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Dymer Online | 80 Cap | CH Only | Activity Based | Where legends are made!

Discussion on Dymer Online | 80 Cap | CH Only | Activity Based | Where legends are made! within the SRO PServer Advertising forum part of the SRO Private Server category.

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Dymer Online | 80 Cap | CH Only | Activity Based | Where legends are made!

BETA PHASE :23.11.2017 at 20:00 EET
GRAND OPENING: 01.12.2017 at 20:00 EET



Discord Server :

Before we start, we would like to show some evidence that we are the new owners of Dymer and we got permission from the owners - Expand the spoiler below to see the evidence.

Its our sincerest pleasure to present you ourselves as new owners for Dymer which everyone or most of you enjoyed playing and still have great memories which you can not forget.
We want to continue imprinting you with memorable memories, that is why we will be dealing with you guys in a professional way which you will notice through the thread and your interactions with us.
Before everything we would like to say 2 things;
  1. • We humbly thank the team who created Dymer and reached this amazing state of love from players and hope that it will be reborn with "Silver Light" at its head as well as thanking them for their great efforts and ensure them that Dymer will stay strong and safe.
  2. • To the loyal Dymer lovers that kept on waiting and supporting for the re-opening of Dymer, we would like you to know that we did our best and still are and we are receiving your suggestions which are put into consideration to present Dymer in a better way and in a thankful way to everyone who loves Dymer. We also understand that many players were sad after they got to know that we are new owners but we are telling you that we understand all your feelings and that Dymer will become a better place than it was before and you will know that we aren't lying through your reading to the thread.

• Team Experience

First of all, we are the new owners of Dymer so you might not know us. But we can assure that our team is pretty experienced at this field and we have past experiences and we are still working to extend our experience at this field.
Secondly, we were players before, so we know what exactly entertains you and we made sure that our systems will be consistent with each other so you won't get bored quickly. Moreover; every addition/system in Dymer was added carefully and was well-planned.
Keep in mind that we are always open for suggestions, especially during the beta phase. We strive to keep Dymer in the lead as you knew it!

• Who do we target?
Generally, we target all those who want to play in a long term server which fulfills their wishes of having fun and are tired of looking for a stable server.

We target the fans of old school world with all it's unforgettable memories and it's simplicity and we promise them that they will see a real old school server in a new way that lets them live the old school memories again.

We target our old players, those who have always stood by Dymer and trusted in it.
-We target those who didn't try Dymer yet, and we promise them that they will see SRO in another way through the fun that they will have in game and generally through Dymer's community.

We also target the fans of team work game play, and we would like to tell them that in Dymer, we cared for everything that encourages team work and cooperation and excites the players.

• Dymer was and will always be play2win.
Before joining a server, you usually think about if it's pay2win or play2win. We hereby would like to assure you that Dymer was and will always be play2win. Through our advanced system which is very well-planned, we can assure that it's play2win. Being strong in Dymer does not depend on donating but depends on your own efforts!

Why do we think that Dymer is play2win?
  1. -Premium, devil and avatars are available at Dymer Special shop for some coins and gold. Some other silk items are also available at this shop.
  2. • The first 300 players who reach lv 80 will get rewarded with silks.
  3. • Auto events are available for all and everybody has a chance to win. The reward is always silks. Most of the events also reward the winners as well as the losers, however, the amount of silks rewarded to losers is less than the amount of silks rewarded to winners.
  4. • Silk per hour - for the first week, you will start getting 2 silks per hour as soon as you reach lv 50. After the first week passes, you will receive 1 silk per hour.
  5. • Seal of Moon items ( Last tier SOX) are untradable so you won't have to worry. You won't see a donator joining and becoming the boss of the game for some bucks.

• Free Silks / Hour.
Usually the best moments you can have at a server is on its first days, especially when you are leveling up with your mates. We have always been focusing on how to make Dymer funnier and better for everybody whether it is about adding a big or a small system/feature.

*For the first 7 days of Dymer, you will be receiving 2 silks per hour! Please note that you have to be level 50 in order to receive silks for the first week, then the required level to get silk/h will be changed to 80.

