Hello, my name is
SanGuto and I have been working with
Shaiya for some time.
I work with
customized systems, if you are interested in any, here are some systems created and requested by some clients
Client Side:
1. Fast Login/Move.
2. New QuickPotion Slot.
3. Allow Recreation in (Capes).
4. Allow Enchant in '(Capes / Costume / Wing / Pet)'.
5. Enable or Disable '(Effect / Costume / Wing / Pet)' in Check Box / Button or Command.
6. Custom Command for Player or GM.
7. Change Buff Position by Command or Key.
8. New Rank Limit and new rank icon.
9. Custom Slot for '(Title / Effect / Name Color. etc...)'.
[Any other system you are interested in, I will provide]
Server Side:
1. Auto PvP Rewards.
2. Reset Stat-> 'does not Reset PvP Rewards'.
2. Skills only work on mobs.
3. Recreation System (Perfect Recreation any other / Recreation Stat (STR,DEX,REC..) / Recreation Double (STR,DEX,REC..) / Removal Recreation Fix).
4. New Linking Hammer Rate '(example: 75%)'.
5. Archer or Hunter use Luc as main damage.
6. Fix Craft Rune System.
7. Instant change Level Rune in Game.
8. Especial Portal System.
9. GM stat +32 cannot provide items to players.
10. OwnKill System.
11. Change Kill Count / Double Kill Count System by Custom Command.
12. Inspect the new slots '(Mount / Pet / Wing / Costume)'.
13. Leader Resurrection for any Mode.
14. Fix Hit 60k.
15. Fix Extra Fury HP.
16. Fix Bless.
17. FFA map.
18. Special kill Reward '(Custom Reward by rank)'.
19. New Rank Limit '(exceed 1.000,000)'.
20. Get PvP Reward by new Limit Rank.
21. Fix duplicate item gain when opening a Box.
22. Custom Slot for '(Title / Effect / Name Color etc...)'.
23. Player Status - [AFK] System.
24. Add new Spell Group - Delay.
25. Change faction temporarily or Forever in real time. '(Does not change the appearance)'.
26. Buffs dont disappear when you die.
27. Auction board fix.
28. Auction board by AP.
[Please feel free to request any other customized System]
Discord: SanGuto#8183