,4 and 5 for; Life Turnover.
- Added new Life Turnover as Godsend Skill/Buff
- Other changes (due change during beta)


- Increased the cooldown of the debuff skills [1 > 3 seconds]
- Increased passive magical damage increase buff (100% to 110%)
- Added INT requirement for range stun skill
- Removed Advanced Reflect buff from it's original skill tree and added as Godsend Skill.
- Removed Scream Mask buff from it's original skill tree and added as Godsend Skill.


- Increased passive magical damage increase buff from 100% to 110%
- Removed last tier Dance Skills and added them as Godsend Skill
(make sure to check out godsend skills, bard now has new attack skills and passive def. increase)


- Integrity (debuff remover) and Innocents skills now share the same cooldown
- Removed level 11 and 12; Bless Spell
- Removed level 2 and above; STR - INT last tier skills

Godsend Skill series are the extended version of default 100 CAP skills offering higher attack values and giving you ability to go for exclusive builds like ICE-FIRE-HEUKSAL Glavier instead of ''usual'' FIRE-FORCE-HEUKSAL Glavier build and it will give you unique capabilities that you'll forget about FORCE mastery entirely. It was just an example; I'll update this section during beta and actually you can test them out yourself during beta better.


Chinese Godsend Skills
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Snow Storm - Godsend: Magical attack power > 2180 - 2470
Slayer - Godsend : Critical Increase 10 (STR Requirement 400)


Ghost Walk - Godsend: Moving Speed 118% Increase
Holy Spell - Godsend: Weakening, Restriction, Curse Series Probability Reduce 30%, Cooldown 180 seconds.
Lightning Storm - Godsend: Magical attack power 2180 - 2470 (300%)


Flame Wave - Godsend: Magical attack power 2406-3655 (265%)
Fire Wave - Godsend: Magical attack power 2251-2559 (315%)
Fire Wall - Godsend: HP 25920, Mag. Absorption 95
Fire Protection - Godsend: Magical defense power 338 Increase


Fear Spot - Godsend: Fear Probability 20%, 8 Seconds
Dull Spot - Godsend: Dull Probability 20%, 8 Seconds
Force Nuke - Godsend: Magical attack power 2180-2470 (450 INT Required)


Bicheon Scud - Godsend: Moving Speed 250% Increase, Continuous hours 12 Second.
Bicheon Force - Godsend: Physical damage 10% Increase, Magical damage 15% Increase, Phy def power of shield 105% Reduce, Phy attack power 235 Increase
Bicheon Active - Godsend: Chance of Obtaining Berserk Gage 40% Increase, Continuous hours 120 Second.
Cut Blade - Godsend: Phy attack Power 950-1129
Sword Dance - Godsend: Phy attack power 1398-1516
Blade Force - Godsend: Phy attack power 972-1115, Knock-down 50%


Ghost Spear - Godsend: Phy attack power 1289-1389
Flying Dragon - Godsend: Phy attack power 1360-1710, Critical 10 Increase
Soul Spear - Godsend: Phy attack power 1189-1435 (Stun 10Level Probability 10% 3Time/times)


Black Arrow - Godsend: Phy attack power 885-1145, Attack rate 40 Increase, Bleed 10Level (Probability 20%), Darkness 10Level (Probability 20%)
Resistance - Godsend: Phy def power 158 Increase (320 INT REQUIRED)
Anti Devil Bow - Godsend: Phy attack power 950-1150



3x Active Buff
2x Active Skills

Pain Quota - Godsend: Damage Disperse Rate 50% (Max lv)
Ultimate Screen - Godsend: Phy. Def. Incr. 1128, Mag. Def. Incr 1579
Ultimate Skin- Godsend:
Rising Impact - Godsend : 50% KD , Phy. Atk. Pwr. 1310~1578 (210%)
Shield Crush - Godsend : Phy. Atk. Pwr. 1382~1667 (91%), Dull 10lv, KB 55% Rate, Maximum Successive shots 3x (Simulatenous 3x)


Passive Buff: Range Increase
Passive Buff: Attack Rate Increase
1x Imbue
1x Dagger Skill
1x Crossbow Skill

Wide Sight - Godsend : Shot Range 5,5m (lv3)
Death Weapon - Godsend : Imbue, Use Time 7sec (Poison Status)
Triple Shot - Godsend : Phy. Atk. Pwr. 1310~1588 (78%), KB Probability 75% (3x Shots)
Double Impact - Godsend : Phy Atk. Pwr. 1342~1627 (87%) (2x Shots)
Hawk Eye - Godsend : Attack Rate Increase 58 (Lv2)


1x Active Buff
1x Debuff
1x Passive Buff: Range Increase
1x Attack Skill

Life Turnover - Godsend : Mag. Atk. Pwr. Increase 1014, Mag. Dmg. Incr. 25%, MaximumHP Reduce 50%


European Godsend Skills
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Save time and money. Choose your style and buy one of the beginner packs to save silks.

