only riBot has clientless. The previous method for clientless isn't safe and can get you banned easily. The only Isro bot that has clientless is phBot.
People always say its easy get banned with clientless? Does it send certain packets to the server for a gm to know? i figured it woudl be exact same as if yo had the client opened
IBOT client->clientless 02/12/2011 - SRO Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits - 15 Replies Please anyone tell me hoe to switch from client to clientless using ibot i tried many times some times works and sometimes and when i bot it stops numerous time while attacking mobs i have stop and start each time after it .
Tsro iBot clientless bot problem 08/12/2009 - Silkroad Online - 2 Replies i am noob for using iBot
if i bot clientless why i can not see the game^^
i will see ym char boting cauz clientless is boring
or i amke what wrong