Vigor ) w or w/o i will simply deal with that. Only for Eu., since when?? vigor exist on isro before they adding EU.
Who play spear not want vigor to be more op.
Who cant kill nobody who use vigor ( the weak one ) no want vigor.
Pot war, from 2 blader or 2 weaker, shield 24/7.
PVP ?? is already ruined from force shielder, and this is not a PvP server.
In job w/o vig, w/o reverse,w/o snow, = run with a shield every time. or we gonna die instantly, when we have to tank 10 npc.
Who care about pvp. this area is for Kid anyway. We talk about; FW,job,Unick,war..
Hard to kill and ? immortal nop or maybe with +5 cri 6 but the prob is not the vigor is the players.