Maximum plus 5. Ideal to keep it plus 3. Using 1 degree magic powder (comes out of Platinum Box) multiples the success chance by two.[/B]

Check them out:

Or check this one:

Normal Alchemy;
By starting to play in Electus server, you accept the Alchemy Challenge in advance.

+1/5 = Do-able
+6/7 = Challenging
+8 = Hard
+8/9 = Very hard

Better lower your expectations to have above +9 already because +10 and +11 success rates are 1% (Excluding premium, avatar, alchemy scroll).

Devil Spirit alchemy;
Using 1dg magic powder increases the success rate by 100% (Obtainable from Platinum Boxes)
Maximum limit is +5

+1/3 = Do-able
+4/5 = Very hard


Gallery 4
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These are the currently default SoX glows and we will probably modify them during beta.

Gallery 5
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In Electus, there are 2 alternative SoX glows you can apply to any of your ( SoX weapon(s). The scrolls can be purchased from Item Mall / SoX Glow Changer section. (Seal of Moon glow changer will be added to Item Mall once weapons are enabled)

Gallery 6
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Electus 16dg Weapon Skins/Models

Gallery 7
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15 Degree Equipment Models

Gallery 8
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Available Fortresses Jangan, Bandit, Hotan (Main)
FW Time Every Sunday, 20:30 (Electus Time)
Jangan Slots 750
Jangan Tax Default
Bandit Slots 500
Bandit Slots Default
Hotan Slots 1000
Hotan Tax 100B Gold (Gold withdraw disabled from tax manager)
PC Limit 1

Basically, Jangan and Bandit fortress owner guild master can claim the gold available in the tax managers. Hotan fortress guild master however will not be able to claim the gold/tax from the tax manager NPC. Instead, straight 100b gold reward will be added in his inventory by server admin. The rewards will be added during the weekly server maintenance, on Thursdays - not right after the fortress war.

Guild limit is 24. Union limit 3.

Fortress owners are able to produce Behemoth with extra loot slots and upgraded attack and defence flags.

Default fellow and attack pet values in vSRO is absolutely useless. In most of the private servers, it's almost only about having a pet chasing you - not about ''using'' your pet... In Electus, Attack and Fellow pet's attack values are re-worked and they DO deal a decent damage. On a side note, Fellow pet deals higher damage compared to attack pets.

Fellow Pets
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Growth Pets
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Pick Pets
You must register and activate your account to access image galleries.

Total of 8 players' total damage will be updated every second (Frequency might be lowered if any kind of performance issues are experienced).

You can claim the special reward of the week by logging in every day of the week. The system automatically checks it for you once you login.

The reward you can claim is due change on weekly periods. (@Thursday Weekly Maintenances)

Low effort. Massive win. Of course... you need to be lucky.

Every night, we will be hosting JackPot Event (Auto). Players will be able to add any silk amount they want into the event pool. The event will be active for about an hour. Considering thousands of players will be adding silks into the pool there will be tens of thousands silks in the pool. Let's say 50K silks. This silk will be splitted into 5 lucky winners and each winner will receive 10K silk. (ONLY AN EXAMPLE!)

Key Points: You can win with ''1 silk'' entry. You may not win with ''5000 silk'' entry. The system records every silk entry seperately, so if you add 5 silks, the first 5 numbers created in the system is yours (1-2-3-4-5), other guy adding 10 silks will create 10 numbers in the system (6 to 15) and so on. In the end, the system will choose 5 random numbers and if it's the number generated for your silk, officially, you're rich. Note that, the system will also generate a single number between 60 and 90 which will represent the percentage of the total amount of silks in the pool. So, minimum of 60 and maximum of 90 percent of the silks collected in the pool will be given away to the 5 lucky players.

Real time survey window. This feature came out last summer in our Chinese only server giving us ability to get instant feedback from the players whenever it's necessary. The survey window will pop up in the middle of your screen and it'll disappear once you vote. It's tested and and verified, simply awesome.

Global Item Linking feature is the only ''incomplete'' feature in this EPVP thread.

