[19:18:50] * Info: Now connecting to [G: : 15803]
[19:18:50] * Info: Connection successful
[19:18:50] * Checking for updates...
[19:18:50] * Finished checking for updates!
[19:18:56] * Info: Now connecting to [G: : 15803]
[19:18:56] * Info: Connection successful
[19:18:57] * LoginManager: Artificially waiting some time, then sending login info...
[19:19:01] * Info: Now connecting to [A: : 15804]
[19:19:01] * You are now successfully logged in!
[19:19:02] * Now logging in...
[19:19:02] 1 chars found.
[19:19:02] * Found chars:
[19:19:02] * 1. (charname)
[19:19:02] * LoginManager: Char found. Artificially waiting, then sending char login packet.
[19:19:03] * Char has been successfully logged in
[19:19:03] * Info: Found 8 masteries.
[19:19:08] * Connection to Silkroad Server terminated (0).
any 1 have the same problem with Clientless LOGIN sbot? I have "run in X-trap compatibility mode" on. But its dont work. I dont need "go clientless after login" i need clientless befor login.
hope any one can help me