• Top 300 players.
The first days of the server are definitely the best days as we usually spend them with our friends trying to reach the max level. These days have a lot of enthusiasm and competition, and in order to extend this competition, we added a system that will motivate our players to reach the max level quicker. This system will basically reward them with silks if they are one of the first 300 players to reach level 80.
  • The first 100 players who reach lv 80 will get 200 silks
  • The second 100 players who reach lv 80 will get 100 silks
  • The third 100 players who reach lv 80 will get 50 silks

• Cap.
Our cap is 80 and as you know, Dymer is always oldschool and it's always in the lead at this cap. Since this cap is the best oldschool cap and it really fetches back your old lovely memories at SRO, we would like to bring it back to you and let you live these memories again.

• Solo EXP Rate.
The solo exp rate is 9x. We believe this rate is perfect for an 80 Cap server.

• PT EXP Rate.
The party EXP Rate is 12x. We also believe this PT exp rate is the perfect rate for an 80 Cap server.

• Drop rate
The drop rate is 4x. This is a perfect item drop rate in our point of view as it is not too high and not too low.

• Available Race(s).
The only available race is Chinese as European race literally ruins the server and it is pretty hard to balance between both races.

• Mastery.
Mastery limit is going to be 300 as it was at 80 Cap SRO.

• Available regions.
Abyss Maze, Abyss Cave, Dymer Hall, Donwhang, Jangan, Roc, Hotan, Job Temple.

Dymer's main town - Donwhang.
Donwhang is the best town for all old school lovers and it is also big enough to handle many players and stallers. Thus, we have chosen it as our main town. All important teleporters and NPCs are also located inside this town.

• HWID Limit aka PC Limit.

As we promised, we want a fair gameplay for everybody whether you are a donator or not. Since PC limit avoids most of the known cheats, we have applied it as follows:
Normal HWID limit [2].
Jobbing HWID limit [1].
Fortress HWID limit [1]
Capture the flag / Battle Arena HWID limit [1].

• Guild & Union Limits.
A lot of opinions have been said about this point we are not sure yet we should do with it. We decided to make the union limit 2 and the guild limit 32 for the beginning, this is subject to be changed later on, depending on the players suggestions.

• Free union chat for all.

One of the things we have been asked by many players to add, thus we did it. The whole guild can now use union chat, but you should ask your master to give you this authority first

• Max plus: +11
The max plus at Dymer is going to be +11 and we are sure it will fit the game very well. We do not want high plusses at the game as they cause the game play to be unfair and this is something we do not want. We promised to keep Dymer fair for everybody!

• Available fortress war: Hotan.
Fortress war is one the funniest wars at SRO which everybody awaits weekly. We have chosen Hotan to be the only enabled fortress for the beginning. Depending on our player base, we might enable Jangan later on beside Hotan.

• Security and Host.
We have a very high quality protection which is proven to be the best in the market. Our protection provider is Hyperfilter. We love you and want you to enjoy a gameplay with 0 lags and 0 delays!  

• Start Items.
Once you create a character, you will start off with some special stuff such as Skill Points, gold and other stuff in order to make the level up process funnier and better.

• Auto Equipment.
For an easier level up process, we implemented this feature that everybody got used to. You can get full +6 gear during your level up process until degree 7.

• Oldschool pvp capes.
We have brought them back to you, we know you love them!
Whenever you PVP your entire set will be shown and an oldschool PvP cape will be worn as seen on the screenshot to the right.

• Permanent buffs.
It has become very boring to rebuff yourself over and over every few minutes and sometimes you are forced to rebuff yourself while being in PVP, killing a giant party monster, killing a unique, therefore, we decided to add permanent buffs to make it easier and to avoid forcing you to rebuff yourself while being in a PVP or whatever

• Capture The Flag & Battle Arena.
You can now participate at CTF/BA and rest assured that only those who are not AFK and are active will get rewarded. We have made some changes to our filter which will require the following:
-You must be level 80 in order to be able to join at CTF or BA
-You can participate at CTF or BA using 1 character ONLY
-If you were AFK for more than a minute, you would get kicked out of the CTF and get sent to town.

