OLD specialforce.exe dated OCT 28, 2009
DIRECT download from GAMECLUB website
no need for VIRUS SCAN
EXTRACT in NEW FOLDER copy ONLY the specialforce.exe and paste it in your SF folder ex. "C;\Program files\mygame\special force\"
check your specialforce.exe version it should be
MODIFIED: wednesday, october 28,2009, 12:32:26pm
1. make sure you've patch your SF with the latest.
2. download the OCT. 28, 2009 PATCH link above and download the XMAS 2009 HACK link BELOW
3. backup your SF files, prefer the whole FOLDER "c:\program files\mygame\special force' or make a COPY of your latest speciaforce.exe
4. extract the OCT. 28, 2009 patch you download in NEW FOLDER
5. copy specialforce.exe from OCT 28, 2009 PATCH that you've extracted.
6. paste specialforce.exe in your SF fold " C:\program files\mygame\special force\"
7. Extract XMAS 2009 hack in SF folder and follow INSTRUCTION of XMAS 2009 hack LINK below
8. run LAUNCHER and LOGIN your account to PLAY
do this if you didn't patched you SF or you have'nt patched it yet "NOV. 25,2009"
1. open your special force folder
2. look for the file "VersionInfo.dat"
3. open it in NOTEPAD
4. edit the number from "10069 - 10070" to "10071" save and exit
5. start XMAS 2009 hack and press HACK
6. start your launcher and login your account to PLAY
ENJOY playing...
PSF GIFT and XMAS 2009
VISIT bestking POST for DL info and HACK option
DXT PUB hack is not working if you did this METHOD...
if you like to use PUBLIC hack, RUN XMAS 2009 hack and PRESS CLEAR to clean up your SF folder and PUT back the latest specialforce.exe in your SF folder...
or simply DELETE your SPECIAL FORCE folder if you have a BACKUP for the whole SF FILES...
heres the screen shot...
you may notice the DATE in the SS is OLDER that's bcoz im using OLD specialforce.exe client file
and EXTRACT in your SF folder.