WTT 107 ISRO[********]WIZZ FOR CHAR,GOLD IN RSRO [ARES] 04/20/2012 - Silkroad Online Trading - 5 Replies Hey guys Christine here;)
I wanna trade some cool char in iSRO server
I have all date like Secret answer or email to change all Safety
http://img849.imageshack.us/img849/527/sro2011042 619532568copy.jpg
WTT 61 NUKER On rsro ares with 1m sp for gold/items on rsro ares 03/26/2011 - Silkroad Online Trading - 1 Replies Hey all as the tittle says i want to trade my char lvl 61 on rsro ares
Skills: heuksal61 fire61 cold61
Sp Left: 1.04m
Special items: one flag and pirate accesory
Weapon: 52+3 som spear
Set: NPC
gold: 5m
The char got in stroage alot of sos items 5dgr
I want only gold on rsro ares or items ( preffer prem +)
WTT ISro GOld Items For ZSZC Fire Items 07/23/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 0 Replies Hi i want to trade Isro Items and GOld for items on ZSZC Fire Items and Gold.
Pm Me
ICQ 272146152
Skype DerArcher
Msn [email protected]