According to what [GM]LENOX say it's 95% complete yet he needs further experimentation with one final technical issue. No promises for this one to come out any time soon.

Electus Filter features, limitations, restrictions, bug-fixes and server protection. All Credits: [GM]LENOX

Limit 2 Characters allowed to login per device
Limit 6 Characters allowed to login from a certain IP
Limit 1 Character allowed to equip job suit
Limit 1 Character allowed to enter Godsend Dungeon
Limit 1 Character allowed to enter Hall of Worship
Limit 1 Character allowed to enter Battle Arena
Limit 1 Character allowed to enter CTF
Limit 1 Character allowed to enter Survival Arena
Limit 1 Character allowed to enter Fortress War
Limit Maximum plus +11
Cooldown Global Cooldown, 30 Seconds
Cooldown Reverse Scroll Cooldown in job mode, 4 minutes
Bug Fixes Exchange bug fixed
Bug Fixes Stall bug fixed
Bug Fixes Mbot pill bug fixed
Bug Fixes Exit bug fixed
Bug Fixes Speed bug fixed
Server Notice Alchemy fuse +8 and above
Restriction PK Mode disabled
Restriction SoX items can't be fused to +6 w/o immortal (Player Protection)
Restriction Scrolls use is not allowed in Survival Arena
Restriction Guild Point donation disabled
Restriction Kicking party-members in Godsend Dungeon is not allowed
Restriction Kicking party-members in Hall of Worship is not allowed
Restriction Dropping gold on the floor is not allowed
Restriction Dropping SOX items on the floor is not allowed
Restriction Res is disabled in Battle Arena
Restriction Res is disabled in Capture the Flag
Restriction PHbot is disabled
Restriction Restarting the client is disabled
Guard AFK-Kicker in Battle Arena is activated (120 seconds)
Guard AFK-Kicker in Capture the Flag is activated (120 seconds)
Guard Pick-pet pages will have only 2 pages
Ability Colored globals and player notification texts enabled
Ability Ability to ban IP and HWID's
Ability Ability to detect dll bypassers

[GM]Simulation took his time to re-work the character login & creation screens and the outcome is gorgeous.

Nowadays skins-accessories are a big thing. We've made sure you have enough visuals so that you can personalize your character. Make sure to check out all the visual items that are obtainable from Character Visuals NPC (located behind Donwhang Storage NPC).

These visuals do not provide with any kind of blue option / technical advantage versus other players.

Gallery 12
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You want to switch your weapons skin to another degree but you're not quite sure which degree suits you the best? Again, thanks to Simulation now we have ELECTUS SHOWROOM.

You can simply teleport into there from Donwhang and look at every existing SOX glow, Weapon degree (skin), Equipment degree (skin) and plus glows and make a decision faster without googling.

Tired of playing the same character? You don't only have option to reset your character (Stats/Skills) but also have option to switch from European to Chinese and Chinese to European race.

The scrolls are available in Donwhang, right next to the guild manager.


- You have to unequip all your items including avatar parts and devil spirit

Upon use;

- You will get disconnected
- Upon relog, you will spawn with the character skin you selected
- You will spawn with 0 mastery levels
- Your skills points used for Godsend Skills will be restored on your account (+2M SP to learn normal skills)
- Your inventory will remain the same (no change)
- Your old items will remain the same, EU <> CH SOX items switcher scrolls will be added during beta.

Be unique and switch your weapons SOX Glow to ''Superior'' or ''Marvelous'' one. SOX glow switchers are available in Item Mall.

Each SOX type has 2 uniquecustom glows available. (You can check out all the SOX Glows in Electus Showroom - Use Donwhang Teleporter to get in.)

When you change the sox glow of your weapon, all the values your weapon has remains the same. (The plus, blues, stats, sox glow and everything).

Not a big fan of 10 degree? Switch your weapon model (skin) by other degrees.

When you change the skin of your weapon, all the values your weapon has remains the same. (The plus, blues, stats, sox glow and everything).

Use weapon type changer scrolls when you reset your skills. Available in Item Mall (Shields can not be transformed into a weapon).

Take your teamplay to another level by marking the enemy in your enemy team and showing your party members the way.

As soon as you mark someone (Ideal to use in Battle Arena, CTF, Fortress War), they will have a mark on top of their head for 15 seconds. (The use is limited to one every 3 minutes - due modification)

There are small edits might worth noting down. See below;

- Removed thunder sound
- It's always sunny
- Added zoomhack.
- Added custom Electus intro.
- Guild Start level 5.
- Disabled SOX drops.
- Removed Chinese buff animations

Weekly server maintenance will take place on every Thursday at 4 PM Electus Time (As shown on the website).

