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[Exchange Bug] on Mobs (Media edit or Program) ?

Discussion on [Exchange Bug] on Mobs (Media edit or Program) ? within the SRO Coding Corner forum part of the Silkroad Online category.

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Question Exchanging Mobs?

Hello Elitepvpers Community

There are a few players able to exchange mobs in silkroad i wonder how its done?

[Example this video shows u]
Now is my question:

1. is this some kind of coding program that allow u to send package to npc mobs?
2. is this a media edit inside skilleffect.txt added exc to heuksall skills?

3. or works this any other way?

Any help is welcome!

Gratz: JaySun181
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Old 11/27/2019, 18:05   #2
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Interesting, how you know they are exchanging with mobs?

And what's the purpose exactly? It's for animation cancel like the Fire/Salamander Blow using basic attack?

I finished a days ago the whole exchange process at clientless mode but I never tried inviting to exchange at mobs, it should return inmediatly an error.
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Old 11/27/2019, 18:38   #3
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Originally Posted by JellyBitz View Post
Interesting, how you know they are exchanging with mobs?

And what's the purpose exactly? It's for animation cancel like the Fire/Salamander Blow using basic attack?

I finished a days ago the whole exchange process at clientless mode but I never tried inviting to exchange at mobs, it should return inmediatly an error.
how im know he's exchanging with mobs in the video u see (target cannot be find) everytime when he use a skill and when u pvp him he's exchanging.

Well the purpose of it is for servers that allow exchange bug: Winning pvp/uniques

and yes, its some kind of animation cancel but u not able to exchange with mobs and he dont use the exchange icon/socket stones or either his stall to cancell the attacks so its very weird it might be a coding program or a media edit but idk i couldn't find anyway to add any animation cancell into the heuksall skills inside skilleffect.txt so maybe u know a way to do this?

Maybe i dont know: is it very simple like changing something in media that make's u able to exchange mobs instead of only other players?
Example like the: Replace "CIFGameGuide" with "CIFConsole". to give u console
maybe u need change something that allows u to exchange npc's instead of players but im just quessing.
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Old 11/27/2019, 20:32   #4
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Yes! Some players in my server do that, I still don't know how, but I can tell they're using some sort of tools.

Actually the player in that video plays my server and he's the one who does it
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Old 11/27/2019, 20:40   #5
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You could try to figure out which events are triggering the message. I bet there are more events than the exchange one.

Greetings ~
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Old 11/27/2019, 20:45   #6
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Originally Posted by qqdev View Post
You could try to figure out which events are triggering the message. I bet there are more events than the exchange one.

Greetings ~
Well in the video u see he's only using his skills so thats why i dont understand whats triggering the message, so i was thinking its a media edit on the heuksall skills or im wrong? the only thing i could think about was exchanging but u right when u exchange a mob u dont get any message so it must be something else thanks for the information.
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Old 11/28/2019, 01:33   #7
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So you don't know if it's an exchange bug actually.
Also, it's limit to spears? has no sense.

I saw this message in a lot of packets, just having an "unexisting/not near" ID and could be triggered.

Since all my accounts slots are busy at SRLatino, I have to test at another one. This is what I got.

A tool doing that when sending any skill, it's easy actually. But because exploit behavior will be useless/patched at the end.
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Old 11/28/2019, 02:55   #8
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You can exchange to nearby character to do skill cancel.

Or you can open and close stall using packet but blocked the stall packet on client so that you wont see it.

If the logout and cancel still works maybe can use that too.
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Old 11/28/2019, 08:41   #9
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Maybe i was thinking the wrong way ¿

What if he doesnt exchange at all.
But another client is sending him exchange's


to exchange someone you need to know their unique id. to get their unique id, you need to get their spawn packet (by getting in visible range). the unique id doesnt change over time. Its fixed per login. What happens if you keep sending requests to someone far away? i don't think that'll work, but what happens if the client still denies the requests?

From now:
U only need a script that keeps cancelling the exchange request
could this be it ?
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Old 11/29/2019, 21:24   #10
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The person that wants to exchange is
- in range -> "Person X wants to exchange" would pop up
- not in range -> Server will notice that Person Y is not in range
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Old 11/30/2019, 07:43   #11
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That's exchange packet. (send local packet).

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Old 11/30/2019, 18:30   #12
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What if we use exchange delay is it effect on this kind of tool?
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Old 12/01/2019, 10:24   #13
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Originally Posted by hoangphan7 View Post
That's exchange packet. (send local packet).

Well how does it work?

Run a script made by AutoIt with Phconnector ?
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Old 12/02/2019, 20:36   #14
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So a coder from the forum private message's me with this idea after he seen the video from the beginning of the post.

He said:
to exchange someone you need to know their unique id. to get their unique id, you need to get their spawn packet (by getting in visible range). the unique id doesnt change over time. Its fixed per login. What happens if you keep sending requests to someone far away? i don't think that'll work, but what happens if the client still denies the requests?

So we start working
to make an program that automatic cancell any request we came up with this
Script made in AutoIT

How we found those packet code's:
by using a program named Analysator

So we tryed to run this into Phconnector

Bot connection accepted
so we made a new botport
and we didnt get it seem to work
so we continued
and made a real program to run the script NOT by AutoIt Folder
So we came up to run the script and make an official run program by .exe

But still we couldnt make it to automatic cancell the exchange

Any Coder know what we did wrong? and could help us?

What we need:
1. alt client that runs a script to exchange the main client
2. main client that runs a script to cancel the exchange from the alt client

To Be Continued...
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Old 12/02/2019, 21:06   #15
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Why are you using autoit?
You can just directly modify the source code of phConnector and send packets directly.

Alt Client -> phConnector -> Spam Exchange Packet to Target ID -> Repeat Spam
Main Client -> phConnect -> Skill Cast Detected -> Accept Exchange -> Cancel Exchange -> Repeat Skill Cast Detected

Note, Main Client needs to block the exchange request packet so that it won't show up.

That video posted by BossModuss doesn't seem like the exchange bug as no ones around him.
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