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Its just me or Private servers are just bad ?

Discussion on Its just me or Private servers are just bad ? within the SRO Private Server forum part of the Silkroad Online category.

Old 03/05/2023, 19:50   #16
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Originally Posted by •Expel• View Post
Unfortunately most of the people have been doing these private servers to milk people's money and just close their servers, start after 2 months and do the process all over again. It's really sad how people have been taking advantage of such amazing game do so, I have to say. This scene has some servers that actually doesn't care about money unlike others. My suggestion for you buddy is to find a decent server that actually doesn't give a **** about money. and that doesn't have big guilds included because all servers that have big guilds eventually will shut down in 1-4 months max.
That's why I stopped making servers after Exalibur Online and II CIVILIZATIONS. Excalibur continued 2 years (2014¬2016), but after that players became really strange. It's not server owner's fault, it's the players who are leaving the game for no real reason.

As soon as they reach the max lvl they just leave and they're starting to look for a new server, so no matter how much you want to continue the project you can't because they don't stay in a single server for more than 3¬4 months.

If you know me, you know that my only dream was to recreate 2008 times of isro and I worked so hard for it.

We have to accept that our beloved game is a design disaster, our childish minds were making it fun. I gave up in 2017 and stopped making new servers. Now the youngest players are 30 years old and have no time to grind 7x24. Let the good memories live in our minds. There is no hope for this game anymore.
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Old 03/06/2023, 16:10   #17
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Originally Posted by _SGA_ View Post
That's why I stopped making servers after Exalibur Online and II CIVILIZATIONS. Excalibur continued 2 years (2014¬2016), but after that players became really strange. It's not server owner's fault, it's the players who are leaving the game for no real reason.

As soon as they reach the max lvl they just leave and they're starting to look for a new server, so no matter how much you want to continue the project you can't because they don't stay in a single server for more than 3¬4 months.

If you know me, you know that my only dream was to recreate 2008 times of isro and I worked so hard for it.

We have to accept that our beloved game is a design disaster, our childish minds were making it fun. I gave up in 2017 and stopped making new servers. Now the youngest players are 30 years old and have no time to grind 7x24. Let the good memories live in our minds. There is no hope for this game anymore.
SRO as a game has so many bad design choices and basically it worked back then because there was a decent amount of players and the community created content themselves. Nowadays Silkroad is old and the playerbase shrinked constantly while also being divided by hundreds of servers.

I think the things you're describing are tightly connected to what @ wrote in his answer. There is no real new content provided by pservers, that's basically why "server hopping" works, because all pservers are so similar to each other that it basically makes no major difference where you play. Most pservers try to offer many events to keep the players entertained and turn SRO into a themepark mmo which is not working out because it just keeps you distracted from the fact that there is no real content. Imho Silkroad is a sandbox mmo and would need more changes that go along with base game concept. Just as PortalDark said, there has to be more than just "grind to become stronger". Add resources to craft equipment, make potions, scrolls, whatever and give people a reason to farm for stuff. Make use of the triangular conflict system and improve its importance.

One of the worst things that you can find in Silkroad and that all pservers have in common is that you can get everything either from monsters or NPCs. Equipment, potions, alchemy stuff, gold, horses and the list goes on. There is literally no ambition to create social interaction and a truly player-based economy. You grind monsters to get gold or drops or you sell silk or whatever, how boring is that. It'd be way more interesting if you had to gather such resources from the world and players would rely on each other. But instead we see events like "kill x players and get x alchemy stuff". That's what I mean when I say that people try to make a game out of Silkroad which it's not made for. Changes and "over-editing" is not a problem, it is even required, but you gotta make the right changes that fit into the game.
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Old 03/11/2023, 23:47   #18

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Originally Posted by HypnosĄ View Post
Big difference when a server is established by individual and a professional company. There's no way a private server will be compared to iSRO.
***** pls , just the idiots running servers now have nothing related to being professional or running a game. They are all ******** looking to milk money. It's just a fiesta with no real game developing / new ideas and good game.

The only server that's kinda doing OK is sailor , but that **** is based on my plans from Rigid I/II so its basically a stolen **** with the same team I put together for Rigid II. I bet that mega's still using the server ideas **** I made back then.

Players are so spoiled now that they leave the server when there's something in the server that they don't like.
Guilds with decent amount of players are trying to control server managers. with fortress war wins etc.

I've always hated relaunches and it was sort of a scam method to me / mentally cheap server owners do it. But apparently the community is OK with relaunch in a matter of fact they love it.
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Old 04/02/2023, 06:43   #19
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Originally Posted by ZiCo* View Post
Bitch pls , just the idiots running servers now have nothing related to being professional or running a game. They are all shitters looking to milk money. It's just a fiesta with no real game developing / new ideas and good game.

The only server that's kinda doing OK is sailor , but that shit is based on my plans from Rigid I/II so its basically a stolen shit with the same team I put together for Rigid II. I bet that mega's still using the server ideas shit I made back then.

Players are so spoiled now that they leave the server when there's something in the server that they don't like.
Guilds with decent amount of players are trying to control server managers. with fortress war wins etc.

I've always hated relaunches and it was sort of a scam method to me / mentally cheap server owners do it. But apparently the community is OK with relaunch in matter of fact they love it.

I can agree with all my heart

Players are super spoiled now that all private servers now are nothing but money milking / guilds milking owners' money

And this makes me feel really bad. I'm not being racist or anything but The issues i see right now that are destroying this community are the following:

1-currently Egyptian & Turkish players especially are the ones who ruined this community. by just being greedy looking for money instead of enjoying the game.

2- Every single server right now is depending on Open-Market system which is a destruction to everything I've seen in this game

3- The guild deals and that literally every single guild is looking for money instead of playing a specific server for competition.

4- Servers have now become a money milking proccedure that gets done over and over again. People create servers , milk people then shuts it down after 1-2 months. Once that is done correctly, they use fake names and create other servers and the players are in that loophole forever.

5- Players now have this stupid retarded stereotype where they see any server no matter how good or functional it is, If it doesn't have 1,000+ Players then its dead and not worth it.

The conclusion here is. Silkroad community became shitty and really stupid. It became a business instead of a game which contradicts what REAL players are looking for. and most servers became a stereotype and the majority of the people (Im not going to call them players because they are not) actually likes it.
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Old 04/14/2023, 02:43   #20
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Hi, almost every private server rely on the money of the players(pay2win) and all the servers are sh***. They open a new server, milk the players and close after a few months. I just want a good private server to stay and play every day but i cant find one good on all that are "created".
The perfect server for me is, not pay2win, low rates like oficial Sro and botting allowed(this game was "designed" to have help from a botting program). Bots where made for some reason on the past.
I already tried to create the perfect private server but i need a person that knows the game codes and i don't want to be an admin, i want to be a player.
For me, the best private server among all it's Origin Sro but i don't like's pay2win from the start and no bots allowed..

PS. The problem of the real Silkroad are the goldbots, not the players using bot to level and other things.
"STAR_00" "STAR_01" "STAR_03" lol kek
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Old 04/23/2023, 00:14   #21
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Don't most servers now these days are all just the same *****
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Old 04/23/2023, 09:01   #22
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There not all bad

Like Expel mention before
All private servers now are nothing but money milking.
There are some good ones, but you need to find them
And that will change your mind
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