[S] Android Smartphone großes Display/ Super Amoled (Plus)/ Android 4.0/4.1 04/27/2013 - Smartphones - 6 Replies Habe mir schon folgende angeschaut :
Samsung I9105P Galaxy S II Plus DualCore Smartphone 4,3: Amazon.de: Elektronik
Huawei Ascend P1 Smartphone 4,3 Zoll schwarz: Amazon.de: Elektronik
Preisklasse sollte 250€ ca. sein.
Macht mir mal Vorschläge :)
DHTMLX Calendar 01/24/2013 - Web Development - 0 Replies erledigt
[CALENDAR BUG] :D 12/03/2012 - DarkOrbit - 26 Replies Lols now I have -330.000 uridium xD
darkorbit calendar 12/02/2012 - DarkOrbit - 6 Replies well it's gone for now ... or is it just me ?
Bot calendar 10/29/2012 - DarkOrbit - 7 Replies Hello, I have found a page. In this page there is a calendar who says that you is a safe bot or not. I was following this page for 5 months before they open their new domain and I´ve never get a ban.
The page is in Spanish and English
LINK VT: https://www.virustotal.com/url/68b294d7af795dd97e1 df93f4ed275d2780f78d54338558d6cc65dd64bf38bce/anal ysis/1351525148/