[Selling] Youtube Views 50k+ (Unlimited) bis zu 100k Views=300Egold SUPER CHEAP**** 07/15/2013 - elite*gold Trading - 21 Replies Social Media Store
I can supply Mobile or Non-Mobile views! Buy views to increase your rankings and get higher chance of your video going VIRAL.
50 000+ Views 100% RETENTION, FACEBOOK = 6 Euro or 300 Egold
YOUTUBE VIEWS 5000 VIEWS NUR 3,50 € | FAST | TRUSTED | CHEAP 02/17/2013 - Social Media Trading - 0 Replies Youtube Views
Hallo ich verkaufe hier echte Youtube Views die aus Twitter,Facebook und Youtube selber stammen .Alle Views bis 200.000 kommen innerhalb 48 Stunden ab 200.000 Views kann es was länger dauern.Die Views sind 100 % echt und Monetarisierbar
Hier eine Preisliste :
5000 Views = 3,50 €
10.000 Views = 7 €
20.000 Views = 14 €
30.000 Views = 21 €
50.000 Views = 35 €
Selling Youtube Views/Subs/Likes/Favs SUPER CHEAP #Up to 1million+ views per vid 12/20/2012 - Social Media Trading - 0 Replies Offering youtube views:
How I give you the views:
I own multiple social networks, I will get real viewers to watch your youtube videos, from several IP networks and locations. NON FROM MOBILE, ALL REAL.
The views will be of high retention meaning a huge boost in your SEO Rankings.
Also the views will be trickle views, meaning generated over time, like real views, so lets say you order 60k views, it will be around 2k per day for 30days until all views delivered.
Prices vary...
[HOT]►CHEAP YouTube Views ☆ FAST, CHEAP & SAFE ★ PayPal [HOT] 11/13/2012 - Social Media Trading - 7 Replies http://poxxar.hostei.com/youtube/data.png
No Bots- Real Humans! The views will be added ASAP!
Add me:
http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/7602/78269301. png