WTS Energy Storage BDS!!! 07/24/2010 - Guild Wars Trading - 2 Replies WTS Energy Storage BDS!!! I would like real money or a high end runescape account.
storage 08/21/2008 - RF Online - 2 Replies can someone plz share the packets of the storage?? so that we can open storage anywhere..
know whats in your storage????? 06/27/2008 - Silkroad Online - 3 Replies Ok so a tool that could be really usefull for alot of people here would be to know what each of our sub characters are holding.
example. I currently have 7 or 8 accounts (I cant remember, too many) Most are full of elixirs but some have good weapon drops that i have saved to sell later.
The problem is you forget what is in each account and where that one drop your looking for is.
So what i thought would be a VERY useful tool is something that can interact with sro and record all...
[Help] Pet Storage 05/05/2007 - Silkroad Online - 1 Replies Hey my pet expired a couple of days ago. But I had my SOS blade on it. Is it possible to excess its storage without renewing it? Or am I screwed?
Edit: I'm screwed.
items in storage tun 06/02/2006 - Ragnarok Online - 19 Replies nabend allerseits oder auch guten morgen je nach dem wann ihr mein topic lest :P
ich will das mein bot alle items in seinem inventar in den storage tut wenn er 50%oder mehr weight hat eigentlich wollt ich das im openkore manual nachlesen wie man das macht aber ich werd daraus irgendwie nicht schlau wär cool wenn jmd der das bei sich programmiert hat seine config posten könnte damit ich das übernehmen kann oder so
vielen dank im vorraus der Darkstar