Gaia Phase II | Cap 90 | Chinese Race | Balanced | Play2Win | GO 22 Jun
Discussion on Gaia Phase II | Cap 90 | Chinese Race | Balanced | Play2Win | GO 22 Jun within the SRO PServer Advertising forum part of the SRO Private Server category.
Gaia Phase II | Cap 90 | Chinese Race | Balanced | Play2Win | GO 22 Jun
We are pleased to announce that we are relaunching Gaia.First I want to tell you something about why we went down and why we decided to relaunch. We went down after two good months because the players started to leave , But now we're back, we've got a new team and great developer to provide a perfect quality. it's Menorhord a skilled developer , he made alot of success projects that went smoothly fine ! we've searched for quality improvements in the code and possible bug fixes so we can provide a free-bug project without any problems. We've also added another assistant to the team to give us more control and power to provide better support. But what for? Are we looking for money? No, we are not looking for money, we want to give you a good place to play at 90 cap. Since the community doesn't really have a good place to play on a 90 Chinese Server. The only thing we want is to provide you with a long-term server that won't fail again due to a lack of players. This goal is achieved by constant updates and features, which come with longer operation of the server. This means that old and new players get to discover something new from time to time. We hope that we have captivated you . you will find more information below.
We offer you a competitive gameplay that will take you to a new way of entertainment. We have made our server as old school gameplay because we all remember this old memories where there was a lot of fun. Our goal to make the server free for all that's why it will be play2win. We are here to give you new experiences, new features and some incredible new adventures ! If you want to return back to the real old school of silkroad be one of our players, support us. Prove that 90 cap servers can reach high amount of players ! So if you really love 90 cap & want to enjoy silkroad gameplay then Gaia is your right place ! Also you are welcome at anytime to tell us your ideas and If there's something you don't like it we can discuss about that in our Discord!
Gaia online's crew is going to ensure you an absolute outstanding server that has a totally perfect stability. We promise you all to be more careful ,more optimized all the time and will be special. We are not like the other servers that close their servers after 2 weeks. Join us , you won't regret your decision.
We have a team that is fully integrated and fully cooperated to meet all your requests in the best possible way and we promise to work on your comfort all the time.
Menorhord is a person who has worked on many servers. He was often one of the owners of the servers. This is different with Gaia. We invited him and he agreed to create the database without taking over parts of the server. Basically he is a helping hand, he helps as a friend. For those who do not know Menorhord, here is some brief information about him : He has been with us for about 7 years and has taken on many projects. Not to mention that he's always evolving. He has experience with various programming languages such as C++, C#, PHP, and Java. To describe him as a person and friend, I would use the words "always there". He's here when we need him.
Closed Beta (11 Jun)
To make sure that everything works fine , we will open closed beta to test all new features and to get time to fix all bugs before our open beta phase.
Open Beta (15 Jun)
Before we decide to release our server for all, we've did a beta phase for testing our server well to avoid the bugs. We wish everybody could know and realize how important this phase is and what is the point of making it. Is it possible to make the server free from all problems? This is what we would like to do. If any of the participants in this stage found any problem, please inform us !
Grand Opening (22 Jun)
We won’t rush since we looking for a completely free bugs/errors server. After we tested our game , It's the time For Opening our server. All of you knows how population will be helping the server to survive hope you all get the what been looking for.
If anyone send you any other links you might get scammed and we are not responsible on it. Make sure that this links below is the only official links for us and any other links will be totally fake.
Official Trailer
Cap will be based at 90, this means that the good memories will be renew by us and of course we will be putting more and more of it.
To represent a game that will satisfy everyone, our gameplay race will be Chinese only. We are not looking for anything more than we are looking for a satisfied community, hoping you all having fun with what you have been waiting for.
Just to be more optional and more insane server with a great builds. Chinese Mastery limit will be 300.
Available Towns & The Main One
Just to bring back the good memories of Silkroad and to be original we will use the original towns [Jangan , Donwhang , Hotan]. Donwhang will be the main town, since it's the favorite town for all of us.
Fortress War
Enjoyable and Real Fun Fortress War will always depend on them. Because we want to reach the best level of entertainment of Fortress war. There will be Hotan only available.
