Discussion on [RELEASE] S.K.I.L.L. Macro Trainer - by Max Chri within the Soldier Front Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits forum part of the Soldier Front category.
function: auto fire
- shooting with your current weapon.
- you only must aim.
- auto trigger is available
function: scope types
- quickscope by zoom or shoot
- auto trigger is available
function: auto reload
- reload your current weapon after you shooted.
- you needīnt reload your weapon manually.
hint: practically if you forgets sometimes to reload your weapon.
- sound is included. Please use speakers.
- turn your SF2 window on "window mode".
- SKILL has to be on the whole screen (maximal resolution).
- do not remove or change datas from the bot file.
Version 4.9.1 (22.07.2016)
- some improvements
Version 4.4 (03.07.2015)
- fixed smtp connection error
- improved some stuff
Version 4.3 (25.06.2015)
- fixed GUI design
- added new smtp server
- fixed system settings
Version 4.2 (04.06.2015)
- added system settings
- improved SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) report
Version 4.1 (29.05.2015)
- fixed 32-bit version
Version 4.0 (27.05.2015)
- added trigger bot for all weapons
- fixed "checkup.exe failed"
- new scan process for the files
- Error Reporter added
- Starter.exe improved
- auto save for settings
- GUI optimized
- macro assignments activatable/deactivatable
- removed activate/deactivate key
- optimized all functions
Version 3.3 (16.05.2015)
- fixed xigncode detection
- anti xigncode log (xigncode.log)
- 32/64 bit auto scanner
Version 3.1 (30.03.2015)
- fixed some important bugs
Version 3.0 (02.03.2015)
- added Server Status (Server version/online check)
- added new Launcher
- added Macro Trainer window (now you can change settings everytime)
- improved Macro Trainer System
- added for quick-/blackscope: quickscope by zoom(react delay), anti weapon change
- removed for General: target
- fixed click auto shoot bug
Version 2.4 (16.12.2014)
- added x32 / x64 bit version
- fixed "Macro Trainer is already running"
- improved internal system (real time check up added)
Version 2.3 (02.12.2014)
- fixed error close by deactivate music
- fixed some internal system bugs
- changed design in sheet "Functions"
- added enable target
- added "General" in sheet, added first function: enable target (color=green|red|blue)
- added auto-quicksckope by right click
- added beep sound by exit bot
- added info-line (left top) after starting macro trainer
Version 2.2 (29.11.2014)
- fixed many bugs
- added NUMLOCK key by function "enable/disable"
- added new startup music
Version 2.1 (24.11.2014)
- settings bar added
- launcher design updated
- first settings for functions added
- added background music
- added more voice
you can add tierbot but only work for shoot head ???
this macro only shoot left mousce buton and qq rapair this and first right mouse buton next left mous button next qq but you macro dont perfect shoot 1 place
If you activate a function like auto shoot, then you still have to enable this bot with "G"
You get a beep sound bei activate/deactivate.
And start the program with admin rights. Its working 100%.
1. start program with admin rights
2. start bot
3. wait for bot activate beep sound (beeeeep)
4. activate function: F5
5. enable bot with "G"
If you are in game, you can click G to enable/disable. You needīnt click everytime to F5 except you want do deactivate this function.
all right?
Originally Posted by krajewski123
you can add tierbot but only work for shoot head ???
this macro only shoot left mousce buton and qq rapair this and first right mouse buton next left mous button next qq but you macro dont perfect shoot 1 place
Sorry, but my triggerbot is not still working 100%, I will not release it yet.
Yeah I will add first right mouse button by activate auto shoot in next version.
please make triggerbot and here u can found SDK files if u know how to make hack
this link:************* .me/forum/downloads.php?do=file&id=11846 or
please dot stop PRO
This is a little to difficult for me, sorry. But if you have other ideas, tell it me.
If you activate function quick-/blackscope, you has to enable this function.
You enable/disable with macrokey: "g" Else everthink is disabled. So you can react faster.
any speed hack for 9d G1?? or macro trainer?? 11/17/2010 - 9Dragons - 2 Replies could someone post these hacks, but that work for G1? I i was looking for several trainers but do not know why the hell I do not work, the trainers got were MauseDvr.exe Pelmiced.exe, many in the game I say they use Pelmiced but I do not work >_<...
I would also like to know whether this also influences the type of windows that I use on my PC, and the only difference found so far is that I have windows 7 and windows XP they
(x si alguien sabes hablar espaņol y me podria responde...
[Release]Macro Files for Macro Manager (AKA BOT) 02/16/2010 - Grand Chase Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 16 Replies @all FYI its not a cheat its just a macro file that enables you to run dungeon so you can do other choirs like mussicca said...!!
Mana Valley Dungeon Macro File
Xenia Frontier Dungeon UP and LEFT (Remap Dungeon)Macro File
Ignis Mountain Dungeon Macro File
Orc Temple Dungeon Macro File
Macro / Bot Skill scripted trainer 10/21/2007 - CO2 Bots & Macros - 3 Replies This can be used to train certain non-tg stuff like guards, intensify, etc...
First you need the program:
AutoHotkey - Free Mouse and Keyboard Macro Program with Hotkeys and AutoText
Then with notepad you have to script it, I prefer placing the .ahk file on my desktop, CO needs to be open in window mode but put it about dead center of your screen.
Important: Once you open CO, do a Hotkey sit to Ctrl + A.
Options > Hotkey > Actions > Sit
> Change this Hotkey to Ctrl + A or it will not...