• Forgotten World System.
Forgotten world remains one of the funniest systems at SRO despite being hard for most of the players. Forgotten world is a beloved feature for those who love hard tasks and love being different and the most important part is; FGW depends mostly on teamwork which makes it even funnier! Forgotten world is another method to obtain SOM " Seal of Oblivion " weapons only.

How to get forgotten world dimension?
  • You can get the dimension by killing uniques or from Abyss Mobs.

• Job Temple.
One of the most featured areas for grinding in Dymer is the job temple as it combines jobbing and grinding together. Since we aim to keep Dymer always active, we enabled it and modified it to fit an 80 Cap server. If you are one of those who love having fun and enthusiasm, our job temple is the best area for you!
In order to make this temple even better and more populated, we made iron coins droppable from the mobs there (Iron coin is required to purchase SOM). This'll make the competition even funnier and grinding even harder especially that it doesn't only contain mobs, but it also contains uniques!
What can you get from job temple?
  • Seal of Nexus items.

• Old school job suits.
An old school server, in our point of view, is not just a low degree server, but it is also a server which brings you back the great memories you had in the past at SRO. Since oldschool job suits remind us of the memories we had at old school SRO, we decided to keep them and not add the so called "new job suits".

• Wanted System:
What is the wanted system?;
• Wanted system is but a simple addition in the job which has great pleasurable effects especially for the players who are active and hard-workers, as well as in getting special buffs and preserving them for the longest possible time.
• The system is simply a range of buffs that enhances you while in job mode and is only given when you slay a certain number of your enemies.
How to achieve those magnificently enhancing buffs of the Wanted system?;
• You can achieve it if you slay 10 players without dying once.
There are 5 levels and each level has its own buff which increases as you go higher in rank and slay more players.
• When you slay 10 players, your name will be announced for becoming Wanted and will achieve Buff Lv.1
Levels are as follows:
Buff Lv.1 - 10 Kills in a row.
Buff Lv.2 - 20 Kills in a row.
Buff Lv.3 - 30 Kills in a row.
Buff Lv.4 - 40 Kills in a row.
Buff Lv.5 - 50 Kills in a row.
Note that: Killing the same person more than 3 times won't be counted (For a better game-play and avoiding cheats as we promised)

• Abyss Maze.
One of the things that made Dymer different is the idea of Abyss mobs as it mostly depends on Team work, so the fun is doubled especially inside the Abyss area, and as we promised, our goal is to entertain you through every single addition we did in Dymer.

Why is Abyss Area better for grinding?
  • It's one of the best areas for grinding as the drop rate there is higher than in the other areas, it's also more exciting as it depends on team work and teamwork makes everything funnier.
  • One more thing which makes it better is that the mobs there have a chance of dropping Seal of Nexus items, which are equal to Last Tier +2.
  • You can also get forgotten world dimensions from Abyss mobs.
  • By grinding in the Abyss Maze, you will get enough SP to open Master Skills.

How to go there?
  • Through jangan cave teleporter.

• The Master Skill
Master skill is an overpowered skill which can be found at the end of each mastery skill page. The damage of these skills is powerful enough to 1 hit anybody, no matter how strong is he. In order to open the master skills, you need 100 million skill points. Master skills are usable once every 24 hours so try as much as you can to keep it for the tough times you might have during pvp.

How to get skill points to open master skills?
  • You can grind inside the Abyss Maze to get skill points to open the master skllls. Abyss Maze mobs give higher skill points than the other mobs.

• Dymer SOX System.
Every player spends his time and puts his effort in private servers to be different and better than the others, and the most important thing that a player puts his efforts into is obtaining SOX items.
We have enabled 3 SOX types in Dymer in order to not make you get confused when talking about SOX. We know how confusing and annoying is it to have a hell of SOX types.

First and weakest sox type is: Seal of Star aka SOS.
-You can obtain it from normal mobs whose levels range from 72 to 80.
-SOS items are equal to last tier items +1.

Second SOX type is: Seal of Nexus.
-You can obtain it from Abyss mobs inside the Abyss Maze. More information on Abyss maze is on its own section.
-You can also obtain it from Job Temple mobs.
-Seal of Nexus items are equal to last tier items +2. The reinforce is increased a little bit as well.