HWID Limit
HWID performance got improved by us to get the opportunity to have a real fun.
Normal [2]
Jobbing [1]
Fortress Area [1]
Capture The Flag & Battle Arena [1]
We understand that the main theme of the Silkroad community centre on the rates which brings everything together, consedration rates as one of the most important things in the server, we settled to a very custom rates which will be suitable for all players.
OK, let's cut the crap. the scene now is mainstream, everyone is acting like MR. I know it all, well you are not. actually no one does, because Gaia is a unique game-play, our improved systems will bring the best silkroad into reality, the structure of the server were built to be a real entertaining ground for all the players, doesn't matter if you are going to pay cent, neither pay thousand, that won't give you special privileged. our aim was to create something you remember by the time, a server which you can make friends and experience a real new things, now let's see how your journey will start
Start Up Items
We couldn't just let the players start with an empty hand or aka Inventory, so we decided to pump up the scene and add some helpful items that will be your backbone in your journey in Gaia, use them wisely.
Auto Equipment
This common system in SRO scene which called auto equipment, is now a main pillar in the base, it will be hard for you to start fighting in your low levels with the clean set, so we thought why not adding this system to push you towards the glorious 90 level. This system got improved to work as the following. You will get (+5) Full Blue Seal of Star Items during the level up with a 61% until you reach level 75
Achieving The Max Level
We had to make a race battle for all players to encourage them to get the maximum level faster, not just that. as a reward for reaching the max level each player will receive (Silk) as a gift! so make sure you start at the first hour of the grand opening.
First 100 players to reach Lv.90 will receive 300 Silk.
Next 100 players to reach Lv.90 will receive 200 Silk.
Next 100 players to reach Lv.90 will receive 100 Silk.
Starting at Gaia
You must register and activate your account to access image galleries.
Old-School Things
Let's go back to the old times. The old school looks.
PvP Caps
Area of character selection
Alchemy Window
Experience Bar
Old-School Things
You must register and activate your account to access image galleries.
Elixir Effect
To identify the types of elixir, we decided to add new effect to be more colorful and to give a new feeling while seeing them.
Max Stack
For our respected players that they were complaining about Stacks.
Sox Items
We thought of adding just the original 3 types of sox {SOS, MOON, SUN} that will be valuable contraries what happening in all servers now and to keep it simple and easy to understand.
Sox Balance
The balance between our sox equipment and last tier normal equipment is as bellow.
Seal Of Star = Last tier [+2]
Seal Of Moon = Last tier [+3]
Seal Of Sun = Last tier [+4]
How to get Seal Of Star ?
The normal way dropping from monsters Lv. 76 ~ 90.
How to get Seal Of Moon ?
Weapon - Shield
From forgotten world, You can read more information about it in Forgotten World section.
Protector - Accessory
From moon treasure box, This box giving 1 seal of moon item randomly. You can buy this box from Gaia Shop.
How to get Seal Of Sun ?
By upgrading system, its a real challenge for you to get the sun items, which we calls [LONG TERM]. To upgrade seal of moon to seal of sun, required option Level (+9) or above. You can buy upgrade scroll from Gaia Shop.
We will use three currencies that you will need it to collect your gear and some epic items
Job Point
This is the main currency for everything and it's not tradable. You can get it from the following ways.
Job Killing
Job Missions
Job Temple Unique's
Job Coin
This currency is one of the currencies needed to buy Moon equipment. You can get it from the following ways.
Donwhang Cave
Arena Coin
This is the most important coin for the upgrade system and you won't use it for anything else. You can get it from the following ways.
Battle Arena
Capture The Flag
Survival Arena PvP War
Holy Water Temple
Farming Areas
We have two areas that you can farming there for collecting your equipment, elixir, stone and etc ... . One for normal and one for jobbers.
Roc Mountain (Normal)
Roc Mountain became useless and no one farming there, so we decided to make this area useful and different than the others. We have increased spawn rate 4x and drop rate 2x . That's all ? of course no. There will be many missions for hunting monsters inside this area and the reward will be Silk. NPC missions can be found in Hotan beside stable.
