Originally Posted by timbo_97
opening is in 6h 50mins
so 6pm utc +1
Hello, can you tell the players what will change with the re opening, we know that you did fix the dupe bug, but will the rest remain the same?
Infos about those will be helpfull:
-New exp, drop rates?
-CTF enabled finally?
-Job rates increased finally?
-Auto equipment? Would be nice for CH chars, euros will not have major problems with euro pts without any blue we know, just to help CH chars with the lvling.
-Did you remove the auto target? So you can reduce the number of autoclicker players.
Just some small suggestions:
-Replace tablet drops with stones, or at least use the last tablets update(where lv 9 tablets will only need lv9 elements)
-Remove black res or make the effect last for 3/5 secs max
-Remove warrior screens
-Remove Sleep from Warlock
-Try to add a "Raid" or "World boss unique" for a chance to drop a moon item, so high lvl players will get at least something to do, i know you want to keep it as classic as possible, but the classic(oldschool) worked because we had +3k players online.
Well, i will be ready for tonight, wish you success, just hope the cheaters will stay outside of the server.