Third and final SOX type is: Seal of Moon aka SOM
Seal of Moon is the strongest and final SOX in Dymer. We've made more than one way to obtain this seal so players won't keep repeating the same activities over and over everyday to get it. We have added 3 types of SOM, you'll find their names along with the methods to obtain them below.
  1. -Blood of Dymer - aka BOD. It can be obtained from Dymer unique. -Equal to last tier +3
  2. -Seal of Oblivion - it can be be obtained from FGW talismans collection. -Equal to last tier +3
  3. -Seal of Dymer - aka SOD. It can be obtained from Seal of Dymer shop which is located in donwhang for a certain amount of coins. -Equal to Last tier +4

• Dymer Coin System
Coin System is one of the most advanced systems in SRO. In Dymer, we always used coins to make them the main currencies in game. You will find an explanation below of the usage of each and every coin and the way of obtaining them.
  • Gold Coin
    You can get gold coins only through jobbing which has a weekly limit of 150 coins. The limit gets reset every Sunday. Gold coin is used to purchase many valuable items such as Seal of Dymer items and other items from Dymer Special Goods shop.
    -Gold coins are untradable.

  • Copper Coin
    Copper coin has only 1 usage which is purchasing Seal of Dymer Items. Copper coin is purchasable from Seal of Dymer NPC for gold.
    -Copper Coins are tradable.

  • Silver Coin
    Silver coins are obtainable from Survival Arena, Glory Battle Event, Battle Arena and CTF. Silver coins are used to purchase Seal of Dymer equipment and some stuff from Dymer Special Goods shop.

  • Unique Coin
    -Unique coins are droppable from normal and special uniques. Unique coin is one of the coins required to purchase Seal of Dymer items. You can also use it to purchase Special Items from Dymer Special Goods NPC

• Survival Arena Event.
The competition between the players always makes the game funnier in SRO and especially when it's in an event, thus, we added Survival Arena which has proven to be one of the funniest events ever in SRO history. Survival arena is not going to be just a normal combat event because we have made some modifications to it to make it better and fair for all participants.

What's new/unusual in our survival arena?
  • Parties are not allowed
  • Players are forced to equip PVP capes once they are teleported into the survival arena.
  • Your kill to an enemy won't be counted if you killed him more than 3 times.

How to participate in the event?
  • The bot will send some globals with instructions on how to participate. Basically participating in the event is all about sending a pm to [BOT]Survival stating "Register".

How often does the event start?
  • The event starts 4 times a day, every 6 hours.

  • The reward is 1 Silver Coin per kill. You get it once you teleport.

• Balance

• Glory Battle (The biggest event)
We, as new owners of Dymer, cannot do so much modifications to the game play as we know that everybody loved it, therefore, we decided to add some features that are completely away from the gameplay and won't affect it.
One of these features/events that we have added is Glory Battle.
Glory Battle is probably the biggest event in Dymer and we believe it will be the funniest event ever for the fans of competitions and teamwork.
The challenge basically consists of 2 teams, each team consists of 8 players and there will be 10 instances for this event so 160 players will be able to participate(the amount of instances can be increased depending on our playerbase), once you are ported to the battle area, you will automatically get the pvp cape equipped. One team gets the red cape and the other team gets the blue cape. Once you die, you won't be able to resurrect unless the round ends. In the middle of event, 3 strong uniques will spawn (Abyss Wizard, Witch of Abyss, Underworld spirit). So be careful, either you slay them or they slay you. Killing the unique will not add any points to your team but will add more excitement to the event.
Note that the battle period is 20 minutes, it may also end before 20 mins if a team has won 3 rounds.
Rewards: In addition to the precious drops that you will get from the uniques that will spawn there, the winner team will also get 7 Silver coins and the loser team will get 2 silver coins. In case of draw, each participant in each team gets 4 coins.

• Unique monsters.
Hunting uniques is one of the beloved features in SRO as it does not only depend on being strong, but also depends on being fast and lucky; if you find the unique first, you have a higher chance to be the killer. Therefore, we added a plenty of uniques in Dymer to make the gameplay even more exciting and competitive.