Cave Of Donwhang (Jobbers)
All of us know that Jangan Cave is too huge, So we decided to use Donwhang Cave instead of Jangan Cave and make it available for jobbers only. Monsters and Uniques between 80 ~ 90 can be found at donwhang cave and there is new missions that's will give you Job Point and Job Coin you can read more about it in Job section. NPC missions can be found in Donwhang beside Herbalist Bori (Potion Seller).
Forgotten World - Flame Mountain
You will be having a great adventure there, all you need to do is hunting some monsters to get talisman cards. All Unique's and Boxes in Forgotten World will have a chance to drop a talisman card. Don't ignore Flame Cow King because you will have a chance to get seal of moon shield from it. We have moved the 1st Treasure Box to the 2nd Treasure Box spot (Area No.4) to avoid cheaters.
How to get Dimensions Holes ?
You can get Dimensions Holes from any Grocery NPC / Accessory Shop by Gold.
Where can you take the quest ?
As the normal system, from Hunter Associate Ahmok at Hotan.
Holy Water Temple
We didn't change anything inside Holy Water Temple, just made it fit cap 90. There is 5 Unique's inside Holy Water Temple, each one will drop 5 arena coins. You can attend for 2 Times per day and you can only join it with a party because we looking for more cooperation and fun. Teleport located in Donwhang beside South Gate
Custom NPC's
To make it more fair and more entertainment gameplay. We have added some custom NPCs can be found at Donwhang.
Avatars Seller
Here you can found all avatars that created on Silkroad, you can buy any of it by Silk.
Titles Seller
Here you can found more than 200 titles and we will add more soon, you can buy any of it by Silk. Titles increasing your damage by 5% while zerking.
Minister Shop
Here you can found the special items like [Upgrades Needed, Boxes, Advanced]. You can buy anything from this shop by Gold, Job Point, Job Coin and Arena Coin.
Gold Merchant
Here you can found items silk like [Reverse, Global, Immortal, Astral, etc...]. You can buy any of it by gold.
Item Mall
Since we want to offer some good memories for everyone in our sever this mall will be selling the original items of Silkroad and new useful items you will need it.
Character Name Changer
Skills/Stats Restorer
Magic Opt Remover
Advanced Remover
Premium Remover
Penalty Remover
Silk Changer
To improve your gameplay experience and to make it easier, we have added new 6 items with different features. You can read more about it in Features section.
Model Switcher
Switch Item
Luxury Global
Capture The Flag & Battle Arena
This systems got improved by us since we want to be special than the others , reward will be useful and better than the useless traditional one. You will be able to join CTF or BA every 2 hours and required level 85 or above to join it.
Battle Arena Reward
5 Arena Coins for winners and 1 Arena Coins for losers.
Capture The Flag Reward
1 Arena Coin for each kill.
Magic Pop
Since this system was boring and useless, we have improved it to be useful and play to win . You will play on item we call it "Gaia Gift Box" and success rate is 100%, as usual you will change it from magic pop Guide Gori then use it and you will be able to get one of this items.
Full Blue Scroll (works with all degrees and all items)
How can you get Magic Pop Card ?
Dropping from the following.
BeakYung The White Viper
Flame Cow King
We created new system for unique's that will working as the following: each unique will give you point we called it Unique Point, every Friday our system will reset all players Unique Point to 0 for a new start, the top one will get 300 silk.
Normal Unique's (STR/INT)
Appearing every 2 hours and dropping items silk.
Note: Cerberus and Captain Ivy new spots inside the spoiler.
Tiger Girl [2 Points]
Cerberus [2 Points]
Captain Ivy [3 Points]
Uruchi [3 Points]
Isyutaru [4 Points]
Lord Yarkan [5 Points]
Demon Shaitan [6 Points]
Job Temple Unique's
Appearing every 6 hours and dropping items silk.
Selket Strength [10 Points]
Neith Intellect [10 Points]
Isis Intellect [10 Points]
Anubis Strength [10 Points]
Heroeris [20 Points]
Seth [20 Points]
The Mighty Unique's (STR/INT)
Appearing in events only and dropping items silk.
