Yeah it's. only when the bot is able to run clientless directly. because sro_client will take ages to load from dedicated server due there's no gfx card installed there.
Virtual Dedicated Server for rSRO - 3 slots / 24/7 botting! 10/30/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 1 Replies Hello. I bought VDS from ( ) ( VDS - Virtual Dedicated Server, witch allow you bot 24/7 without leaving your computer online all day and all night ). but i got BAN on rSRO So i leaving it, and i want to sell my VDS server now. Infos :
Server IP : 87.***.***.113
Bots : 3
Activated : YES
Time left : 171 Day
You will get full tutorial how to set up it and so on. It`s on rSRO only, because iSRO Clientless not working.
Prices from website :