Electus Point limit will be raised every week.
Honor Points along with the Honor Buffs will be vanished on 2 weeks period and other changes that will be notified on Electus Website, Facebook, Discord and EPVP thread simultaneously.

Maintenances will be announced in-game and on Discord 1 hour in advance in order to give the players enough time to complete what they're on at that moment except emergency server maintenances.

Emergency server maintenances however, might require to shut down the server in a very short period of time if a game breaking bug is discovered. In such case, information about the compensation(s) will be provided. (This doesn't happen often)

Changelogs are now one click away after the first login. Clicking this button will redirect you to our website - patch notes section.

We appreciate for the donations and they help us to provide and improve Electus Online.

Donation period will start on the 6th of November as the registrations will be enabled (Should be around 3-4 pm).

As everyone already know, private servers have their own lifespans. While most of the psro servers die in a few days / week, Electus servers have much longer lifespan, talking about 7 months plus up to a year. And the reason for the shutdown is not the income but due to ''inactivity'' and ''low population'' after 7 to 11 months.

As Electus Team, we are actively working every day with no days off by the time we release a project, for at least 15 hours a day (You can contact us on Discord 24/7 - we reply instantly unless we are working on something). We also do our best to extend the lifespan of the server by adding new content on weekly and monthly basis and aiming for 1 year plus for the lifespans.

As a guarantee for you, we will announce the shut down of the server 60 days in advance and will refund 100% of the donations made starting from then - until the shut down of the server.

You have to contact us on to claim your refund.

Other than that, donations can not be claimed back under any circumstance. If you chargedback in any Electus server in the past and also donated in the newer servers via resellers (EPIN) - your account will get banned once we figure out.

In order to be able to play on the newer servers as an old chargebacker, you will have to communicate with server admin and accept the terms and conditions given. (This policy apply to all the running Electus servers.)

E-Pin sales are alternative payment method for purchasing Electus Cash (Silk). EPIN sellers may not available 24/7. You can contact authorized E-Pin sellers on Discord

Authorized Third Party E-Pin Sellers:

EPin sales are limited. Epin sellers might run out of epins any time. Using Superrewards payment method is suggested in this case.

1. Ivan (PayPal Sales) He will provide with his work-hours every day at 00:00 on Discord. You have to follow his announcements up on Discord for PayPal donations
2. Milky_Way (Numerios payment methods available for Egyptians along with international payment methods Except Skrill and Paypal)

How to Redeem EPINs

Applying EPIN codes are instant. Once you redeem, you will have your Electus Cash on your account right away.

1. Login
2. Click on DONATE
3. Click Apply EPIN Code
4. Copy-Paste your EPIN code and press SUBMIT.

As many already know, Electus is my biggest obsession and is my irl job. Me and my team have been working day and night throughout the years to provide a top-notch server to you all and it's not a secret that Electus became a massive brand today.

We can't thank enough to YOU for being a part of ELECTUS FAMILY and also for the continued support. Here we want to thank you by hosting this massive giveaway.

Following rewards will be given away on our Grand Opening Day;

- 5x Electus T-Shirt (Personal guild logo x charname on it)
- 14 Beginner Packs (Premium, devil spirit and more silk items in it!)
- 30,000 Silks(30 Winners)

Share Event #1 ;

Share Event #2;

Comment Event #1 ;

Comment Event #2 ;

~Electus Team,

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Old 05/15/2018, 20:49   #2

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Let's go!
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Old 05/15/2018, 20:50   #3
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Old 05/15/2018, 20:55   #4
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Broeki Best player
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Old 05/15/2018, 20:56   #5
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I'm in !
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Old 05/15/2018, 21:02   #6

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Love it
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Old 05/15/2018, 21:02   #7
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waste of time.
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Old 05/15/2018, 21:11   #8

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Good luck!
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Old 05/15/2018, 21:16   #9
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Old 05/15/2018, 21:18   #10
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classic electus waste time
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Old 05/15/2018, 21:28   #11
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Amazing season
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Old 05/15/2018, 21:29   #12
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Old 05/15/2018, 21:30   #13
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let the hype begins again pr0x ^^
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Old 05/15/2018, 21:30   #14

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Originally Posted by NiqhtShade View Post
classic electus waste time
classic useless post.
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Old 05/15/2018, 21:51   #15
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its good but really u waste of your time for an old files most of players hated it

guys try to work on new Isro files or SroR its better
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