Normal uniques:
They spawn normally in their normal spots, except for Cerberus and Ivy. Cerberus spawns now in Jangan and Ivy Spawns in Donwhang.

Special uniques
  • Dymer: It is the strongest unique and it spawns all over the map of Dymer. You can get Blood of Dymer weapons which have an astonishing shape from Dymer unique.

  • Abyss Uniques: They are uniques that spawn without a spawn notification in Abyss Maze (aka Jangan cave)
    -You can get Seal of Nexus items from them.

  • Underworld Spirit & Lost Spirit: They spawn daily in Abyss Maze

  • INT/STR uniques: Almost every unique in Dymer has 2 versions of it - STR version and INT version.

  • Temple uniques: Selket - Neith - Isis - Anubis - Eris - Horus - Sphinx
    -You can get Seal of Nexus weapons from them.

• Automatic Events.
As we promised, our goal is to always entertain you while you play Dymer. We have developed some events which will take place daily automatically without needing a GM to hold them.
Most of our events do not depend on being strong but on also being fast and smart.
  • Lucky party number
    The event basically depends on your luck. The bot will select a random number and the first player to create a party with this number wins the event. The reward is 25 silk. The event happens every 1 hour.
  • Trivia event:
    One of the most famous and funniest event in SRO. It depends on the information you have (sometimes on how fast you can google). We have added a lot of new question which are related to gaming and science/maths and so on.
    The reward is 25 silks. The event happens once every hour.
  • Hide & Seek:
    One of the funniest and simplest events ever. The bot will spawn in a random place and tell you in which city he is, once you find him, exchange him to win.
    The event happens once every 2 hours, the reward is 75 silks.
  • Kill The GM
    This is one of the events that depends on 2 things, luck and strength. A GM character will spawn next to Donwhang south gate and will equip pvp cape. Your task is to kill the BOT and be the one who hits the last hit.
    Only the last hit counts! The event consists of 3 rounds, the reward of each round is 150 silks.
    Kill The GM event happens once every 4 hours.
  • Search & Destroy
    One of the events that mostly depend on luck and a little bit of strength. The bot will spawn a unique in a random area of the map and will tell you in which city it is spawned. Once you find it, kill it and you win the event.
    The event reward is 100 silk and the event happens once every 6 hours.
  • Alchemy Event
    Our event bot will spawn next to Donwhang's south gate and will drop some items that you have to make +8.
    This event depends on luck too since you have a certain period to make the item +8 otherwise the event will end and no winners will be chosen.
    The reward is 150 silks and the event happens twice per day.
  • Last Man Standing aka LMS
    The event name explains the event. The bot will recall you to an area where you will have to kill your enemies and be the last man standing. Parties are not allowed in this area so you won't be able to invite anyone to your party.
    The reward is 100 silks and the event happens twice per day.


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PS: I am not part of Dymer's team. I am only helping them as they are good friends of mine and I do not support a server unless I am sure that it will NOT let its players down. I've seen what's behind the scenes at Dymer and this is why I support them and trust in their abilities.

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Old 11/20/2017, 19:35   #2

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Old 11/20/2017, 19:36   #3
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Let's go.
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Old 11/20/2017, 19:37   #4
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Im in absolutely!
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Old 11/20/2017, 19:37   #5
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One of the best server this year for sure.
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Old 11/20/2017, 19:42   #6
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finally an old school, am in =D
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Old 11/20/2017, 19:48   #7
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Dymer once again, I am excited AF!
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Old 11/20/2017, 19:48   #8
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I miss the old days. Im in.
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Old 11/20/2017, 19:49   #9
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Im in #Hype
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Old 11/20/2017, 19:51   #10
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Guess that will be the best server this year, iam in.
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Old 11/20/2017, 19:56   #11
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Aaaaaah finally!!!! Can't wait for grand opening! Join the hype!
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Old 11/20/2017, 19:58   #12
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the best old school server , let`s go
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Old 11/20/2017, 20:02   #13
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I'm in and with my all friends ! ❤️
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Old 11/20/2017, 20:04   #14
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Old 11/20/2017, 20:06   #15
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Good luck fellas
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