downloads available on 29 march!
Added old pvp capes : 2017-03:29
This server is made for people that dont like to bot around and just want to have fun. All servers that are out today is all about botting to max cap and get the best gear. With this server you avoid all this bullshit and get straight to the fun parts of the game.
You will be able to pvp with your friends or participate in jobwars or why not killing uniques?
we will later on add on the website a unique ladder system, where the best unique killer will be rewarded with something rare.
Cap: - 100 - PVP
Start level : 100
Silk: 1/h
Races:- Chinese & Europe
Type:- PvP ( Moon +5 full blue %61 stats at npc 1 gold ).
Guild Limit : 32
Union Limit : 1
1 Fortress ( Hotan only )
Monsters:- Removed and added more uniques instead
Start items
1 avatar
5% devil spirit
28 days premium
50 Reveres Return scroll [Untradable]
10 dg Moon +5 %61 at npc for 1 gold
Mastery Scroll
You can directly max your skills with this scroll.
Vineea Online Weapon NPC (+5 moon FB %61 stat):
Vineea Online Grocery NPC (Moon +5 FB %61 stat ):
Vineea Online Protector NPC(Moon +5 FB %61 stat ):
Vineea Online Scroll / Others NPC:
Medusa Portal
At medusa arena you could kill medusa and get rare drops such as seal of sun.
Glows: Glow : we use the default glows but on seal of sun we have special glow, and +10 glow is also special.
Donations: We are not selling any items or coins only silks, this is very rare for pvp servers but we will try. With enough silk purchases we hopefully can get the server open.
Chinese Players: Chinese characters getting extra 30 stat points to balance the game
Vineea Filter Features
Exchange = 15 seconds delay
Global = 20 seconds delay
Reverse : 20 seconds delay
Zerk : 20 seconds delay
IP/HWID limit : 6
Disabled reverse scroll in job
Disabled ress scroll in job
Exchange disabled in job
Job anti-cheat system in job
Disabled ress skills in job
We disabled all the fortresswars except from hotan. We did this because we want to make the server very competetive, its not fun when 80% of the server is in one union togheter.
♦ FGW System
You could get a sun weapon from FGW
♦ Battle Arena
Battle arena is open every 1hour, if you win you will recive coins. if you lose you will get NOTHING! yes thats right NOTHING! because we belive that you have to fight to win. also have anti afk, anyone standing AFK will get disconnected.
♦ Title System
We added an automatic title system. Simply type /title to charactername: TITLE_BOT
♦ Automatic Job War Event
We added a jobwar room that will be based on kills and be used in events. When the event starts you can go in this room with job suit. Each kill will grant you 1 silk per kill, however you can only kill one player 5 times, after that you will not get anymore silks. It also spawns a unique that people will fight for, this unique drops very rare items such as seal of sun and huge amount of coins.
♦ Hide and seek
Hide and seek event where the event bot will spawn in a town in a random location. Find the bot and type in the stall to win, the reward is silks.
♦ Trivia event
Trivia event, the bot will ask questions in notice, you will have to know the anwser. When you know the anwser simply PM the eventbot with the anwser and it will declare you as winner in notice if the anwser is correct.
♦ Unique event
Unique event like any other server.
♦ Silk Per Hour System
You will recive 1silk per hour, with this you can buy anything from item mall or various scrolls/other items.
♦ Kill the GM Event
Event bot will spawn somewhere on the map (it will be noticed exacly where)
find the bot and kill it to win.
♦ Job Unique Area
In Vineea we try to focus alot on jobwars, this is why we added this job unique area. In this area it will spawn uniques and you have to wear your jobsuit to teleport in. Players will fight over the uniques, and the uniques drop very rare items such as seal of sun,coin, silks and more. It is the same room as our jobwar room.
♦ Team pvp 8vs8 tournaments
We will make 8vs8 tournaments with big prizes. You will have to register your party at our website before the tournament and your party members. You can use any race you want and any build. Everyone in your party is in charge to follow the rules that are specified. Anyone breaking the rules in your party will result in ban from the tournament.
♦ Vigors nerfed down to 7% instead of previous 15%. this will be a test to see how europeans stand against chinese.
♦ Warlock
Physical Raze: 2 seconds cooldown , MP usage increased
Medical Raze: 2 seconds cooldown , MP usage increased
Combat Raze: 5 seconds cooldown , 70% probability and MP usage increased so that STR cannot use it.
Courage Raze: 3 seconds cooldown , MP usage increase.
Deep Slumber: To use this kill you will need 400 int points to upgrade the skill.
Daze: nerfed down to 70% probability
Wrath Daze: nerfed down to 70% probability
♦ Cleric
Holy Spell: Resistance nerfed down to %30
Integrity: 10 seconds cooldown
Innocent: 15 seconds cooldown
Bless Spell: there is 2 bless spells, if you are STR and use any other weapon than cleric rod the bless spell will get removed.
♦ Warrior
Physical Fence: Disabled.
Magical Fence: Disbaled.
Sprint Assault: Knock-back decreased
Sudden Twist: stun decreased but the bleed probability is increased
Shield Crash: knock back decreased and Dull status is increased
♦ Rogue
Distance Shot: Now 30% chance to stun
Avoid: Changed to 25%
♦ Bard
Booming Wave: Skill damage increased by alot! you should be able to pvp with bard now
Weird Chord: Skill damage increased by alot! you should be able to pvp with bard now
♦ Force
Vital Spot - Brain (Division): Decreased 45% probability
Vital Spot - Zero (Impotent): Decreased 45% probability
Force Cure - Overall: 20 seconds cooldown
Cure Therapy - Clarity: 15 seconds cooldown
♦ Bow
5-Arrow Combo: Cooldown increased.
6-Arrow Combo: Cooldown increased
Fire Hawk: Now hits alot of damage
♦ Fire
Cloud Fire Force: Cooldown increased - imbue bug fixed
♦ Lightning
Grass Walk - Flow: Completely disabled
♦ Cold
We increased the dmg of the cold nukes so that they are competitive with light and fire.
♦ New skill
We have made a new skill to balance the cold compare with fire and light
♦ Unlimited time on buffs, no more rebuffing
♦ Fellow pets
We added the new fellow pets aswell that will help you in the game to move faster and attack.
We added many usefull scrolls on itemmall
♦ Medusa Arena
Max plus: 12
Attribute stones disabled, only magicstones available at npc for blancing purposes.
elixir drop disabled from normal mobs only droppable by uniques and events.