Skill Balancing
You should use your favorite build and not the most powerful one. We will do our best to provide a fair gameplay for each one and to make you able to choose the build that you love. We had to make some balance changes in order to make all classes competitive and fair.
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Flying Stone Smash
Description: Increased blood probability from 20% to 35%
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Lightning Chain
Description: Increased division probability from 20% to 40%
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Asura Cut Blade
Description: Increased critical from 5 to 12
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Windless Spear
Description: Increased dull probability from 10% to 17%
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Soul Spear - ALL
Description: Increased stun probability to 35%
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Anti Devil Bow - ALL
Description: Increased critical to 40
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Strong Bow - Craft
Description: Increased stun probability from 25% to 33%
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Ice Sword Forces
Skill Description: Increased Mag. atk. pwr to same power of Light Sword Forces
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Snow Shield - Novice
Skill Description: Added required Int 230
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Grass Walk - Speed
Skill Description: Increased moving speed by 38% , that's mean each level increased by 38%. Last level increased from 77% to 115%
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Force Cure - ALL
Skill Description: Increased cooldown from 0 to 30 seconds
Skill Icon:
Skill Name: Vital Spot - ALL
Skill Description: Decreased success probability from 80% to 60%
Honor Buffs
Everyone know about honor buff and how to get it, but actually in Gaia this system will be different. Honor system depends on Jobbing now, that's mean you will be rewarded by Honor Point from trading , killing enemies and killing Job Unique's. To give chance for everyone and new comers, this system will be reset every Friday and all will lose there buffs and the honor points goes to 0 for a new start.
Copper, Silver, Gold, Crown for 1 to 5
Copper, Silver, Gold for 6 to 15
Copper, Silver for 16 to 25
Copper for 26 to 50
Notice: System refreshing every 2 hours
Job Temple Of Alexandria
This temple was created for collecting Skill Points and Coins, but in Gaia it will be different. First we have improved it to fit Cap 90. Second We have removed monsters from it because farming Skill Points in Gaia will be useless. Third all unique's will drop Job Coins and give much Job & Honor Points for the killer. Unique's will be available for 4 times per day.
Your level must be 85 or above.
Choose your job type very well because only few amount of players will be able to enter.
Trade Routes
We will used the original trade routes since we are looking for an old school server. For each completing trade the trader, hunter and thief will be rewarded by Honor and Job Points. Our trade system is different and very special therefore you must do this steps to avoid problems in getting reward, but remember that you won't get reward for more than 10 trades per day.
You must be a member in academy system, you can register from any storage.
Your level must be 85 or above.
Notice: You will get the reward without restarting your account.
Job Killing
This system depends on your kills, the more you will kill the more points you will get. Each kill will give you 1 Honor and 1 Job Points. Remember that you won't get points if you killed the same character more than 2 times and the same if you killed more than 20 kills per day. Our system required the following.
You must be a member in academy system, you can register from any storage.
Your level must be 85 or above.
Job Missions
We created new missions for jobbers to gain job point and job coin. The main reason for this missions is to help the newcomers for collecting their gear easily. You will be able to get this missions 2 times per day.
Job Suits
To be more fair, we have added both old and new job suits. It will have the same power and blues except looks only
Character / Title Name Color
A new system that will make you feel that you're unique, you will be able to change your character and title name color. This system available for few amount of players.
Green for top one in Trader ranking
Navy for top one in Thief ranking
Dodger Blue for top one in Hunter ranking
Golden Rod for top one in Unique ranking
Blue for top one in Honor ranking
Red for Supporters
Luxury Global
Something really special, Some new insane globals appearing as a blue notice to all players !
Unique Target
A System to let players know if the unique is focused on you, it makes the players determine who is getting attack by unique.
AFK Bubbles
Bubbles will automatically appear on top of your character If you're away from keyboard for more than 5 minutes to let the players know that you're afk.
Title Storage
Each title you will use it will be saved in your title storage. There are 2 commands for this system , one to check your titles and the other for use the title that you will choose.
/titles (To check your titles)
/SetTitle ID (To use any title from your storage)
Anti Hack System
We are looking for a secured server for everyone, therefore we created this system to make your account more safe, You don't have to worry anymore about your character safety. who will be using this system will be a 100% secured from any scammers or hackers.
You can lock or unlock any item you want by the following.
/lockitem Item Slot Number, PIN Code
/unlockitem Item Slot Number, PIN Code
You can lock or unlock your inventory by the following.
/lockinventory PIN Code
/unlockinventory PIN Code
You can lock or unlock your storage by the following.
/lockstorage PIN Code
/unlockstorage PIN Code
You won't be able to use the following
Buy or sell
Add blues in avatar
Use global
Use guild storage
Drop item or gold
Plus items or use stones
Accept, request, approve exchange
Open stall
Game Commands (Buttons)
We created some useful commands to make your gameplay easier
[LIST][*] Reload Button
This button will teleport your character at the same place. put in your mind that you won't be able to use this command while wearing job suite.
More commands will be available soon.
Auto Event
Trivia Event
Kill The GM Event.
Hide & Seek Event.
Lucky Party Number Event.
Alchemy Event
PvP War Event
Job War Event
Hand Made Event
Pvp Event
Uniques Event
Lucky Critical Event
Weekly Event.
Facebook Event
1000 Silk as a reward for our dear players who will be supporting us by inviting their friends and of course sharing means caring that why we will make sure they will get the mentioned reward in the grand opening. Make sure that you don't mess any of the following steps so you can be rewarded. We will choose 25 winners
Like Gaia Online .
Like and Share this .
Make sure that you tag 4 of your friends who playing silkroad and write your character name at the same comment.
Signature Event
You all know that using our official elitepvpers signature will be a great support and it will help you all as well to get a server with many players in it and we all know how important that is, By using our official signature we will be sending out rewards in grand opening and it will be 100 silk for every player who use it.
Account Panel
It's an option make the user able to change his own information (Password & Secret code) and make him able to lock his account by a timer and No 1 can open it or use till the time finish and even the user won't be able to unlock it unless he talk to any of the admins in facebook page.
This system in our website will simply show you guys the top ranking players to make it more competitive and to help you to know who in the top ranking.
Top Players
Order by character level and item points
Top Guilds
Order by guild level and item points
Top Jobbers
Order by job level
Top Traders
Order by job level
Top Thieves
Order by job level
Top Hunters
Order by job level
Top Honors
Order by honor points
Top Uniques
Order by unique points
Searching Character/Guild
This system will make you able to find and search for any character or guild by easily way
Character Lookup
It shows the character information like (Level, Job Type, Status, Guild, etc) & items or anything he have like (Avatar, Flag) for the character.
Guild Lookup
System that help you in very easy way to show the members inside the guild and the master of it just to make joining the guild and knowing it more comfortable.
are you 100% sure these are the real alchemy rates because last time we kept failing more at +3 then at +7 with prem and lucky avatar
Chinese Mastery limit will be 330 just to be more optional, more offering and of course more insane server with a great builds. Europe Mastery limit will be 180 to give a chance for both classes to be more classified and more professionally.
why not 360mastery lvl and 25% damage increase passive buff and sro-r skills for force mastery?
are you 100% sure these are the real alchemy rates because last time we kept failing more at +3 then at +7 with prem and lucky avatar
Chinese Mastery limit will be 330 just to be more optional, more offering and of course more insane server with a great builds. Europe Mastery limit will be 180 to give a chance for both classes to be more classified and more professionally.
why not 360mastery lvl and 25% damage increase passive buff and sro-r skills for force mastery?
Don't worry, we fixed most of reports from the last time.
We still have time to test everything
360 Mastery for Chineseit will be overpowered with Silkroad-R skills.
Don't worry, we fixed most of reports from the last time.
We still have time to test everything
360 Mastery for Chineseit will be overpowered with Silkroad-R skills.
not really cause euro damage is way overpower even with all these balance but the damage difference can be max 2k-3k with balance instead of 15-20k w/o balance
not really cause euro damage is way overpower even with all these balance but the damage difference can be max 2k-3k with balance instead of 15-20k w/o balance
fine , let's test it again during the beta phase before we take wrong decision.
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